5. Advanced User Guidebook . OWON SDS7102, SDS9302, SDS6062

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5. Advanced User Guidebook  . OWON SDS7102, SDS9302, SDS6062 | Manualzz

5. Advanced User Guidebook

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Up till now, you have already been familiar with the initial operations of the functions of the function areas, buttons and knobs in the front panel of the SDS series oscilloscope. Based the introduction of the previous Chapter, the user should have an intimate knowledge of the determination of the change of the oscilloscope setting through observing the status bar. If you have not been familiar with the above-mentioned operations and methods yet, we advise you to read the section of “Chapter One Junior

Users' Guidebook”.

This chapter will deal with the following topics mainly: z How to Set the Vertical System z How to Set the Horizontal System z How to Set the Trigger System z How to Implement the Sampling Setup z How to Set the Display System z How to Save and Recall Waveform z How to Record/Playback Waveforms z How to Implement the Auxiliary System Function Setting z How to Implement the Automatic Measurement z How to Implement the Cursor Measurement z How to Use Autoscale function z How to Use Executive Buttons

It is recommended that you read this chapter carefully to get acquainted the various measurement functions and other operation methods of the SDS series oscilloscope.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 20

5. Advanced User Guidebook

How to Set the Vertical System

The VERTICAL CONTROLS includes three menu buttons such as CH1 MENU,

CH2 MENU and Math, and four knobs such as VERTICAL POSITION,

VOLTS/DIV (one group for each of the two channels).

Setting of CH1 and CH2

Every channel has an independent vertical menu and each item is set respectively based on the channel.

To turn waveforms on or off (channel, math)

Pressing the CH1 MENU, CH2 MENU, and Math buttons have the following effect:

• If the waveform is off, the waveform is turned on and its menu is displayed.

• If the waveform is on and its menu is not displayed, its menu will be displayed.

• If the waveform is on and its menu is displayed, the waveform is turned off and its menu goes away.

CH1 menu

CH2 menu


Fig. 5-1 Channel Setting Menu

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

The description of the Channel Menu is shown as the following list:

Function Menu Setting Description

DC Unblock the AC and DC components in the input signal.







Block the DC component in the input signal.

The Input signal is interrupted.

The waveform is displayed normally.

Initiate the waveform inverted function.






1000X full band


Choose one according to the probe attenuation factor to make the vertical scale reading accurate.

Get full bandwidth.

Limit the channel bandwidth to 20MHz to reduce display noise.

1. Setting Channel Coupling

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the measured signal is a square wave signal containing the direct current bias. The operation steps are shown as below:


Press the CH1 MENU button and call out the CH1 SETUP menu.


Press the H1 button, the Coupling menu will display at the screen.


Press the F1 button again to select the Coupling item as “DC”. By setting the channel coupling as DC mode, both DC and AC components of the signal will be passed.


Then, press F2 button to select the Coupling item as “AC”. By setting the channel coupling as AC mode, the direct current component of the signal will be blocked. The waveforms are shown as Fig.5-2.

Fig. 5-2 AC Coupling Oscillogram

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

2. Regulate the probe attenuation.

In order to match the attenuation coefficient of the probe, it is required to adjust the attenuation ration coefficient of the probe through the operating menu of the

Channel accordingly (see “How to Set the Probe Attenuation Coefficient” on

P14). If the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 1:1, that of the oscilloscope

input channel should also be set to 1X to avoid any errors presented in the displayed scale factor information and the measured data.

Take the Channel 1 as an example, the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 10:1, the operation steps is shown as follows:


Press the CH1 MENU button, access CH1 SETUP menu.


Press the H3 menu selection, the Probe menu will display at the right of the screen, then press the F2 button to select 10X for the probe.

The Fig.5-3 illustrates the setting and the vertical scale factor when the probe of the attenuation coefficient of 10:1.is used.


Fig. 5-3 Regulation of the Attenuation Ratio of the Probe

A List of the Attenuation Coefficient of Probes and the Corresponding Menu Settings:

Attenuation Coefficient of the Probe Corresponding Menu Setting

1:1 X1

10:1 X10

100:1 X100

1000:1 X1000

3. Setting of Waveform Inverted

Waveform inverted: the displayed signal is turned 180 degrees against the phase of the earth potential.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as follows:


Press the CH1 MENU button and get access to the CH1 SETUP menu.


Press the H2 menu selection button and select ON for Inverted item. The waveform inverted function is initiated.


Press the H2 menu selection button again and select OFF for Inverted item.

The function of waveform inverted is closed off.

For the screen display, see Fig. 5-4 and Fig. 5-5

Fig. 5-4 Waveform not inverted

Fig. 5-5 Waveform Inverted

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 24

5. Advanced User Guidebook

4. Setting of Band Limit

When high frequency components of a waveform are not important to its analysis, the bandwidth limit control can be used to reject frequencies above 20 MHz.

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as below:


Press the CH1 MENU button to call out the CH1 SETUP menu.


Press the H4 button and the Limit menu will display.


Press the F1 button to select the Band Limit as full band. The high frequency of the signal will be allowed to pass.


Press the F2 button to select the Band Limit as 20M.The bandwidth is limited to 20MHz.The frequencies above 20 MHz will be rejected.

Implementation of Mathematical Manipulation Function

The Mathematical Manipulation function is used to show the results of the addition,multiplication, division, subtraction operations and the FFT operation between Channel 1 and Channel 2.

Fig. 5-6 Wave math menu


The corresponding FCL (Functional Capabilities List) of the Waveform Calculation

Function Menu






Select the signal source of the factor1

Dual Wfm


Sign + - * / Select the sign of mathematical manipulation


Factor 2





Select the signal source of the factor2

Select CH1 as FFT source.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope




5. Advanced User Guidebook

CH2 Select CH2 as FFT source.




Hamming dB


× 1





× 10

Select window for FFT.

Select dB for Format.

Select Vrms for Format.

Set multiple ×1.

Set multiple ×2.

Set multiple ×5.

Set multiple ×10.

Taking the additive operation between Channel 1 and Channels 2 for example, the operation steps are as follows:

1. Press the Math button and call out the Wfm Math menu.

2. Press the H1 button and call out the Dual Wfm Math menu. The menu will display at the left of the screen.

3. Press the F1 menu selection button and choose CH1 for Factor1.

4. Press the F2 menu selection button and choose +.

5. Press the F3 menu selection button and choose CH2 for Factor2. The green calculated waveform M is displayed in the screen.

Fig. 5-7 Waveform resulted from CH1 +CH2 Mathematical Manipulation

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

Using FFT function

An FFT breaks down signals into component frequencies, which the oscilloscope uses to display a graph of the frequency domain of a signal, as opposed to the oscilloscope’s standard time domain graph. You can match these frequencies with known system frequencies, such as system clocks, oscillators, or power supplies.

FFT in this oscilloscope can transform 2048 points of the time-domain signal into its frequency components and the final frequency contains 1024 points ranging from 0Hz to

Nyquist frequency.

Taking the FFT operation for example, the operation steps are as follows:

1. Press the Math button and call out the Math menu.

2. Press the H2 button and call out the FFT menu.

3. Press the F1 button to choose CH1 as the source.

4. Press F2 button, the windows item will display at the left of the screen, turn the M knob to select Window, including Rectangle、Hamming、Hanning and Blackman.

5. Press F3 button to choose the Format, including dB, Vrms.

6. Press F4 button, the zoom window will display at the left of the screen, turn the M knob to zoom in or out the wave of the multiple including ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10.

Selecting the FFT Window

■ The FFT feature provides four windows. Each one is a trade-off between frequency resolution and magnitude accuracy. What you want to measure and your source signal characteristics help you to determine which window to use. Use the following guidelines to select the best window.




This is the best type of window for resolving frequencies that are very close to the same value but worst for accurately measuring the amplitude of those frequencies. It is the best type for measuring the frequency spectrum of nonrepetitive signals and measuring frequency components near DC.

Use rectangle for measuring transients or bursts where the signal level before and after the event are nearly equal. Also, use this window for equal-amplitude sine waves with frequencies that are very close and for broadband random noise with a relatively slow varying spectrum.

This is a very good window for resolving frequencies that are very close to the same value with somewhat improved amplitude accuracy over the rectangle window. It has a slightly better frequency resolution than the Hanning.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope


5. Advanced User Guidebook

Use Hamming for measuring sine, periodic and narrow band random noise. This window works on transients or bursts where the signal levels before and after the event are significantly different.

This is a very good window for measuring amplitude accuracy but less so for resolving frequencies.

Use Hanning for measuring sine, periodic and narrow band random noise. This window works on transients or bursts where the signal levels before and after the event are significantly different.


This is the best window for measuring the amplitude of frequencies but worst at resolving frequencies.

Use Blackman-Harris for measuring predominantly single frequency waveforms to look for higher order harmonics.

Fig.5-8, 5-9, 5-10, 5-11 show four kinds of window function referring to sine wave of


Fig.5-8. Blackman window

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

Fig.5-9 Hamming window


Fig.5-10. Rectangle window

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

Fig.5-11 Hanning window

Quick Tips

„ If desired, use the zoom feature to magnify the FFT waveform.

„ Use the default dB scale to see a detailed view of multiple frequencies, even if they have very different amplitudes. Use the Vrms scale to see an overall view of how all frequencies compare to each other.

„ Signals that have a DC component or offset can cause incorrect FFT waveform component magnitude values. To minimize the DC component, choose AC Coupling on the source signal.

„ To reduce random noise and aliased components in repetitive or single-shot events, set the oscilloscope acquisition mode to average.

Term interpretation

Nyquist frequency: The highest frequency that any Real Time Digital Oscilloscope can measure is exactly half of the sampling rate under the condition of no mistakes, which is called Nyquist frequency. If under-sampling occurs when the frequency sampled is higher than Nyquist frequency, “False Wave” phenomenon will appear. So pay more attention to the relation between the frequency being sampled and measured.


In FFT mode, the following settings are prohibited:

1) Window set;

2) XY Format in Display SET;

3) “SET 50%” (the triggering level at the vertical point of signal amplitude) in Trigger setting;



User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 30

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Application of VERTICAL POSITION and VOLTS/DIV Knobs

1. The VERTIVAL POSITION knob is used to adjust the vertical positions of the waveforms of all Channels (including those resulted from the mathematical operation).

The analytic resolution of this control knob changes with the vertical division.

2. The VOLTS/DIV knob is used to regulate the vertical resolution of the wave forms of all channels (including those obtained from the mathematical manipulation), which can determine the sensitivity of the vertical division with the sequence of 1-2-5. The vertical sensitivity goes up when the knob is rotated clockwise and goes down when the knob is rotated anticlockwise.

3. When the vertical position of the channel waveform is adjusted, the screen shows the information concerning the vertical position at the lower left corner (see


Fig. 5-12 Information about Vertical Position

How to Set the Horizontal System


The HORIZONTAL CONTROLS includes the HORIZ MENU button and such knobs as HORIZONTAL POSITION and SEC/DIV.

1. HORIZONTAL POSITION knob: this knob is used to adjust the horizontal positions of all channels (include those obtained from the mathematical manipulation), the analytic resolution of which changes with the time base.

2. SEC/DIV knob: it is used to set the horizontal scale factor for setting the main

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook time base or the window.

3. HORIZ MENU button: with this button pushed down, the screen shows the operating menu (see Fig. 5-13).

Fig. 5-13 Time Base Mode Menu

The description of the Horizontal Menu is as follows:

Function Menu

Main (Main Time Base)

Set (Set Window)

Zoom (Zoom Window)


The setting of the horizontal main time base is used to display the waveform.

A window area is defined by two cursors. This function is not available at FFT mode.

The defined window area for display is expanded to the full screen.

Main Time Base

Press the H1 menu selection button and choose Main . In this case, the

HORIZONTAL POSITION and SEC/DIV knobs are used to adjust the main window. The display in the screen is shown as Fig.5-14

Fig. 5-14 Main Time Base

Set Window

Press the H2 menu selection button and choose Set . The screen will show a window area defined by two cursors. In this case, the HORIZONTAL POSITION and

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SEC/DIV knobs can be used to adjust the horizontal position and size of this window area. In FFT mode, Set menu is invalid. See Fig.5-15.

Fig. 5-15 Window Setting

Window Expansion

Press the H3 menu selection button and choose Zoom. As a result, the window area defined by two cursors will be expanded to the full screen size (see Fig. 5-16).


Fig. 5-16 Zoom Window

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

How to set the Trigger System

Trigger is to determine when DSO starts to acquire data and waveform display.

Once trigger to be set correctly then it will convert the unstable display to meaning waveform.

When DSO start to acquire data it will acquire enough data to form waveform on left of trigger point. DSO continues to acquire data when it waits for trigger condition happen. Once it detect out the trigger it will acquire enough data continuously to form the waveform on right of trigger point.

Trigger control area consists of 1 knob and 3 menu keys.

TRIG LEVEL: The knob that set the trigger level; press the knob and the level will be cleaned to Zero.

50%: The instant execute button setting the trigger level to the vertical midpoint between the peaks of the trigger signal.

Force: Force to create a trigger signal and the function is mainly used in

“Normal” and “Single” mode.

Trigger Menu: The button that activates the trigger control menu.

Trigger Control

The oscilloscope provides two trigger types: single trigger and alternate trigger.

Single trigger: Use a trigger level to capture stable waveforms in two channels simultaneously.

Alternate trigger: Trigger on non-synchronized signals.

The Single Trigger and Alternate Trigger menus are described respectively as follows:

Single trigger

Single trigger has four modes: edge trigger, video trigger, pulse trigger and slope trigger.

Edge Trigger:

It happens when a specified voltage level

passes through the trigger input in the specified slope direction.

Video Trigger: Carry out field or line video trigger on the standard video signal.

Pulse Trigger:

Use this trigger type to catch pulses with certain pulse width.

Slope Trigger: The oscilloscope begins to trigger according to the signal rising or falling speed.

The four trigger modes in Single Trigger are described respectively as follows:

1. Edge Trigger

An edge trigger occurs on trigger threshold value of input signal. Select Edge trigger mode to trigger on rising edge, falling edge or rising & falling edge.

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

The Edge Trigger Menu is shown as Fig.5-17

Edge menu list:

Fig. 5-17 Edge trigger menu

Single Mode











AC Line










Set vertical channel trigger type as edge trigger.

Select CH1 as trigger signal.

Select CH2 as trigger signal.

Select Ext-trigger as trigger signal

Select attenuated Ext TRIG/5 as trigger signal.

Select power line as trigger signal.

Not allow DC portion to pass.

Allow all portion pass.

Not allow high frequency of signal pass and only low frequency portion pass.

Not allow low frequency of signal pass and only high frequency portion pass.

Trigger in signal rising edge

Trigger in signal falling edge

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

Acquire waveform when trigger occurred

When trigger occurs, acquire one waveform then stop

100ns~10s, adjust M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

2. Video Trigger

Choose video trigger to trigger on fields or lines of NTSC, PAL, or SECAM standard video signals.

Trig menu refer to Fig.5-18

35 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Fig. 5-18 Video trigger menu

Video menu list:

Single Mode
















Line NO.






3. Pulse Width Trigger

Set vertical channel trigger type as video trigger.

Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.

The external trigger input.

Ext-trigger divided to 5 to extend trigger level range.

Select video modulation

Synchronic trigger in video line.

Synchronic trigger in video field.

Synchronic trigger in video odd filed

Synchronic trigger in video even field

Synchronic trigger in designed video line, turn the M knob to set the line number

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

100ns~10s, adjust the M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

Pulse trigger occurs according to the width of pulse. The abnormal signals can be detected through setting up the pulse width condition.

The Pulse Width Trigger Menu is shown as

Fig. 5-19


Fig. 5-19 Pulse Width Trigger menu

Pulse Width Trigger menu list

Single Mode










Set vertical channel trigger type as pulse trigger.

Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.

Not allow DC portion to pass.

Allow all portion pass.

Not allow high frequency of signal pass and only low frequency portion pass.

Not allow low frequency of signal pass and only high frequency portion pass

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 36

5. Advanced User Guidebook


Choose the polarity when

Select pulse width condition and adjust the M knob to set time.



4. Slope Trigger






Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

Acquire waveform when trigger occurred

When trigger occurs, acquire one waveform then stop

100ns~10s, adjust M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

Slope trigger sets the oscilloscope as the positive/negative slope trigger within the specified time.

The Slope Trigger Menu is shown as

Fig. 5-20


Slope trigger menu list





Fig. 5-20 Slope trigger menu

Set vertical channel trigger type as slope trigger.






AC Line slope

Slope selecting

Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.


Ext-trigger divide to 5 to extend trigger level range

AC Line as resource trigger signal.


Set slope condition, turn the M knob to set slope time.



High level

Low level

Slew rate



Adjust M knob to set the

High level

upper limit.

Adjust M knob to set

Low level lower limit.

Slew rate=(

High level- Low level)/ Settings

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

Acquire waveform when trigger occurred

37 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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100ns~10s, turn the M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

Alternate trigger

Trigger signal comes from two vertical channels when alternate trigger is on. This mode is used to observe two unrelated signals. You can choose different trigger modes for different channels. The options are as follows: edge, video, pulse or slope.

1.Alternate trigger(Trigger mode: Edge)

Alternate trigger(Trigger Type: Edge)

Menu is shown as



Fig.5-21 Alternate trigger(Trigger Type: Edge) Menu

Alternate trigger(Trigger Type: Edge)




















Set vertical channel trigger type as edge trigger.

Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.

Not allow DC portion to pass.

Allow all portion pass.

Not allow high frequency of signal pass and only low frequency portion pass.

Not allow low frequency of signal pass and only high frequency portion pass.

Trigger in signal rising edge

Trigger in signal falling edge

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

100ns~10s, adjust M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 38

5. Advanced User Guidebook

2.Alternate trigger (Trigger Mode: video)

Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: video) Me nu is shown as



Fig.5-22 Alternate trigger(Trigger Type: video) Menu

Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: video)





Video Set vertical channel trigger type as video trigger.













Odd Field

Even Field

Line NO.




Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.

Select video modulation

Synchronic trigger in video line.

Synchronic trigger in video field.

Synchronic trigger in video odd filed

Synchronic trigger in video even field

Synchronic trigger in designed video line, turn the M knob to set the line number

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

100ns~10s, adjust the M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

3.Alternate trigger (Trigger Mode: Pulse)

Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: Pulse)

Menu is shown as




Fig.5-23 Alternate trigger (Trigger Type:



Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: Pulse) menu list












Set vertical channel trigger type as pulse trigger.

Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source.

Not allow DC portion to pass.

Allow all portion pass.

Not allow high frequency of signal pass and only low frequency portion pass.

Not allow low frequency of signal pass and only high

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Polarity frequency portion pass.

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Choose the polarity when

Select pulse width condition and turn the M knob to set time.






Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

100ns~10s, adjust M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

4.Alternate trigger (Trigger Mode: Slope )

Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: Slope ) Menu is shown as Fig.5-24.

Fig.5-24 Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: Slope ) Menu

Alternate trigger (Trigger Type: Slope) menu list:




Slope Set vertical channel trigger type as slope trigger.




Select CH1 as the trigger source.

Select CH2 as the trigger source. slope

Select slope condition


Set slope condition, turn the M knob to set time.




High level

Low level

Slew rate




Turn M knob to set the

High level

Turn M knob to set

Low level

Slew rate=(

High level- Low level)/ Settings

Acquire waveform even no trigger occurred

100ns~10s, adjust the M knob to set time interval before another trigger occur.

Set Holdoff time as 100ns

Term interpretation

1. Source: Trigger can occur from several sources: Input channels (CH1, CH2), AC

Line, Ext, Ext/5. z Input : It is the most commonly used trigger source. The channel will work when

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 40

5. Advanced User Guidebook selected as a trigger source whatever displayed or not. z Ext Trig: The instrument can trigger from a third source while acquiring data from

CH1 and CH2. For example, you might want to trigger from an external clock or with a signal from another part of the test circuit. The Ext, Ext/ 5 trigger sources use the external trigger signal connected to the EXT TRIG connector. Ext uses the signal directly; it has a trigger level range of +1.6 V to -1.6 V. The EXT/ 5 trigger source attenuates the signal by 5X, which extends the trigger level range to +8 V to

-8 V. This allows the oscilloscope to trigger on a larger signal z AC Line: AC power can be used to display signals related to the power line frequency, such as lighting equipment and power supply devices. The oscilloscope gets triggered on its power cord, so you do not have to input an AC trigger signal.

When AC Line is selected as trigger source, the oscilloscope automatically set coupling to DC, set trigger level to 0V.

2. Trigger Mode:

The trigger mode determines how the oscilloscope behaves in the absence of a trigger event. The oscilloscope provides three trigger modes: Auto, Normal, and Single. z Auto: This sweep mode allows the oscilloscope to acquire waveforms even when it does not detect a trigger condition. If no trigger condition occurs while the oscilloscope is waiting for a specific period (as determined by the time-base setting), it will force itself to trigger. z Normal: The Normal mode allows the oscilloscope to acquire a waveform only when it is triggered. If no trigger occurs, the oscilloscope keeps waiting, and the previous waveform, if any, will remain on the display. Single: In Single mode, after pressing the Run/Stop key, the oscilloscope waits for trigger. While the trigger occurs, the oscilloscope acquires one waveform then stop. z Single: In Single mode, after pressing the Run/Stop key, the oscilloscope waits for trigger. While the trigger occurs, the oscilloscope acquires one waveform then stop.

3. Coupling:

Trigger coupling determines what part of the signal passes to the trigger circuit.

Coupling types include AC, DC, LF Reject and HF Reject. z AC: AC coupling blocks DC components. z DC: DC coupling passes both AC and DC components. z LF Reject: LF Reject coupling blocks DC component, and attenuates all signal with a frequency lower than 8 kHz. z HF Reject: HF Reject coupling attenuates all signals with a frequency higher than 150 kHz.

4. Holdoff: A time interval before the oscilloscope responses to next trigger signal.

During this Holdoff period, the trigger system becomes “blind” to trigger signals. This function helps to view complex signals such as an AM waveform. Press Holdoff button to activate “TRIG LEVEL” knob, then turn it to adjust Holdoff time.

41 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook

How to Operate the Function Menu

The function menu control zone includes 9 function menu buttons and 3 immediate-execution buttons: Measure, Acquire, Autoset, Utility, Cursor,

Autoscale, Save, Display, Help, Run/Stop, Copy and Single.

How to Implement Sampling Setup

Press the Acquire button and the menu is displayed in the screen, shown as


Fig.5-25 ACQU MODE Menu

The description of the Acqu Mode Menu is shown as follows:

Function Menu



Peak Detect



4, 16, 64, 128


General sampling mode.

It is used for the detection of the jamming burr and the possibility of reducing the confusion.

It is used to reduce the random and don’t-care noises, with the optional number of averages.

The description of the Record Length Menu is shown as follows:

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 42

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Function Menu









Choose the record length

Change the ACQU Mode settings and observe the consequent variation of the wave form displayed.

Fig.5-26 Peak Detect mode, under which the burrs on the falling edge of the square wave, can be detected and the noise is heavy.

43 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Fig.5-27 Common ACQU Mode display, in which no burr can be detected.

Fig.5-28 The displayed waveform after the noise is removed under the

Average Mode, in which the average number of 16 is set.

How to Set the Display System

Push down the Display button and the menu displayed in the screen is shown as


Fig.5-29 Display Set Menu

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5. Advanced User Guidebook

The description of the Display Set Menu is shown as follows:

Function Menu



XY Mode


VGA Disp






1 second

2 seconds

5 seconds










Only the sampling points are displayed.

The space between the adjacent sampling points in the display is filled with the vector form.

Turn the M knob to set the persistence time

Clear the persistence

Turn on the XY display function;

Turn off the XY display function.

Turn on the cymometer ;

Turn off the cymometer.

Connect the VGA port to a monitor. If set it as

ON, the waveform could be displayed on the computer monitor.

Display Type: With the F1 menu selection button pushed down, you can shift between Vect and Dots types. The differences between the two display types can be observed through the comparison between Fig.5-30 and Fig.5-31.


Fig.5-30 Display in the Vector Form

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Fig.5-31 Display in Dots form


When the Persist function is used, the persistence display effect of the picture tube oscilloscope can be simulated: the reserved original data is displayed in fade color and the new data is in bright color. Press the H2 button,the Persist menu will display at the right of screen. Press the F1 button, different persistence time can be chosen: OFF, 1second, 2second, 5second and Infinity. When the

Infinity” option is set for Persist time, the measuring points will be stored till the controlling value is changed (see Fig.5-34). By pressing the F2 button, the persistence will be cleared.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 46

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Fig.5-32 Infinite Persistence Display

XY Format

This format is only applicable to Channel 1 and Channel 2. After the XY display format is selected, Channel 1 is displayed in the horizontal axis and Channel 2 in the vertical axis; the oscilloscope is set in the un-triggered sample mode: the data are displayed as bright spots and the sampling rate is 1MS/s and can not be changed.

The operations of all control knobs are as follows:

„ The Vertical VOLTS/DIV and the VERTICAL POSITION knobs of

Channel 1 are used to set the horizontal scale and position.

„ The Vertical VOLTS/DIV and the VERTICAL POSITION knobs of

Channel 2 are used to set the vertical scale and position continuously.

The following functions can not work in the XY Format:

„ Reference or digital wave form

„ Cursor

„ Time base control

„ Trigger control


Operation steps:

1. Press the Display button and call out the Display Set Menu.

47 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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2. Press the H3 menu selection button to set XY Mode ON. The display format is changed to be XY mode (see Fig.5-33).

Fig.5-33 XY Display Mode


It is a 6-digit cymometer. The cymometer can measure frequencies from 2Hz to the full bandwidth. Only if the measured channel has triggering signal and in Edge mode, it can measure frequency correctly. In the Single trigger mode , it is a one channel cymometer and it can only measure the frequency of the triggering channel. In the

ALT trigger mode, it is a two channel cymometer and it can measure the frequency of two channels. The cymometer is displayed at the right bottom of the screen.

To turn the cymometer on or off:

1. Press the Display button.

2. In the Display menu, press the H4 button to toggle between the cymometer display ON or OFF.

VGA Output

The VGA port could be connected to a computer monitor. The image of the oscilloscope can be clearly displayed on the monitor.

To set the VGA Output:

1. Press the Display button.

2. In the Display menu, press the H5 button to toggle between ON or OFF.

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How to Save and Recall a Waveform

Press the Save button, you can save the waveforms and settings in the instrument.

The menu displayed in the screen is shown as Fig.5-34.

Fig.5-34 Waveform Save Menu

The description of the Save Function Menu is shown as the following table:

Function Menu


Setting Description





Choose the saving type (the Record Type

see “How to Record/Playback Waveforms” on P51)

When the type is Wave, the menu shows as following:





Choose the waveform to be saved.

Object & Show




Recall or close the waveform stored in the current object address. When the show is

ON, if the current object address has been used, the stored waveform will be shown, the address number and relevant information will be displayed at the top left of the screen; if the address is empty, “None is saved” will be displayed.

Save the waveform of the source to the




External selected address. You can also press Copy button to do it. Storage format is vector.

Save to internal storage of USB storage.

When External is selected, save the waveform according to the current record

length (see “

Record Length Menu

” on P42).

The file will be named according to the current system time. The waveform file could be open by OWON waveform analysis software (on the supplied CD).

When the type is Setting, the menu shows as following:

49 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook





The setting address


Save the current oscilloscope setting to the internal storage

Load Recall the setting from the selected address

When the type is Image, the menu shows as following:


Save the current display screen. You can also press Copy button to do it. The file can be only stored in a USB storage, so a USB storage must be connected first. The file is stored in BMP format, named according to the current system time.

Save and Recall the Waveform

The SDS series oscilloscope can store 15 waveforms, which can be displayed with the current waveform at the same time. The stored waveform called out can not be adjusted.

In order to save the waveform of the channel CH1 into the address 1, the operation steps should be followed:

1. Saving: Press the H1 button,the Type menu will display at the left of screen, turn the M knob to choose Wave for Type.

2. Press the H2 button and press F1 button to select CH1 for Source.

3. Press the H3 button ,and press the F1, turn the M knob to select 1 as object address.

4. Press the H5 button and press F1 button to select Internal.

5. Press the H4 button to save the waveform.

6. Recalling: Press the H3 button, and press the F1, turn the M knob to select 1 as object address. Press F2 button to set Show as ON. The waveform stored in the address will be shown, the address number and relevant information will be displayed at the top left of the screen.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 50

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Fig.5-35 Wave Saving

How to Record/Playback Waveforms

Wave Record function can record the input current wave. You can set the interval between recorded frames in the range of 1ms~1000s.The max frame number reaches

1000,and you can get better analysis effect with playback and storage function.

Wave Record contains four modes: OFF , Record , Playback and Storage.

Record: To record wave according to the interval until it reaches the end frame set.

Record menu shows as follows:

Menu Setting



Close wave record function





Set record menu

Set playback menu

Set storage menu

Record mode



End frame Turn the M knob to select the number of frames to record (1~1000)




Turn the M knob to select the interval between recorded frames (1ms~1000s)

Refresh wave during recording

Stop refreshing


Play Begin to record

Stop Stop recording


Both of the waveforms of Channel 1 and Channel 2 will be recorded. If a Channel is turned off while recording, the waveform of the channel is invalid in the playback mode.

51 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Fig.5-36 Wave Record

Playback: Play back the wave recorded or saved.

Playback menu shows as follows:

Menu Setting

Start frame


Turn the M knob to select the number of start frame to playback (1~1000)

Playback Mode

Frame Set

Play mode


End frame

Cur frame


Turn the M knob to select the number of end frame to playback (1~1000)

Turn the M knob to select the number of current frame to playback (1~1000)

Turn the M knob to select the interval between


Once played back frames (1ms~1000s)

Play back the wave continuously

Play back the wave just one time

Play Begin to record

Stop Stop recording

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 52

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Fig.5-37 Wave Playback

Storage: Save the current wave according to the start frame and end frame set.

Storage menu shows as follows:

Menu Setting

Storage Start frame


Turn the M knob to select the number of start frame to store (1~1000)


Frame Set

End frame

Turn the M knob to select the number of end frame to store (1~1000)



Save the waveform record file to the internal memory

Load the waveform record file from the memory


Fig.5-38 Wave Storage

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook

To use wave record function, do as follows:

(1) Press Save button.

(2) Press H1 button, turn the M knob to choose Record.

(3) Press H2 button. In the Mode menu, press F2 button to choose Record.

(4) Press H3 button. In the Frame Set menu ,press F1 button and turn the M knob to set End frame ; press F2 button and turn the M knob to select the interval between recorded frames.

(5) Press H4 button, choose whether to refresh the wave when recording.

(6) Press H5 button to start recording.

(7) Press H2 button. In the Mode menu, press F3 button to enter the Playback mode.

Set the frame range and Playmode .Then ,press H5 button to play.

(8) To save the wave recorded, press H2 button. In the Mode menu, press F4 button to choose Storage ,then set the range of frames to store, press H4 button to save.

(9) To load the waveform from the internal memory, press Load, and then enter playback mode to analyze the wave.

How to Implement the Auxiliary System Function Setting


Press the Utility button and turn the M knob to select Config to go to the following menu.

Fig.5-39 Configuration Menu

The description of Configuration Menu is shown as the follows:

Function Menu Setting





Set Time


Choose the display language of the operating system.




On/Off the date display

Hour Min Setting Hour/Minute

Day Month Setting Date/Month


Lock all keys. Unlock method: press 50% button in trigger control area, then press

Force button, repeat 3 times.

About Version number and serial number showing

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 54

5. Advanced User Guidebook


Press the Utility button and turn the M knob to select the Display to go to the following menu.

Fig.5-40 Display Menu

The description of

Display Menu

is shown as the follows:

Function Menu

Setting Description

Graticule Select the grid type




Turn on or off the battery display

Menu Time 5s~50s,OFF Set the disappear time of menu


Press the Utility button and turn the M knob to select the Adjust to go to the following menu.

Fig.5-41 Adjust Menu

The description of Adjust Menu is shown as the follows:

Function Menu

Self Cal


Setting Description

Carry out the self-calibration procedure.

Call out the factory settings.

Do Self Cal (Self-Calibration)

The self-calibration procedure can improve the accuracy of the oscilloscope under the ambient temperature to the greatest extent. If the change of the ambient temperature is up to or exceeds 5℃, the self-calibration procedure should be executed to obtain the highest level of accuracy.

Before executing the self-calibration procedure, disconnect the probe or wire and the input connector. Press the Utility button .Then,press the H1 button and the function menu will display at the left of the screen, turn the M knob to choose

Adjust”, then press the H2 button to choose “Self Cal”, entering the

55 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

self-calibration procedure of the instrument.

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Fig.5-42 Self-Calibration


The Pass/Fail function monitors changes of signals and output pass or fail signals by comparing the input signal that is within the pre-defined mask.

Press the Utility button and turn the M knob to select the Pass/fail to go to the following menu.

Fig.5-43 Pass/Fail menu

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 56

5. Advanced User Guidebook

The description of Pass/Fail Menu is shown as the follows:

Function Menu Setting Description operate



Control enable switch

Control operate switch







Signal tested corresponds with the rule

Signal tested not correspond with the rule

Beep when it satisfies the rule

Stop once satisfying the rule

Control the display status of info frame










Select source CH1,CH2 or Math

Change the Horizontal tolerance value by turning the

M knob

Change the Vertical tolerance value by turning the

M knob

Use the rule set as testing rule

Choose any one from Rule1~Rule8 as your rule name

Click Save to save the rule

Load some rule as the testing rule

Pass/Fail test:

Detect whether the input signal is within the limits of the rule, if it exceeds limits of the rule, it is “Fail”, otherwise it is “Pass”. Also it can output fail or pass signal by built-in, configurable and photoelectric isolation output port. To run the test, read the following steps:

1. Press Utility button, then H1 button, turn the M knob to choose Pass/fail menu option, Pass/Fail menu will be displayed in the bottom.

2. Enable switch on: Press H2 button to show Operate menu, then, press F1 button to set Enable as ON.

3. Create rule: Press H4 button to enter Rule setting menu. Press F1 button to choose the source; Press F2 button, turn the M knob to set Horizontal tolerance;

Press F3 button, turn the M knob to set Vertical tolerance; Press F4 button to create the rule.

4. Set output type: Press H3 button to enter Output option setting. Choose any one or two of the options “Pass”, “Fail” or “Beep” . “Pass” and “Fail” are mutually exclusive options, which could not be chosen simultaneously. “Stop” means stop once the condition satisfies your setting.

5. Begin to test: Press H2 button, then F2 button to select “Start” ,the test will begin.

6. Save rule: Press H5 button, then F2 button to save the rules, which could be called up at once when need., press F3 button to call up the rule saved.

57 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Fig.5-44 Pass/Fail test


1. When Pass/Fail is ON , if XY or FFT is ready to run ,then Pass/Fail will be closed; under the mode of XY or FFT , Pass/Fail is unable.

2. Under the mode of Factory , Auto Scale and Auto Set , Pass/Fail will be closed.

3. When no save setting left in the rule save, tip will be given to show “NO RULE


4. Under the status of stop, data comparing will stop, and when it goes on running, the number of Pass/Fail will increase from the former number, not from zero.


Press the Utility button and turn the M to select the Output to go to the following menu.

Fig.5-45 Output menu

The description of Output menu is shown as the follows:



Setting Description


Trig level Output trig signal synchronously

Pass/fail Output High Level when Pass , and Low Level when Fail

How to Measure Automatically

Press the Measure button to display the menu for the settings of the Automatic


User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 58

5. Advanced User Guidebook

The oscilloscopes provide 20 parameters for auto measurement, including Vpp,

Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period,

Rise Time, Fall Time, Delay A→B , DelayA→B ,+Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty.

That’s 10 voltage and 10 time measurements in all.

The menu is displayed as Fig.5-46.

Fig.5-46 Measure Menu

The “Automatic Measurements” menu is described as the following table:

Function Menu




Show all





Press F1 ,show the measure types

Select the source

Show all the measures on the screen

Add the selected measure types (showed

Remove all types at most.)

Remove all the measures


Remove Remove the chosen measure type


The measured values can be detected on each channel simultaneously. Only if the waveform channel is in the ON state, the measurement can be performed. The automatic measurement cannot be performed in the following situation: 1) On the saved waveform. 2) On the mathematical waveform. 3) On the XY format. 4) On the Scan format.

Measure the frequency, the peak-to-peak voltage of the Channel CH1 and the mean,

59 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook the RMS of the Channel CH2, following below steps:

1. Press the Measure button to show the automatic measurement function menu.

2. Press the H1 button to display the Add menu.

3. Press the F2 button and choose CH1 as the source.

4. Press the F1 button, the type items will display at the left of screen, and turn the

M knob to choose Period.

5. Press the F4 button, the period options added completes.

6. Press the F1 button again, the type items will display at the left of screen, and turn the M to choose Freq.

7. Press the F4 button, the frequency added completes, finish setting of CH1.

8. Press the F2 button and choose CH2 as the source.

9. Press the F1 button, the type items will display at the left of screen, and turn the

M to choose Mean.

10. Press the F4 button, the Mean added completes.

11. Press the F1 button, the type items will display at the left of screen, and turn the

M to choose PK-PK.

12. Press the F4 button, the PK-PK added completes, finish setting of CH2.

The measured value will be displayed in the reading window automatically (see


Fig.5-47 automatic measurement

The automatic measurement of voltage parameters

The SDS series oscilloscopes provide automatic voltage measurements including

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 60

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vavg, Vamp, Vrms, Vtop, Vbase, Overshoot and Preshoot.

Fig.5-45 below shows a pulse with some of the voltage measurement points.


Vpp: Peak-to-Peak Voltage.

Vmax: The maximum amplitude. The most positive peak voltage measured over the entire waveform.

Vmin: The minimum amplitude. The most negative peak voltage measured over the entire waveform.

Vamp: Voltage between Vtop and Vbase of a waveform.

Vtop: Voltage of the waveform’s flat top, useful for square/pulse waveforms.

Vbase: Voltage of the waveform’s flat base, useful for square/pulse waveforms.

Overshoot: Defined as (Vmax-Vtop)/Vamp, useful for square and pulse waveforms.

Preshoot: Defined as (Vmin-Vbase)/Vamp, useful for square and pulse waveforms.

Average: The arithmetic mean over the entire waveform.

Vrms: The true Root Mean Square voltage over the entire waveform.

The automatic measurement of time parameters

The SDS series oscilloscopes provide time parameters auto-measurements include Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, Delay

1→2 ,Delay 1→2 , +Duty and -Duty.

Figure 5-46 shows a pulse with some of the time measurement points.

61 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Rise Time: Time that the leading edge of the first pulse in the waveform takes to rise from 10% to 90% of its amplitude.

Fall Time: Time that the falling edge of the first pulse in the waveform takes to fall from 90% to 10% of its amplitude.

+Width: The width of the first positive pulse in 50% amplitude points.

-Width: The width of the first negative pulse in the 50% amplitude points.

Delay 1→2 : The delay between the two channels at the rising edge.

Delay 1→2 : The delay between the two channels at the falling edge.

+Duty: +Duty Cycle, defined as +Width/Period.

-Duty:-Duty Cycle, defined as -Width/Period.

How to measure with cursors

Press the Cursor button to display the cursor measurement function menu (CURS

MEAS) in the screen.

The Cursor Measurement for normal model:

The cursor measurement includes Voltage Measurement and Time Measurement at normal model, shown as Fig.5-50.

Fig.5-50 CURS MEAS Menu

The description of the cursor measurement menu is shown as the following table:

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Setting Description






Switch off the cursor measurement.

Display the voltage measurement cursor and menu.

Display the time measurement cursor and menu.

CH1 Display the channel generating the waveform to

CH2 which the cursor measurement will be applied.

When carrying out the cursor measurement, the position of Cursor 1 can be adjusted with the VERTICAL POSITION knob of Channel 1, and that of Cursor 2 can be adjusted with the VERTICAL POSITION knob of Channel 2.

Perform the following operation steps for the voltage cursor measurement of the channel CH1:

1. Press Cursor and recall the Cursor Measure menu.

2. Press the H2 button and choose CH1 for Source.

3. Press the H1 button, the Type menu will display at the right of the screen.

Then press the F2 button to choose Voltage for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed along the horizontal direction of the screen, which indicating

Cursor1 and Cursor2.

4. According to the measured waveform, adjust the positions of Cursor1 and

Cursor2 by turning the VERTICAL POSITION knob of CH1 and CH2.

Cursor increment window at the left bottom of waveform shows absolute value of D-value of cursor 1 and cursor 2 and the present position of the two cursors. (See Fig.5-51).


Fig.5-51 Waveform of Voltage Cursor Measurement

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook

Carry out the following operation steps for the time cursor measurement of the channel CH1:

1. Press Cursor and recall the Cursor Measure menu.

2. Press the H2 button and choose CH1 for Source.

3. Press the H1 button, the Type menu will display at the right of the screen.

Press the F3 button to select Time for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed along the vertical direction of the screen, which indicating Cursor

1 and Cursor 2.

4. According to the measured waveform, adjust the positions of Cursor1 and

Cursor2 by turning the VERTICAL POSITION knob of CH1 and CH2.

The cursor increment window at the left bottom of the waveform shows absolute difference, frequency and the present time of the two cursors.

Fig.5-52 Waveform of Cursor Measurement

The Cursor Measurement for FFT model:

Press the Cursor button to display the cursor measurement function menu (CURS

MEAS) in the screen, which includes Vamp Measurement and Freq Measurement at the mode of FFT, shown as Fig.5-53.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 64

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Fig.5-53 CURS MEAS Menu

The description of the cursor measurement menu is shown as the following table:



Setting Description





Switch off the cursor measurement.

Display the Vamp measurement cursor and menu.

Freq Display the Freq measurement cursor and menu.

Math FFT Display the channel for the cursor measure.

When carrying out the cursor measurement, the position of Cursor 1 can be adjusted with the VERTICAL POSITION knob of Channel 1, and that of Cursor 2 can be adjusted with the VERTICAL POSITION knob of Channel 2.

Perform the following operation steps for the Vamp cursor measurement :

1. Press Cursor and recall the Cursor Measure menu.

2. Press the H1 button, the Type menu will display at the right of the screen. Press the F2 button to select Vamp for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed along the horizontal direction of the screen indicating Cursor1 and Cursor2.

3. According to the measured waveform, adjust the positions of Cursor1 and

Cursor2 by turning the VERTICAL POSITION knob of CH1 and CH2. Cursor increment window at the left bottom shows absolute value of the two cursors amplitude difference and the present position.

65 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Fig.5-54 wave of Vamp cursor measurement

Carry out the following operation steps for the Freq cursor measurement :

1. Press Cursor and recall the Cursor Measure menu.

2. Press the H1 button, the Type menu will display at the right of the screen. Press the F3 button to select Freq for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed along the vertical direction of the screen indicating the corresponding Cursor 1 and Cursor 2

3. According to the measured waveform, adjust the positions of Cursor1 and

Cursor2 by turning the VERTICAL POSITION knob of CH1 and CH2.

Increment window shows two cursors difference value and the present position.

(See Fig.5-55).

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Fig.5-55 wave of Freq cursor measurement

How to use Autoscale

The function is applied to follow-up signals automatically even if the signals change at any time. Autoscale enables the instrument to set up trigger mode, voltage division and time scale automatically according to the type, amplitude and frequency of the signals.

The menu is as follows:

Function Menu Setting




Fig.5-56 Autoscale menu

Turn off

Turn on




67 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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Follow-up and adjust the vertical and horizontal settings.

Follow-up and adjust horizontal scale without changing vertical setting.

Follow-up and adjust vertical scale without changing horizontal setting.


Show Multi-period waveforms.

Only show one or two periods.

If you want to measure the two-channel signal, you can do as the follows:

1. Press Autoscale button, the function menu will appear.

2. Press


to choose


3. Press H2 and choose

4. Press H3 and choose

for Mode item.

for Wave item.

Then the wave is displayed in the screen, shown as Fig.5-57.

Fig.5-57 Autoscale Horizontal- Vertical multi-period waveforms


1. Entering into Autoscale function and the

○ flicker will be at the top left of the screen. (flicker every 0.5 second)

2. In the mode of Autoscale, the oscilloscope can self-estimate “Trigger Type”

(Single, and Alternate) and “mode” (Edge, Video). At this point, the trigger menu is not available.

3. At the mode of XY and STOP status, pressing Autoset to enter into Autoscale,

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 68

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DSO switches to YT mode and AUTO status.

4. At the mode of Autoscale, DSO is always in the state of DC coupling and AUTO triggering. In this case, making Triggering or Coupling settings have no effect.

5. At the mode of Autoscale, if adjust the vertical position, voltage division, trigger level or time scale of CH1 or CH2, the oscilloscope will turn off Autoscale function and if press Autoset again, the oscilloscope will enter into Autoscale.

6. Turn off the submenu at the Autoscale menu, the Autoscale is off and turn on the submenu still enters into the function.

7. When video triggering, the horizontal time scale is 50us. If one channel is showing edge signal, the other channel is showing video one, the time scale refers to 50us as video one as standard.

8. While the Autoscale is working, below settings will be made forcibly:

(1) The unit will switch from non-main time base to main time base status.

(2) The unit will switch to Peak detection menu while in the state of Average sampling mode.

How to Use Executive Buttons

Executive Buttons include Autoset, Run/Stop, Single, Copy.


This button is used for the automatic setting of all control values of the instrument to generate the waveform suitable for observation. Press the Autoset button and the oscilloscope will perform the fast automatic measurement of the signal.

The function items of Autoset are shown as the following table:

Function Items

Acquisition Mode



Vertical Coupling

Vertical Scale


Adjust to the proper division.

Bandwidth Full

Horizontal Level Middle

Horizontal Sale

Trigger Type

Trigger Source

Adjust to the proper division


Show the minimum number of channels.

Trigger Coupling

Trigger Slope

Trigger Level

Trigger Mode

Display Format



Mid-point Setting




Enable or disable the waveform sampling.

Notice: Under the Stop state, the vertical division and the horizontal time base of the waveform can be adjusted within a certain range, in other words,

69 User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope

5. Advanced User Guidebook the signal can be expanded in the horizontal or vertical direction.

When the horizontal time base equal to or is less than 50ms, the horizontal time base can be expanded for 4 divisions downwards.


Press this button you can set the trigger mode as single directly,so when trigger occurs, acquire one waveform then stop.


This button is the shortcut of saving function of the Save function menu.

Pressing this button is equal to the Save option in the Save function menu.

The current waveform or the display screen could be saved according to the

setting of the Save function menu. For more details, please see “




” on P49.

User Manual of Smart Digital Storage Oscilloscope 70


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