43 Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU
Updating KPro firmware
Only do this if instructed to do so by Hondata.
This updates the firmware in the programming board located inside the ECU. The process takes about
2 minutes. The vehicle ignition does not need to be switched on. Please do not interrupt the update
process, otherwise the programming board will need to be sent back to Hondata for re-programming.
Check for Updates
This command checks for updates on the Hondata website.
Important: When installing updates make sure that the ECU is not plugged into the PC.
Updating KManager will update the KManager application, ECU software and the base calibration files.
If you do not have Internet access on the tuning PC, then you will need to download updates from the
Hondata website, transfer the update files to the tuning PC, then run the update on the tuning PC.
List of sensors used in KManager:
- Engine speed
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Manifold absolute pressure
- Calculated load value
- Throttle position sensor
- Intake cam advance
- Target intake cam advance
- Injector duration
- Injector duty cycle
- Ignition advance
- Intake air temperature
- Engine coolant temperature
- Air/fuel ratio
- Target air/fuel ratio
- Short term fuel trim
- Long term fuel trim
Fuel Status
- Fuel system status
© 2003-2004 Hondata, Inc.
Reference 44
K Retard
- Knock retard
K Level
- Knock level
K Thres
- Knock threshold
K Count
- Knock count
- Atmospheric pressure
- Battery voltage
- Electrical load
- Fuel tank pressure
- Reverse lock solenoid
- Brake switch
- Air conditioning switch
ACCL - Air conditioning clutch
- Service connector switch
- Electric power steering
- Fuel pump relay
- VTEC pressure switch
- VTEC spool valve
- Radiator fan clutch
- Malfunction indicator light
RPM is a measure of the engine speed in revolutions per minute calculated from the crank position sensor.
Note that the RPM as displayed in KManager may be different from that shown on the tachometer. The rpm calculated from the ECU is extremely accurate whereas most tachometers read 5-10 % over.
Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSS is a measure of the vehicle ground speed, calculated from the VSS sensor, which is located on the transmission. Because the speed of the driven wheels is measured, wheel slip and wheel spin are not compensated for.
Manifold Absolute Pressure
The MAP sensor measures the air pressure inside the intake manifold, after the throttle plate. On supercharged vehicles it is important for the MAP sensor to read manifold pressure after the supercharger.
Calculated Load Value
CLV is a measurement of engine load expressed as a percentage of maximum load. The sensor is mainly for OBDII compatibility.
© 2003-2004 Hondata, Inc.
45 Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU
Throttle Position Sensor
The TPS measures the angle of the throttle plate. Is is mainly used for detecting idle and fail-safe functions. The ECU mainly uses the MAP sensor when calculating engine load and fuel/ignition settings.
Intake Camshaft Position
This is the intake camshaft position, measured in degrees of crankshaft rotation from a base position.
For the first 10 seconds after startup the intake will be locked in the zero (fully retarded) position.
Intake camshaft command
This is the desired position for the intake camshaft, based on the cam advance table and engine running conditions. Because the VTC mechanism is a closed loop feedback system, the actual intake camshaft advance make lag the CAMCMD by 0.1 - 0.5 seconds.
Injector Duration
This is the injector duration for an injector, usually measured in milliseconds. The injector duration is for #1 injector.
This is the injector duty cycle. 100% means the injector is fully open (it never closed) and cannot deliver any more fuel. The injector duration usually reaches it's maximum near peak power. Normally it best to upgrade the injectors and/or the fuel system once the duty cycle reaches 80-85%
Remember that different driving conditions may place further demands on the fuel system from when the engine was tested. e.g. colder weather will require more fuel from the injectors.
8.1.10 IGN
This is the ignition timing in degrees before top dead center.
8.1.11 IAT
Intake Air Temperature
This is the temperature of the air measured in the intake pipe. For forced induction it is recommended to move the IAT so that it reads the temperature of the air after the supercharger or turbocharger. An
OBDI IAT is compatible with the K-Series ECU.
8.1.12 ECT
Engine Coolant Temperature
This is the engine coolant temperature as measured in the cylinder head.
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Reference 46
8.1.13 AF
Air/Fuel Ratio
The air/fuel ratio is calculated from the stock lambda sensor. Note that JDM, USA and some other vehicles have a semi-wide band sensor, with a range of approx 11.5:1 to 30:1 European spec vehicles utilize a narrow band sensor, with a range of 14.5 - 14.9:1.
8.1.14 AFCMD
Air/Fuel ratio command
The air/fuel ratio command is the target air/fuel ratio as determined by the ECU. Note: The A/F CMD is ignored when the ECU is operating in open loop.
8.1.15 S TRIM
Short term fuel trim
The short term fuel trim is used only in closed loop in modify the fuel delivery to the engine in order to keep the air/fuel ratio close to stoichiometric, which is the optimum air/fuel ratio for catalytic converter operation. Normally short term fuel trim should be within the range of -10% to +10%, otherwise the fuel maps need to be tuned at part throttle.
8.1.16 L TRIM
Long term fuel trim
The long term fuel trim is the fuel adjustment based on the trend of the short term fuel trim. Normally the long term fuel trim should range from -5% to +5%.
8.1.17 Fuel Status
The fuel system status shows the status of the closed loop operation of the ECU.
Common values are:
· Open - Cold
The ECU is operating in open loop because the engine is cold or has just been started.
Open - Error
The ECU is operating in open loop due to an error code.
· Open - Driving Conditions
The ECU is operating in open loop due to driving conditions. Usually this is based on rpm, TPS or MAP.
Closed Loop
The ECU is operating normally in closed loop.
8.1.18 K Retard
This is the amount of ignition retard in degrees resulting from knock detected from the knock sensor or a calculated retard based on expected driving conditions.
8.1.19 K Level
This is the processed noise from the knock sensor expressed in volts. Note that this is not the actual voltage of the knock sensor, rather it is a relative voltage from 0 - 5V.
© 2003-2004 Hondata, Inc.
47 Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU
8.1.20 K Thres
This is the knock level voltage threshold where the ECU will consider the engine is knocking.
8.1.21 K Count
Knock Count
This knock count is a counter of any knock event which the ECU detects. The counter is reset each time the ECU is reset, either by switching the ignition off or when a calibration is uploaded.
8.1.22 PA
Atmospheric Pressure
This shows the atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure sensor is located inside the ECU.
8.1.23 BAT
Battery Voltage
This shows the battery voltage.
8.1.24 ELD
Electrical Load Detector
This shows the current draw on the battery/alternator from the vehicle.
8.1.25 PTANK
Fuel Tank Pressure
The fuel tank pressure for OBDII diagnostics.
8.1.26 RVSLCK
Reverse Lockup Solenoid
The reverse lockup output controls the reverse lock solenoid, located on the transmission. This solenoid is switched above approximately 25 mph to prevent the shift mechanism from travelling to the reverse gear plane. Only 6 speed transmissions have reverse lockout.
8.1.27 BKSW
Brake Switch
This shows the status of the brake switch.
8.1.28 ACSW
Air Conditioning Switch
This shows the status of the A/C switch. Note that the A/C switch is read via the multiplexor.
8.1.29 ACCL
Air Conditioning Clutch
This shows the status of the A/C clutch output. Normally the A/C clutch is switched from the A/C
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Reference 48
switch, with a slight time delay to allow the engine to idle up before the A/C compressor is engaged.
8.1.30 SCS
Service Connector Switch
This shows the status of the service connector switch, which is activated by shorting two terminals on the scan tool plug.
8.1.31 EPS
Electric Power Steering Switch
This shows the status of the electric power steering input.
8.1.32 FLR
Fuel Pump Relay
This shows the status of the fuel pump relay. Normally this is active for the first 2 seconds after the ignition is switched on, or when the engine is running.
8.1.33 VTP
VTEC Pressure Switch
This shows the status of the VTEC pressure switch. Normally this will activate shortly after the VTEC spool is switched on. Some JDM engines do not have the VTEC pressure switch.
8.1.34 VTS
VTEC Spool Valve
This shows the status of the VTEC spool valve. If switched on, oil is directed to the lock pins between rocker arms to engage the high speed cam lobe.
8.1.35 FANC
Radiator Fan Clutch
This shows the status of the radiator fan clutch.
8.1.36 MIL
Malfunction Indicator Light or check engine light.
The MIL is located in the instrument cluster, and indicates that there is a problem with the engine, ECU or wiring. It is normal for the MIL to illuminate for 2 seconds when the ignition is first switched on. By shorting out a diagnostic connector it is possible to retrieve error codes from the ECU by counting flashes from the MIL. With the programmable ECU it is easier to plug in a laptop and datalog the ECU to retrieve the error codes.
ECU Connectors
All connectors are shown from the wire side of the female connector (i.e. looking at the ECU).
A Connector
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49 Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU
B Connector
E Connector
Retrieving DTCs
To manually retrieve DTCs (trouble codes or error codes), you will need to jumper the OBDII connector.
The OBDII connector is located in front of the centre console near the drivers foot well. Jumper pins 4 and 9 together with a small piece of wire or paper clip.
© 2003-2004 Hondata, Inc.