Link Utility
The Link Utility is working with Widows XP Service Pack 2 or later O/S version. It is suggested to operate with O/S of :
Windows XP Service Pack 3
Windows Vista Service Pack 2
Windows 7
Either at the website of or the CD in the package, you may download bonjoursdksetup.exe and execute the program.
You may find the following message after executing the program. HVE-6501 is able to configure and change the baud rate of RS232 over IP and Multicast group ID.
This tool supports DNS protocol and programmed by Open Source code.
Checked Box
Check box : You may perform firmware update and other function keys.
Search Device : show the devices hostname and MAX in the network for other function.
F/W Upgrade : when click Firmware Upgrade, the Window IE is initializing for firmware upgrading.
Reset Default : When click it, the device is reset to default, click Reboot to complete
Reboot : click it for rebooting.
TV Wall : when the firmware is for TV Wall mode,(Host Name prefix is HVE-6601), the webpage is showing below:
Please refere to How to Setting TV Wall document.
RS232 over IP Baudrate Setting : default Baud rate is at 9600bps. Other speed of
2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,115200, 230400 is available for selection. It has to be rebooted once the baud rate has been chosen.
Multicast ID Setting : To configure Multicast Group ID, the value can be 0000,
0001, 0010,0011, …… 1111, etc. and it will be needed for rebooting once the ID has been selected. This setting is with priority and 4 DIP Switch is no function.
In case, the ID shall be followed by DIP Switch, the device must be Reset to default.
If the configuration goes incorrectly, the setting will indicate the following message for the status.
Get Information : Click this to show all devices Mac address, IP address, Host
Name, Baud rate, Group ID. And save for other configuration profile in .csv file sub-name.
Please remove MAC ID used on other LAN card to prevent the MAC ID conflict. The device will automatically create the IP address of 169.254.x.x which is assigned to
HDMI TX/RX LAN card IP. If the same IP address is used by other LAN card, the
Windows will generate a routing table which may confuse the information access.
To correct the situation, simply delete this routing table and remove other LAN card.
Then you may use the Tool normally.
The following to show how to delete the routing information:
You need to delete the routing information circled by red line. The instruction is:
Referencing : route delete MASK
destination^ ^mask ^gateway