Adjusting and calibrating the unit. Sirona GALILEOS COMPACT, GALILEOS ComfortPLUS, GALILEOS COMFORT
GALILEOS is a 3D CBCT imaging system used in dentistry. It provides high-resolution images of the teeth, jaw, and surrounding structures. This allows dentists to diagnose and treat problems more effectively, and to plan complex procedures with greater accuracy.
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
Adjusting and calibrating the unit
Adjusting and calibrating the unit
When performing the following tests, be sure to observe the radiation protection regulations applicable in your country (see Operating
"Radiation" is signaled by the message "X-RAY active!", a beep, and an
GALILEOS service set
You will need the following accessories to perform unit calibration:
● Steel tape measure, 300mm
If you encounter problems with unit calibration, check whether the required EMC conditions have been met. No other heavy-duty electric equipment (e.g. air conditioning systems, fan motors, etc.) should be present in the vicinity of the unit.
Tip: Move the unit to a typical working height (bite block height (A) = approx. 1,520 mm (60")) with the Up/Down keys on the control panel before commencing calibration.
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7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
Adjusting the height of the unit during calibration: GALILEOS, new
You can even adjust the height of the unit during the calibration procedure. If the unit is ready for an exposure (after the
"Image acquisition"
button has been pressed in the SIDEXIS XG service menu), the corresponding service routine (S002.6/S010.10-14/S011.8, and
S030.5) is displayed on the control panel. All of these service routines allow the height adjustment menu to be opened by pressing the Test key.
The current unit height is displayed in selection field 1 in this menu. You can then set the unit to the desired height using the UP/DOWN keys on the control panel.
Press the Service key or the double arrow key (Easypad) or the arrow key above selection field 3 (Multipad) to exit the height adjustment menu.
General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Start by checking the mechanical unit adjustment. This step is a prerequisite for the subsequent adjustment and calibration of the unit.
Please adhere to the following order when adjusting and calibrating the system:
Calibration procedure GALILEOS, new
● Diaphragm
● Radiation field
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
Help messages
Status messages
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
● Dose measurement
● Sensor
● Iris
● Shading
● Distortion
● Geometry
Tip: It may be helpful to use the SIDEXIS XG coloring function to evaluate the image.
Displays and help messages during adjustment/ calibration
Displays and help messages during adjustment/calibration
The most frequent help and status messages during calibration are listed below.
H3 01: Move unit to starting position, press the R key.
H3 21: Close the door.
H323/3244 GALILEOS
H3 23: Close swivel arm.
H3 24: Gettering in progress, please wait.
H4 03:SIDEXIS XG is not ready for exposure, make unit ready for exposure.
GALILEOS status messages Easypad
"Ready for exposure"
"Exposure not possible"
"Please wait"
"Ready for exposure in XXs"
"X RAY Active!"
Multipad no special display; kV level and mAs are displayed
Progress bar
LED lights up on control panel
If error message E1 11 20 is displayed on the control panel and/or the remote control during the calibration process, this does not necessarily indicate an equipment error. This error message only indicates that the adjustment or calibration data of the unit is incomplete at this point.
Acknowledge the error message with the R key, if applicable, and continue the adjustment or calibration procedure.
For assistance with other help messages or error messages displayed during the adjustment or calibration process, please refer to the section
of these instructions entitled Messages [ → 77].
"Adjustment/Calibration" menu
"Adjustment/Calibration" menu
The menu guides you through the procedure to adjust and calibrate the unit.
Calling the "Adjustment/Calibration" menu
You can call the
menu via SIDEXIS XG:
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7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
"Constancy test..."
"Select X-ray device"
"Service exposure "
"Select X-ray component"
Password prompt (see section entitled "Password protection")
"Select X-ray device"
"Select X-ray component"
prompts are only displayed if more than one unit has been set up in SIDEXIS XG.
Password protection
Password XG and GALILEOS, new
menu is password-protected. For the password, enter the first four digits of the current system date (PC) in reverse order. Example: On 05/30/2010, the service password is 5003.
Service mode
Service XG and GALILEOS, new
When you open the
menu, the unit switches from user mode to the PC service mode logged by the PC. In PC service mode, the control options that are available on the control panel are determined by SIDEXIS XG and the service routine currently selected. General control of the unit by means of the control panel (as in the user mode) is not possible in this mode.
Title: XG and GALILEOS Easypad
Easypad service
Service mode is displayed on the Easypad via the PC service image.
GALILEOS service mode
"SERVICE" is displayed on the Multipad to indicate that the service mode is active.
Multipad service
"SERVICE" is displayed on the Multipad to indicate that the service mode is active.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Menu structure
Menu structure
The menu is divided into four areas.
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A Navigation area
B Preview image
C Message window
D Tools pictograph
Structure tree for adjustment and calibration [ → 149]
Shows the exposure to be taken in this stage of the adjustment/calibration procedure.
Shows messages and information about this stage of the adjustment/ calibration procedure.
Shows which (if any) test phantom must be used for this stage of the adjustment/ calibration procedure.
In addition to the four areas, the menu also contains the following buttons:
Image acquisition
Save values
Makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Saves the current adjustment/ calibration values.
Switches to the next stage of the adjustment/calibration procedure.
Exits adjustment/calibration and closes the menu.
Navigation area
Navigation area
The navigation area contains a structure tree similar to the one you will be familiar with from your Windows interface. The structure tree contains all stages of the adjustment and calibration procedure you need to complete in order to adjust and calibrate your system. The order in which
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS the elements appear in the structure tree determines the chronological order of the procedure to adjust and calibrate the unit:
● Diaphragm
● Radiation field
● Dose measurement
● Sensor
● Iris
● Shading
● Distortion
● Geometry
In addition to the elements required for adjustment and calibration of the unit described above, the structure tree also contains one other element:
● Calibration data
Validity of existing adjustment/calibration settings
The elements of the structure tree used for adjusting (calibrating) the device are prefixed by symbols indicating the current status of the corresponding adjustment or calibration operation.
The element for saving calibration data does not contain any symbols.
Green and checked
Valid data record; adjustment/calibration is in progress
Data record available, but not yet saved
Invalid data record or no record present
No adjustment/calibration required
Data record must be saved
Adjustment/calibration required
Working with the structure tree
You can navigate between the elements of the structure tree by clicking on them with the mouse.
NOTICE! You must follow the prescribed sequence in order to obtain a valid adjustment or calibration.
Click with the mouse on the small triangles in front of the elements to collapse and expand the structure tree.
Preview image
Preview image
submenus each contain a preview image that symbolizes the exposure to be taken during the calibration step. Due to the varying geometry of the "GALILEOS Comfort / Comfort
" and the "GALILEOS Compact" diaphragms, the preview images displayed in these submenus differ slightly.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
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We use only the display of the "GALILEOS Comfort" and "GALILEOS
" in these instructions, unless explicit reference is made to the
"GALILEOS Compact".
Tool pictographs
Tool pictographs
The tools pictograph shows which (if any) test phantom must be used for this particular calibration step.
to quit the
"Service functions"
Enabling exposure readiness
Enabling exposure readiness
To take an exposure in SIDEXIS XG, the system must first be made ready for exposure.
Call the
Select the corresponding element in the structure tree.
➢ Click on the
"Image acquisition"
The exposure window opens in SIDEXIS XG. It indicates the current status of exposure readiness.
The service routine used for the corresponding exposure is displayed on the control panel, along with the specific exposure parameters.
Taking an exposure
Call the
Select the corresponding element in the structure tree.
SIDEXIS XG must be ready for exposure.
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
➢ Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the exposure (double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
Save values
The adjustment or calibration must be correct.
➢ To save the adjustment or calibration values, click the button.
"Save values"
The adjustment or calibration is saved.
The saved adjustment or calibration is identified in the structure tree by a check mark or a green traffic light.
Test phantoms for adjustment and calibration
Test phantoms for adjustment and calibration
Distortion phantom
Distortion phantom
With GALILEOS Comfort
With GALILEOS Comfort
, the distortion phantom delivered with the device must be used. Distortion phantoms with a serial number <3001 may not be used for the calibration of GALILEOS Comfort
You must clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover for the radiation field check and for the distortion calibration.
This phantom must be removed again for all other calibration steps.
Geometry phantom
Geometry phantom
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the phantom is securely fastened and in an upright position in the bite block holder of the unit.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.1 General information about unit adjustment and calibration
For the geometry calibration, you must insert the geometry phantom in the block holder of the unit.
This phantom must be removed again for all other calibration steps.
Note regarding the calibration phantom: GALILEOS, new
Note the serial number of the calibration phantom
A geometry phantom with a serial number > 3000 must be used to calibrate the GALILEOS Comfort
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Once it has been inserted into the bite block holder, the geometry phantom must be aligned vertically and horizontally with the spirit level, so that calibration can be performed correctly.
➢ Insert the geometry phantom (A) into the pan bite block holder (B) on the unit and secure it with the screw (C).
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.2 Checking the mechanical system adjustment
Constancy test phantom
Constancy test phantom
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
The constancy test phantom is inserted in the bite block holder of the unit
Checking the mechanical system adjustment
Checking the mechanical system adjustment
1. Insert the constancy test phantom in the bite block holder of the unit.
2. Measure distances B1, B2and B3 between the tube assembly housing and measuring point M on the constancy test phantom
(positions 1, 2 and 3) using the steel tape measure from the service set.
3. Then calculate the ideal distance between the tube assembly and measuring point M as follows: (B1+B2)/2 = ideal distance
4. Distances B1, B2 and B3 must not deviate more than ± 2 mm from
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Adjustment and calibration via the "Service
Functions" menu
Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
After every calibration of the unit, the reference values for the constancy measurement must be recalculated and entered in the "Test results" form, "Reference value" column.
Diaphragm image
Adjusting the "diaphragm open" diaphragm setting
1. Call the
2. In the structure tree, under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S030.5).
menu is displayed in the action area.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "open diaphragm" position.
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2. Click on the menu area.
"Diaphragm open"
button in the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
4. For GALILEOS Comfort and GALILEOS Comfort
Evaluate the image.
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
Adjustment OK
Adjustment not OK
Permissible tolerance: 30 pixels ± 5 pixels
The brightness distribution along the border surrounding the image on all sides must be uniform (A).
The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in the image should be 30 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale)
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in the image is out of tolerance (E) or the brightness distribution
5. For GALILEOS Compact:
Evaluate the image.
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Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
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Adjustment OK
Adjustment not OK, diaphragm not centered
Adjustment not OK, diaphragm too small
Permissible tolerance: 65 pixels ± 5 pixels
The brightness distribution along the surrounding border must be uniform (A).
A shadow in the image indicates horizontal or vertical displacement of the diaphragm.
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Adjustment of the "Upper jaw" diaphragm setting
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
The distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in the image should be 65 ± 5 pixels (measure with SIDEXIS scale).
No surrounding gray shadow should be visible (D).
A surrounding gray shadow in the image indicates that the diaphragm is too small.
If the distance between the bottom edge and the lowest point in the image is out of tolerance (E), or the brightness distribution along the surrounding border is not uniform (C), or a surrounding gray shadow is visible in the image (diaphragm opening too
small) (D), the diaphragm must be adjusted mechanically [ → 171].
6. If the exposure is OK (A+B), confirm this by clicking the check box located to the right of the
"Diaphragm open"
The box will appear checked.
The adjustment for the "open diaphragm" diaphragm setting is now complete.
"Diaphragm open"
button is selectable in the
"Image acquisition"
menu area.
7. Continue the calibration procedure with the adjustment of the "upper jaw" diaphragm setting.
The element
is selected under
"3D Adjustment/ calibration"
in the structure tree (S030.5).
"Upper jaw"
button is selectable in the
"Image acquisition"
menu area.
1. Click on the
"Upper jaw"
button in the
"Image acquisition"
menu area.
menu is displayed in the action area.
2. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "maxillary exposure" position.
3. Click the
"Upper jaw"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
5. Evaluate the image.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Adjustment of the "Lower jaw" diaphragm setting
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Adjustment OK
Adjustment not OK
The upper edge of the lower lead diaphragm must be within tolerance, i.e. lie inside of the auxiliary lies (A).
If the edge is out of tolerance (B), the diaphragm must be adjusted mechanically [ → 171].
6. If the exposure is OK (A), confirm this by clicking the check box located to the right of the
"Upper jaw"
The box will appear checked.
The adjustment for the "Upper jaw" diaphragm setting is now complete.
"Lower jaw"
button is selectable.
7. Continue the calibration procedure with the adjustment of the "Lower jaw" diaphragm setting.
The element
is selected under
"3D Adjustment/ calibration"
in the structure tree (S030.5).
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
"Lower jaw"
button is selectable in the
"Image acquisition"
menu area.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "lower jaw" position.
2. Click the
"Lower jaw"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S030.5 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Evaluate the image.
Adjustment OK
Adjustment not OK
The lower edge of the upper lead diaphragm must be within tolerance, i.e. lie inside of the auxiliary lines (A).
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
If the edge is out of tolerance (B), the diaphragm must be adjusted mechanically [ → 171].
5. If the exposure is OK (A), confirm this by clicking the check box located to the right of the
"Lower jaw"
The box will appear checked.
Diaphragm adjustment is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the radiation field check [ → 161].
Checking the radiation field
Checking the radiation field
IMPORTANT: The illumination must be checked once the collimator has been adjusted.
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1. Clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover. [ → 152]
2. In the structure tree, under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
"Radiation field"
element (S002.6).
"Radiation field"
menu is displayed in the action area.
3. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S002.6 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
5. Press the release button. Hold down the release button and observe the distortion phantom. The lighting strips on the distortion phantom
(A) must not light up.
If the strips on the phantom light up at all, the system is overexposed, and you cannot continue the adjustment. In this case, repeat the diaphragm adjustment procedure and then check the radiation beam field again. If the lighting strips still light up during the re-check of the beam field, contact the SIRONA Customer Service Center (CSC) to solve the problem.
6. To confirm that the lighting strips on the distortion phantom are click the check box on the left next to the text
"Radiation field position
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
The box will appear checked.
The beam field check is now completed.
7. Continue the calibration procedure with the dosimetry [ → 162].
Tip: Leave the distortion phantom on the unit for the next calibration step.
A dosimeter for pulsed radiation (e.g. Mult-O-Meter 512L) is required for dosimetry.
The Adjustment/calibration menu is called [ → 147].
The distortion phantom is clipped onto the cover of the X-ray detector for protection against scratching.
1. Attach the Mult-O-Meter sensor approximately in the middle of the distortion phantom mounted on the X-ray detector.
2. In the structure tree, under 3D Adjustment/calibration, click on the
"Dose measurement"
element (S002.6).
"Dose measurement"
menu is displayed in the action area.
3. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S002.6 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
5. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
6. Then read off the dose from the Mult-O-Meter.
For GALILEOS Compact / Comfort, the value must be between 1.2 and 2.3 mGray.
, the value must be between 2.3 and For GALILEOS Comfort
4.5 mGray.
If the value is outside the permissible range, check the X-ray tube assembly.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
7. To confirm that the dose is within the
permissible range between 1.2 and 2.3 mGray/2.3 and 4.5 mGray
, click the check box on the left next to the text.
The box will appear checked.
The dosimetry is now complete.
8. Remove the sensor from the distortion phantom and take the phantom off the X-ray detector.
9. Continue the calibration procedure with the sensor adjustment [ → 163].
Sensor adjustment
Sensor adjustment
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The Adjustment/calibration menu is called [ → 147].
1. In the structure tree under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S010.14).
menu is displayed in the action area.
2. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S010.14 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the transfer is complete, the evaluation of the sensor calibration is displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that calibration is
not OK and/or not possible
, keep repeating the procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or possible.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
5. If the adjustment is OK or possible, click the
"Save values"
The adjustment is saved.
The sensor adjustment is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the iris adjustment [ → 164].
Iris adjustment
Iris adjustment
1. In the structure tree under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S010.10).
menu is displayed in the action area.
2. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S010.10 is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the transfer is complete, the evaluation of the sensor calibration is displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that calibration is
not OK and/or not possible
, keep repeating the procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or possible.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
5. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the
"Save values"
The adjustment is saved.
The iris adjustment is now complete.
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Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the shading calibration [ → 165].
Shading calibration
Shading calibration
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1. In the structure tree under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S010.11 / S010.15).
menu is displayed in the action area.
2. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S010.11 or S010.15 (extended shading calibration) is displayed on the control panel.
3. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
The shading exposure and the evaluation of the shading calibration is displayed.
If the information in the message window indicates that calibration is
not OK and/or not possible
, keep repeating the procedure starting with Step b) until calibration is OK and/or possible.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
IMPORTANT: No foreign bodies may be visible on the shading exposure. If this is the case, check the beam path for foreign bodies, remove them if necessary and repeat the calibration.
5. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the
"Save values"
The calibration is saved.
The shading calibration is now complete.
6. Continue the calibration procedure with the distortion calibration [ → 166].
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
Distortion calibration
Distortion calibration
With GALILEOS Comfort
With GALILEOS Comfort
, the distortion phantom delivered with the device must be used. Distortion phantoms with a serial number <3001 may not be used for the calibration of GALILEOS Comfort
1. In the structure tree under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S010.12).
menu is displayed in the action area.
2. Clip the distortion phantom onto the X-ray detector cover [ → 152].
3. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S010.12 is displayed on the control panel.
4. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
5. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the transfer is complete, the evaluation of the distortion calibration is displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that calibration was not successful, check the calibration phantom to make sure that it is not damaged.
If the phantom checks out OK (all balls are present and correctly positioned), repeat the procedure starting with point d) as often as required until the calibration is OK.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not attained a positive result, please contact the SIRONA Customer
Service Center (CSC).
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.3 Adjustment and calibration via the "Service Functions" menu
6. IMPORTANT: When a new distortion calibration is saved, the geometric calibration is set to "invalid" (red LEDs).
If the calibration is OK or possible, click on the
"Save values"
The calibration is saved.
The distortion calibration is now complete.
7. Remove the distortion phantom again from the X-ray detector cover.
8. Continue the calibration procedure with the geometry calibration [ → 167].
Geometry calibration
Geometry calibration
For an installed and configured FACESCAN:
The face scanner is automatically calibrated during the geometry calibration of GALILEOS. In this case, make sure that the normal room lighting is switched on during the calibration process. The room does not have to be darkened during calibration.
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1. In the structure tree, under
"3D Adjustment/calibration"
, click on the
element (S010.13).
menu is displayed in the action area.
3. For FACESCAN: Check to make sure that the room lighting is switched on. Switch it on if necessary.
4. Click the
"Image acquisition"
SIDEXIS XG makes the unit ready for exposure [ → 151].
Service routine S010.13 is displayed on the control panel.
5. Press the R key to move the unit back to the starting position.
6. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure window, and the acoustic signal indicating the end of the exposure
(double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
IMPORTANT: This process takes approx. 2-3 minutes.
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.4 Performing a white balance for FaceScan
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
The unit transfers the acquired images to the Reconstruction and
Control Unit (RCU). This process can take 2-3 minutes. Once the transfer is complete, the evaluation of the calibration is displayed in the message window.
If the information in the message window indicates that calibration was not successful, check the calibration phantom to make sure that it is not damaged.
If you have repeated the procedure three times and still have not
If this still does not lead to a positive result, please contact the
SIRONA Customer Service Center (CSC).
7. If the calibration is OK or possible, click the
"Save values"
The calibration is saved.
Calibration of the geometry is now complete.
8. Remove the geometric phantom from the bite block holder of the unit.
Performing a white balance for FaceScan
Performing a white balance for FaceScan
Constant lighting conditions
If the lighting conditions during the white balance process are different from those during the subsequent FaceScan process, this will lead to inaccurate colors.
➢ Ensure that the lighting conditions during white balancing correspond with those of the later FaceScan operation.
Without white balance the pictures will be tinged.
A white balance can be performed during:
● The first installation
● Making changes to environmental lighting
● Following a software update
Opening the web dialog / general types 2
Opening the web dialog
1. In SIDEXIS Manager, start the
"Facescan Configuration"
2. Click on the
"Facescanner in browser"
A password dialog box opens.
3. In the field
4. In the field
"Facescan Device Service "
web dialog opens.
White balance type 1
White balance (type 1)
1 white sheet of paper (such as DIN A3)
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.5 Mechanical adjustments
1. Attach the sheet of paper (A) to where the patient's head goes, so that the cameras are pointed at the white surface area.
2. Select the menu item
3. Press the
"Enter Auto White Balance"
"Auto White Balance"
dialog box opens.
4. Wait until the status LEDs light up.
5. Press the
"Auto White Balance"
The white balance starts. During this time, the LEDs of the
Facescan are on for the duration of the white balance.
The white balance takes a minimum of 2 minutes (up to 20 minutes in the event of errors).
In the event of errors: If the white balance does not work, then the white balance procedure must be repeated.
The Facescan restarts.
The white balance is complete
Mechanical adjustments
Mechanical adjustments
Ring center adjustment
Ring center adjustment
Perform this adjustment only if the measured values are out of tolerance [ → 154].
1. Remove the "arm cover".
Move the ring center to the left or right:
NOTICE! Do not undo the screws completely! Make sure that spring
(B) does not pop out. This spring has a defined prestress!
Loosen the four screws (A) slightly.
3. Correct the position carefully and then retighten the screws.
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7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.5 Mechanical adjustments
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
Move the ring center to the left or right:
NOTICE! Do not undo the screws completely!
Loosen the four screws (C) slightly.
5. Correct the position carefully and then retighten the screws.
If the center of the ring cannot be fully adjusted using the screws (C) then proceed with adjusting the swivel arm. Otherwise, the mechanical adjustment is now complete and you may begin calibration.
6. Re-attach the "arm cover".
Adjusting the swivel arm
Adjusting the swivel arm
Perform this adjustment only if the measured values are out of tolerance [ → 154].
1. Remove the "swivel arm cover".
Move the swivel arm to the entry position, loosen the internal grid, slightly bend the housing upwards and remove it by pulling towards the pivot joint of the swivel arm.
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D3437. 04.2013
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.5 Mechanical adjustments
2. Loosen screw (A) slightly.
3. NOTICE! Do not forget to tighten screw (A) again. Otherwise, the clearance and play of the swivel arm is not ensured!
Adjust the swivel arm with the eccentric screw (B). Hold the eccentric screw securely in place and tighten screw (A) again.
IMPORTANT: The swivel arm is shown here without the control panel for purposes of clarity (*).
4. Re-attach the "swivel arm cover".
To do this, position the nose (C) in the groove of the swivel arm and press the cover on until it snaps in place.
Diaphragm adjustment
Adjusting the complete diaphragm unit
Diaphragm adjustment
1. Pull off the adjusting knob with the silicone ring.
2. Remove the "Front tube assembly" and "Rear tube assembly" covers.
If the exposure taken in the "diaphragm open" diaphragm setting is not
OK, the complete diaphragm unit must be adjusted.
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7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.5 Mechanical adjustments
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "open diaphragm" position.
2. Loosen the five screws (A) (but do not remove them).
Adjusting the lower lead diaphragm
3. If necessary, use the adjustment screws to adjust the diaphragm in the X, Y or Z direction.
CW rotation of screws:
Moves the diaphragm in the
CCW rotation of the screws:
X, Y or Z direction
Moves the diaphragm in the direction opposite to the
X, Y or Z direction
4. Retighten the five screws (A) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure.
If the exposure taken in the "upper jaw" diaphragm setting is not OK, the lower lead diaphragm must be adjusted.
64 26 345 D3437
D3437. 04.2013
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual (as of February 2013) GALILEOS
7 Adjusting and calibrating the unit
7.5 Mechanical adjustments
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "maxillary exposure" position.
Adjusting the upper lead collimator
2. Loosen both screws (B) of the lead diaphragm.
3. Manually adjust lead diaphragm (C).
4. Tighten both screws (B) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure.
If the exposure taken in the "lower jaw" diaphragm setting is not OK, the upper lead diaphragm must be adjusted.
1. Set the rotary knob on the tube assembly to the "lower jaw" position.
2. Loosen both screws (B) of the lead diaphragm.
3. Manually adjust lead diaphragm (C).
4. Tighten both screws (B) firmly.
5. Repeat the diaphragm exposure [ → 155].
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Key Features
- 3D CBCT imaging
- High-resolution images
- Accurate diagnosis and treatment planning
- Improved patient care