Chapter 2 Frequently Used Setup Operations (Setting Mode). Ascon tecnologic RZ10000
Chapter 2 Frequently Used Setup Operations (Setting Mode)
Setting the Input Range
Input range can be set for each measurement channel. Set unused channels to Skip.
If you change the input range, set the bias, measured and correction values (/CC1 option), alarm, and partial expanded recording again.
TC, RTD, and DC Voltage
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to enter Setting mode.
Carry out the procedure shown in the figure below.
Press the or key to select the value.
For the procedure on how to enter values or characters, see page 18 in the
Operation Guide
To change the polarity, press the or key when the leftmost digit of the value is blinking.
If you press the higher level menu.
key, the operation is cancelled, and the display returns to a
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select the input type.
Channel number
Select the range.
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
The settings are activated.
Press the key to set other channels.
If you are done, press the key.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to return to Operation mode.
IM 04P03B01-01E
2.1 Setting the Input Range
• Selectable Range of Input Range, Span Left, and Span Right
The input range, span left, and span right can be set in the range shown below. Span left and span right cannot be set to the same value.
) DC voltage (
Range Type
20 mV(
60 mV(
200 mV(
2 V( )
6 V(
20 V(
50 V( )
Selectable Span Range
–20.00 to 20.00 mV
–60.00 to 60.00 mV
–200.0 to 200.0 mV
–2.000 to 2.000 V
–6.000 to 6.000 V
–20.00 to 20.00 V
–50.00 to 50.00 V
Thermocouple (
Range Type
R ( )
S ( )
B ( )
K ( )
E ( )
J ( )
T ( )
N ( )
W ( )
L ( )
U ( )
WRe ( )
Range Type
PT (Pt100) (
JPT(JPt100) (
Selectable Span Range (°C)
0.0 to 1760.0°C
0.0 to 1760.0°C
0.0 to 1820.0°C
–200.0 to 1370.0°C
–200.0 to 800.0°C
–200.0 to 1100.0°C
–200.0 to 400.0°C
0.0 to 1300.0°C
0.0 to 2315.0°C
–200.0 to 900.0°C
–200.0 to 400.0°C
0.0 to 2400.0°C
Selectable Span Range (°C)
–200.0 to 600.0°C
–200.0 to 550.0°C
Selectable Span Range (°F)
32 to 3200°F
32 to 3200°F
32 to 3308°F
–328 to 2498°F
–328.0 to 1472.0°F
–328.0 to 2012.0°F
–328.0 to 752.0°F
32 to 2372°F
32 to 4199°F
–328.0 to 1652.0°F
–328.0 to 752.0°F
32 to 4352°F
Selectable Span Range (°F)
–328.0 to 1112.0°F
–328.0 to 1022.0°F
/N1 option
Input Type
Cu10 (GE)
Cu10 (L&N)
Cu10 (WEED)
Cu10: a = 0.00392 at 20 ° C
Cu10: a = 0.00393 at 20 ° C
Cu25*: a = 0.00425 at 0 ° C
/N3 option
Input Type Notes
NiMo NiNiMo
W/WRe W/WRe26
Type N (AWG14)
Kp vs Au7Fe
Pt4 Pt25 RTD
Pt3 Pt50
Ni3 Ni120
J263 J263*B
Cu8 Cu53
Cu9 Cu100: a = 0.00425 at 0
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IM 04P03B01-01E
2.1 Setting the Input Range
1-5V Input
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “1-5V.”
Channel number
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
Select the left scale value and the decimal place.
Scale left Decimal point
Select the right scale value.
Scale right
(When low-cut is enabled)
Select whether to use low-cut.
The settings are activated.
• Span Left and Span Right
Selectable span left range: 0.8 to 1.2 V
Selectable span right range: 4.8 to 5.2 V
• Scale Left and Scale Right
Selectable range (mantissa): –19999 to 30000
Decimal place: XXXXX, XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX, X.XXXX
To set the decimal place, press the or key while the of the setup item of scale left is blinking.
Make sure that scale left is less than scale right.
• Low-Cut
ON ( ): Cuts values less than or equal to 0% of the recording span (sets
OFF ( such values to 0% (scale left value)).
): Does not apply the low-cut function.
<Related Topics>
Enabling the low-cut function: Section 4.15
2.1 Setting the Input Range
Linear Scaling
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “SCALE.”
Channel number
Select the input type.
Select the range.
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
Select the left scale value and the decimal place.
Scale left
Decimal point
Select the right scale value.
Scale right
The settings are activated.
• Scale Left and Scale Right
Selectable range (mantissa): –19999 to 30000
Decimal place: XXXXX, XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX, X.XXXX
To set the decimal place, press the or key while the of the setup item of scale left is blinking.
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IM 04P03B01-01E
2.1 Setting the Input Range
Delta Computation
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “DELTA.”
Channel number
Select the reference channel.
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
The settings are activated.
• Reference Channel
The reference channel must be a channel that is smaller in channel number than the channel being set.
• Span Left and Span Right
The range type is the same as the reference channel. The span left and span right can be set in the range shown below. Span left and span right cannot be set to the same value.
Input Type
DC voltage
Range Type
20 mV (
60 mV (
200 mV (
2 V (
6 V (
20 V (
50 V (
Thermocouple R ( )
) S ( )
B ( )
K ( )
E ( )
J ( )
T ( )
N ( )
W ( )
L ( )
U ( )
WRe (
PT(Pt100) (
JPT(JPt100) (
Selectable Span Range (°C) Selectable Span Range (°F)
–20.00 to 20.00 mV
–60.00 to 60.00 mV
) –200.0 to 200.0 mV
–2.000 to 2.000 V
–6.000 to 6.000 V
–20.00 to 20.00 V
–50.00 to 50.00 V
–1760.0 to 1760.0°C
–1760.0 to 1760.0°C
–1820.0 to 1820.0°C
–1570.0 to 1570.0°C
–1000.0 to 1000.0°C
–1300.0 to 1300.0°C
–600.0 to 600.0°C
–1300.0 to 1300.0°C
–1999.9 to 2315.0°C
–1100.0 to 1100.0°C
–600.0 to 600.0°C
–1999.9 to 2400.0°C
–800.0 to 800.0°C
) –750.0 to 750.0°C
–3168 to 3168°F
–3168 to 3168°F
–3276 to 3276°F
–2826 to 2826°F
–1800 to 1800°F
–1999.9 to 2340.0°F
–1080.0 to 1080.0°F
–2340 to 2340°F
–4167 to 4167°F
–1980 to 1980°F
–1080.0 to 1080.0°F
–4320 to 4320°F
–1440.0 to 1440.0°F
–1350.0 to 1350.0°F
2.1 Setting the Input Range
ON/OFF Input
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “DI.”
Channel number
Select contact or level.
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
The settings are activated.
• Selectable Range of Input Range, Span Left, and Span Right
The input range, span left, and span right can be set in the range shown below. Span left and span right cannot be set to the same value.
Range Type
Level (
Contact ( )
Selectable Span Values
0: Less than 2.4 V, 1: 2.4 V or higher, within ±6 V
0: Open, 1: Closed
IM 04P03B01-01E
2.1 Setting the Input Range
IM 04P03B01-01E
Square Root Computation
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “SQRT.”
Channel number
Select from the range types of DC voltage.
20 mV, 60 mV, 200 mV, 2 V, 6 V, 20 V, or 50 V
Set the left span value.
Span left
Set the right span value.
Span right
Select the left scale value and the decimal place.
Scale left
Decimal point
Scale right
Select the right scale value.
(Displays the following when the low-cut is enabled)
Turn ON or OFF the low-cut function.
Set the low-cut point.
0.0 to 5.0% of the recording span, 0.1 steps.
The settings are activated.
• Input Type on Which Square Root Computation Can Be Performed
Square root computation can be performed when set to DC voltage input.
• Span Left and Span Right
Same as the selectable span range of the DC voltage range.
Make sure that span left is less than span right.
• Scale Left and Scale Right
Selectable range (mantissa): –19999 to 30000
Decimal place: XXXXX, XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX, X.XXXX
To set the decimal place, press the or key while the of the setup item of scale left is blinking.
Make sure that scale left is less than scale right.
• Low-Cut and Low-Cut Point
If low-cut is set to ON, set the low-cut point.
Selectable range of the low-cut point: 0.0 to 5.0% of the recording span
Values below the low-cut point is set to 0% of the recording span (scale left value).
<Related Topics>
Enabling the low-cut function: Section 4.15
2.1 Setting the Input Range
Skip (Unused Channels)
Select “RANGE.”
Select the channel number.
Select “SKIP.”
Channel number
The settings are activated.
Do not use channels set to skip as a reference channel of delta computations.
IM 04P03B01-01E
Setting the Alarm
An alarm can be set for each channel.
If you change the input range, set the alarm again.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to enter Setting mode.
Carry out the procedure shown in the figure below.
Press the or key to select the value.
For the procedure on how to enter values or characters, see page 18 in the
Operation Guide
To change the polarity, press the or key when the leftmost digit of the value is blinking.
If you press the higher level menu.
key, the operation is cancelled, and the display returns to a
Select the “ALARM.”
Select the channel number.
Select the level number between 1 and 4.
Channel number
Select ON to set the alarm.
Level number
(Displays the following when the alarm is ON)
Select the alarm type.
Set the value used to turn ON the alarm.
Relay output
Select ON to set the alarm relay output.
This setting is valid only on models with the /A1, /A2, or /A3 option.
(When the alarm output is ON)
Specify the alarm output relay number.
The settings are activated.
Press the key to set other channels.
If you are done, press the key.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to return to Operation mode.
IM 04P03B01-01E
2.2 Setting the Alarm
Alarm Type
Symbol Name
H ( ) High limit alarm
L ( ) h ( ) l ( )
Low limit alarm
Difference high limit alarm
Difference low limit alarm
Can be specified on channels set to delta computation.
Can be specified on channels set to delta computation.
On channels set to delta computation, alarms can be detected on the values illustrated in the figure below.
Alarm on a channel set to delta computation
H, L
Alarm h, l
Input value
Measured value
Measured value on the reference channel
Alarm Value
• High Limit Alarm/Low Limit Alarm
The following values can be specified.
• For DC voltage, thermocouple, or RTD:
Values within the measurable range in the input range (example: –2.000 to
2.000 V for the 2 V input range).
• For ON/OFF input (DI): 0 or 1.
• For linear scaling (1-5V, scaling, and square root):
A value within –5 to 105% of the scaling span and within the range of
–19999 to 30000 (excluding the decimal point).
• Difference High Limit Alarm/Difference Low Limit Alarm
Values in the measurable range can be specified.Measurable range refers to
“Selectable Span Range” in the table on page 2-5.
Relay No.
The selectable relay numbers are listed below.
I01 and I02 on the /A1 option
I01, I02, I03, and I04 on the /A2 option
I01, I02, I03, I04, I05, and I06 on the /A3 option
<Related Topics>
Setting the auxiliary alarm function: Section 4.1
IM 04P03B01-01E
Setting the Unit on Linearly Scaled Channels
Units can be assigned on channels whose input range is set to Scale, 1-5V, or
SQRT.The assigned unit is added when printing to the chart paper or during data transmission.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to enter Setting mode.
Carry out the procedure shown in the figure below.
Press the or key to select the value.
For the procedure on how to enter values or characters, see page 18 in the
Operation Guide .
If you press the higher level menu.
key, the operation is cancelled, and the display returns to a
Select “UNIT.”
Select the channel number.
Enter the ASCII code of the 1 st
1 st
char. 1 st character ASCII code
Enter the ASCII code of the 2 nd
2 nd
2 nd
character ASCII code
Enter the ASCII code of the 3 rd
3 rd
character ASCII code
Enter the ASCII code of the 6 th
6 th character ASCII code
The settings are activated.
Press the key to set other channels.
If you are done, press the key.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to return to Operation mode.
Characters That Can Be Used for Units
A unit is set using up to six characters.
The available characters are as follows:
Alphabet, numbers, symbols (%, #, °, @, +, –, ∗, /, (, ), µ, Ω,
, .), and space
IM 04P03B01-01E
Changing the Chart Speed
The chart speed can be changed.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to enter Setting mode.
Carry out the procedure shown in the figure below.
Press the or key to select the value.
If you press the key, the operation is cancelled, and the display returns to a higher level menu.
Select the “CHART.”
Select the chart speed.
The settings are activated.
If you are done, press the key.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to return to Operation mode.
Chart Speed
• Pen model: Select from the 40 settings shown below.
• Dot model: Select from the 28 settings in the thick frame shown below.
Chart speed (the chart speed of the dot model is inside the thick frame) (Unit: mm/h)
10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 80
90 100 120 150 160 180 200 240 300 360
3000 3600 4500 4800 5400 6000 7200 9000 12000
<Related Topics>
Disabling the new chart speed printout: Section 4.7
IM 04P03B01-01E
Setting the Date/Time
The date/time can be set.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to enter Setting mode.
Carry out the procedure shown in the figure below.
Press the or key to select the value.
For the procedure on how to enter values or characters, see page 18 in the
Operation Guide .
If you press the higher level menu.
key, the operation is cancelled, and the display returns to a
Select “CLOCK.”
Set the year, month, and day.
Month Day
Sets the hour, minute, and second.
Minute Second
The settings are activated.
If you are done, press the key.
Hold down the
key for 3 seconds to return to Operation mode.
Set the lower two digits of the year.
Values in the range 80 and 99 correspond to 1980 to 1999.
When setting the date/time, the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second are displayed in the order shown above regardless of the printout/display format of the date (see section 4.14).
<Related Topics>
Changing the printout/display format of the date: Section 4.14
Changing the printout format of the time: Section 4.16
IM 04P03B01-01E

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