The V650 has built-in GPS that provides accurate speed and distance measurement, and allows you to see your route on map in the Flow web service after your session. V650 includes the following GPS features: l
Distance: Gives you accurate distance during and after your session.
Speed: Accurate speed information during and after your session.
Back to start: Directs you to your starting point in the shortest distance possible and shows the distance to your starting point. Now you can check out more adventurous routes and explore them safely, knowing that your V650 can take you back to where you started.
Route: A line-drawing of your route that indicates your current position and starting location.
V650 measures altitude with an atmospheric air pressure sensor and converts the measured air pressure into an altitude reading. This is the most accurate way to measure altitude and altitude changes (ascent / descent).
The barometer features include: l
Altitude, ascent and descent l
Inclinometer (Requires Speed Sensor Bluetooth® Smart) l
Real time VAM (mean ascent velocity) l
Altitude-compensated calories
To make sure that the altitude remains accurate, it needs to be calibrated whenever a reliable reference, such as a peak or a topographic map, is available or when at sea level. Pressure variations due to weather conditions or indoor air-conditioning may affect altitude readings.
V650 has three profiles for cycling (and one profile for other sports). You can define specific settings for each one of them. For example, you can customize each profile with up to six different training views, to see the information you really want.
For more information, see
Sport Profile Settings .
From version 1.2 onwards, the V650 accompanies your ride with offline maps based on OpenStreetMap data.
The V650 draws your route on a map as you ride allowing you to see where you are on the map in real time.
You can turn the map view on or off in
Sport profiles
. Choose the sport profile you want to edit, and then choose
Training views
. In
Training views
, scroll down to the last menu item (
), and tick/untick the box to turn the map view on or off.
In addition, you can choose a
item to one of your training views (
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
View 6
). This way you can use the map views in different zoom levels: one showing the roads in detail, and another showing more of the road ahead. For instructions on editing the training views, see
Sport Profile
The map view is on by default in the following sport profiles:
Road cycling
Mountain biking
To view or modify map settings, go to
General settings
. You'll find the following settings:
: Define the center point for the offline map area (450 km x 450 km).
You can browse the map by swiping, and zoom in with a double tap and zoom out with a two-finger tap.
Once you have defined the area, tap
Delete old maps?
is displayed. A new offline map area selection will delete the previous maps.
to confirm the area selection. V650 returns to
Synchronization required
is displayed under
. New offline map will be
downloaded the next time you synchronize your V650 with Flow web service.
: Choose
Bike routes
Browse offline map
, you can preview the downloaded map before starting a training session. To move the map to your current location, tap the compass needle in the upper right hand corner of the screen. When you browse away from your current location, the compass needle turns from red to white.
When you tap the map a hand icon will appear on the upper left-hand corner of the screen. You can enter the browse and zoom mode by tapping the hand icon or tapping the upper left-hand corner of the map. The red bar
at the bottom and top of the screen together with the hand-icon indicate that the browse and zoom mode is active. You can zoom in with a double-tap or pinch-out and zoom out with a two-finger tap or pinch-in. Browsing the map is possible by swiping it. Center the map by tapping the map type indicator. You will leave the browse and zoom mode automatically if you don’t touch the screen for a couple of seconds or by tapping the hand icon. When you leave the browse and zoom mode your location on the map is centered automatically.
You can also change the map direction (
) by tapping the map type indicator in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
: The location pointer remains pointed towards the top of the screen regardless of the direction you're heading. When you turn, the map view rotates accordingly, so that the location pointer remains pointed towards the top of the screen. The
map type indicator in the upper right hand corner of the screen points north.
: The location pointer is centered. The orientation of the location pointer changes as you turn, and points towards the top of the screen only when you're heading north.
Whether it’s working out at the right intensity or receiving instant feedback, Smart Coaching offers a choice of unique, easy-to-use features, personalized to your needs and designed for maximum enjoyment and motivation when training.
V650 includes the following Smart Coaching features: l
Heart rate zones: Heart rate zones provide an easy way to select and monitor the intensity of your training and to follow heart rate-based training programs.
Smart calories: The most accurate calorie counter on the market counts the number of calories burned.
Training Benefit: The V650 gives motivating feedback about the effect of your training immediately after your session.
Polar heart rate zones introduce a new level of effectiveness in heart rate-based training. Training is divided into five heart rate zones based on percentages of maximum heart rate. With heart rate zones, you can easily select and monitor training intensities.
Target zone
Intensity % of
HRmax*, bpm
90–100% 171–
190 bpm
Example durations
less than 5 minutes
Training effect
Benefits: Maximal or near maximal effort for breathing and muscles.
Feels like: Very exhausting for breathing and muscles.
80–90% 152–172 bpm
2–10 minutes
Recommended for: Very experienced and fit athletes. Short intervals only, usually in final preparation for short events.
Benefits: Increased ability to sustain high speed endurance.
Feels like: Causes muscular fatigue and heavy breathing.
Recommended for: Experienced athletes for year-round training, and for various durations.
Target zone Intensity % of
HRmax*, bpm
Example durations
Training effect
Becomes more important during pre competition season.
70–80% 133–152 bpm
10–40 minutes Benefits: Enhances general training pace, makes moderate intensity efforts easier and improves efficiency.
Feels like: Steady, controlled, fast breathing.
Recommended for: Athletes training for events, or looking for performance gains.
60–70% 114-133 bpm
40–80 minutes Benefits: Improves general base fitness, improves recovery and boosts metabolism.
Feels like: Comfortable and easy, low muscle and cardiovascular load.
Recommended for: Everybody for long training sessions during base training periods and for recovery exercises during competition season.
50–60% 104–114 bpm
20–40 minutes Benefits: Helps to warm up and cool down and assists recovery.
Feels like: Very easy, little strain.
Recommended for: For recovery and cooldown, throughout training season.
HRmax = Maximum heart rate (220-age). Example: 30 years old, 220–30=190 bpm.
Training in heart rate zone 1 is done at a very low intensity. The main training principle is that performance improves when recovering after, and not only during training. Accelerate the recovery process with very light intensity training.
Training in heart rate zone 2 is for endurance training, an essential part of any training program. Training sessions in this zone are easy and aerobic. Long-duration training in this light zone results in effective energy expenditure. Progress will require persistence.
Aerobic power is enhanced in heart rate zone 3. The training intensity is higher than in sport zones 1 and 2, but still mainly aerobic. Training in sport zone 3 may, for example, consist of intervals followed by recovery. Training in this zone is especially effective for improving the efficiency of blood circulation in the heart and skeletal muscles.
If your goal is to compete at top potential, you will have to train in heart rate zones 4 and 5. In these zones, you exercise anaerobically in intervals of up to 10 minutes. The shorter the interval, the higher the intensity. Sufficient recovery between intervals is very important. The training pattern in zones 4 and 5 is designed to produce peak performance.
The Polar target heart rate zones can be personalized by using a laboratory measured HRmax value, or by taking a field test to measure the value yourself. When training in a target heart rate zone, try to make use of the entire zone. The mid-zone is a good target, but keeping your heart rate at that exact level all the time is not necessary. Heart rate gradually adjusts to training intensity. For instance, when crossing from heart rate target zone 1 to 3, the circulatory system and heart rate will adjust in 3-5 minutes.
Heart rate responds to training intensity depending on factors such as fitness and recovery levels, as well as environmental factors. It is important to look out for subjective feelings of fatigue, and to adjust your training program accordingly.
The most accurate calorie counter on the market calculates the number of calories burned. The energy expenditure calculation is based on: l
Body weight, height, age, gender l
Individual maximum heart rate (HR max
) l
Heart rate during training l
Individual resting heart rate value (HR rest
Individual maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max
) l
For best possible Smart Calories information accuracy, please give V650 your measured VO2max and
HRmax values if you have them.
The Training Benefit feature helps you better understand the effectiveness of your training. This feature requires the use of the heart rate sensor. After each training session you get textual feedback on your performance providing that you have trained at least a total of 10 minutes in the sport zones. The feedback is based on training time distribution on sport zones, calorie expenditure and duration. In Training Files you get the feedback in more detail. The descriptions of different training benefit options are listed in the table below
Maximum training+
Maximum training
Maximum & Tempo training
Tempo & Maximum training
Tempo training+
Tempo training
Tempo & Steady state training
Steady state & Tempo training
That was a hard session! You improved your sprint speed and the nervous system of your muscles, which make you more efficient.
This session also increased your resistance to fatigue.
That was a hard session! You improved your sprint speed and the nervous system of your muscles, which make you more efficient.
What a session! You improved your speed and efficiency. This session also significantly developed your aerobic fitness and your ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer.
What a session! You significantly improved your aerobic fitness and your ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer. This session also developed your speed and efficiency.
Great pace in a long session! You improved your aerobic fitness, speed, and ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer. This session also increased your resistance to fatigue.
Great pace! You improved your aerobic fitness, speed, and ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer.
Good pace! You improved your ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer. This session also developed your aerobic fitness and the endurance of your muscles.
Good pace! You improved your aerobic fitness and the endurance
Steady state training +
Steady state training
Steady state & Basic training, long
Steady state & Basic training
Basic & Steady state training, long
Basic & Steady state training
Basic training, long
Basic training
Recovery training
of your muscles. This session also developed your ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer.
Excellent! This long session improved the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness. It also increased your resistance to fatigue.
Excellent! You improved the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness.
Excellent! This long session improved the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness. It also developed your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Excellent! You improved the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness. This session also developed your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Great! This long session improved your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise. It also developed the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness.
Great! You improved your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise. This session also developed the endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness.
Great! This long, low intensity session improved your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Well done! This low intensity session improved your basic endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Very nice session for your recovery. Light exercise like this allows your body to adapt to your training.