DRO Mode and
3.1 DRO Manual Data Input
is in either DRO mode or PGM mode. DRO mode allows data input for short one step machining operations. Manual operation, single step operation, and single commands can be entered. DRO mode
also allows the running of programs; See "DRO Operations" on page
The following describes the concepts, and formats used with the
which are being introduced in this chapter.
DRO Screen
Status Bar Display
Move Table
Milling Functions
Zeroing an Axis
Teach Position
Electronic Edge Finder
Milling Function Keys
DRO Operations
DRO Mill Cycles
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
DRO Screen
The DRO screen displays information per the current operation. The
mode allows the use of the milling function hard keys, or can be used as a DRO in manual machining operations.
In addition to the information provided in Chapter 1 "DRO Mode display" on page 12, the following table describes what is being
viewed on the display in DRO mode.
When the console is first turned on, the soft keys Shut Down, Find
, and Cancel are displayed.
Press the Find Home soft key.
After pressing either the Find Home, or Cancel soft key, the default
DRO screen will be displayed.
did not perform the Find Home feature at start up, press the Datum soft key from the default DRO screen to display the Home soft key. Press the Home soft key then the Find Home soft key will be displayed.
Status Bar displays the servo motor status Stop/Run/Pause, feedrate override, current Tool (blank if none is selected), Datum,
Scale, Skew, unit of measure selected (Inch/MM), Estimated
Time, Part Clock, Parts (run), Job Clock, and Time of Day.
See "Status Bar Display" on page 32
Display current position of each axis, and relative to the current datum.
Operator Intervention Message line (OIM) that provides prompts, and messages to the operator.
Soft keys display. The soft keys change per the function that has been selected. Each are activated by the associated hard key that is directly below it. When a soft key appears as being pressed, it is activated. If the key is not pressed in, it is not currently active.
Active soft key text changes to yellow text.
This window displays program steps if a program is loaded. If no program is loaded, then this window is blank. When a function has been selected (e.g. Pocket), its dialogue box is displayed in this window.
Status Bar Display
Status Bar
This field indicates the program state: Stop when program is not running, Run when program is running, or Pause when program is paused for operator.
This field indicates the current feedrate of the table or quill.
In DRO mode, this field indicates the current tool selection. In PGM mode, this field indicates the programmed tool for the highlighted step.
This field indicates the active Datum number.
This field indicates the active Scale factor.
This field indicates the active Skew angle.
This field indicates the active display units. All dimensions are displayed in these units (inch or mm). The current feedrate is displayed in these units (inch or mm per minute).
This field indicates the estimated machining time for the active program. This time assumes the program runs at 100% of the programmed feeds. It does not include the time necessary to perform manual operations such as changing a tool.
Part Clock
This field shows the cumulative running time of the current program. The timer is reset when a program is loaded.
Time of
This field shows the number of times the current program was run to create a part.
Job Clock
This field shows the total elapsed time for the current job. This timer is started and stopped by the operator.
This field shows the current time.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
Move Table
The Move Table soft key when pressed will turn on the servo motors.
Pressing it again will turn the servo motors off.
The desired feed rate can be set, or it can be left at 100% for rapid
feed rate. See "Adjusting the Feedrate" on page 28.
To move the table in increments, first select the soft key increment wanted (e.g. 0.001, or 0.01, or 0.1).
A 3 axes system allows the Z axis to be moved by selecting the soft keys Move Z Up, or Move Z Down.
A 2 axes system requires the Z axis to be moved manually.
A 3 axes system allows the X, Y, (and Z) axis can be moved simultaneously by pressing the desired direction ARROW hard keys at the same time.
A 2 axes system allows the X, and Y axis to be moved simultaneously by pressing the desired direction ARROW hard keys at the same time.
Always fold in the table crank handles before moving the table using the servos.
The axis move one increment per key press when using step increment. The axis moves continuously until released when using continuous jog.
Milling Function
One Step Milling function may also be referred to as Single Cycle milling functions. Most milling functions can be used as one time machining operations as well as for programming. The BLEND key does not support single operation. Each milling function will either open its own dialogue or allow selection of choices from a soft key popup.
These milling function keys are described in more detail later in this chapter.
Zeroing an Axis
Pressing the Zero X, Zero Y, or Zero Z soft keys will zero the incremental position for those axes.
A datum must be set to establish the point from which all absolute dimensions are based.
Teach Position
Whenever X, Y or Z coordinates are being entered, the Teach Position soft key will appear, enabling MILLPWR
G2 use the current coordinate(s). MILLPWR
to be in teach mode and to
will base each coordinate on the current absolute position, and enter that position into the field that is highlighted.
While programming, the MILLPWR
can switch between the DRO and PGM screens without losing the program that is either being created, or being edited.
To teach the MILLPWR
a coordinate (while programming a milling function e.g. Rectangle Pocket):
Use the arrow keys to highlight the X, Y, or Z axis fields.
Move your tool, indicator, or electronic edge finder to the position you want to teach.
Press the Teach Position soft key to enter that location then press the ENTER key.
The numeric keypad, and calculator functions can be used to adjust the number.
Repeat the steps for each axis and each location that will be used to teach the MILLPWR
Press USE to accept the dialogue or press CANCEL to cancel the dialogue.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
Electronic Edge Finder
A HEIDENHAIN Electronic Edge Finder enables you to teach positions, find the center point of a circle, skew a part or locate datum
(also referred to as workpiece zero) by simply touching off on the part.
The advantage of an electronic edge finder is that it instantly senses when you’ve made contact with the point even when you over-travel.
lets you define the diameter and unit of measure for an electronic edge finder. Once this information has been entered,
will automatically compensate for the radius of the tip of the electronic edge finder when performing any of the operations mentioned above.
To teach a coordinate with the edge finder, highlight the appropriate field then slowly move the table (1in/min) until the electronic edge finder touches the workpiece. When the electronic edge finder touches the part’s surface, the coordinate will appear in the field. The electronic edge finder is active whenever an entry field is highlighted.
The skew function automatically compensates for the offset angle of the part when it is not perfectly parallel with either the X or Y axis.
Press the DRO/PGM key to place the MILLPWR
DRO mode.
Press the ABS/INCR key to place the MILLPWR
ABS mode.
Press the Datum soft key to open the SET DATUM dialogue.
Enter the Datum Number in the DATUM NUMBER field.
Enter the Skew Angle in the SKEW ANGLE field.
Press the CANCEL key at any time to cancel and exit the
SET DATUM dialogue.
Each datum has its own skew angle. When a new datum is selected, that datum’s skew angle will be used.
To compensate for the skewed part, touch off on two or more points along one axis, either X or Y. Use an electronic edge finder or a mechanical indicator. At each point selected, press the Teach
soft key to enter the data.
Always choose a line that you want to make parallel with the table’s X or Y axis, do not enter coordinates along a curve, along two different lines or along a line that’s positioned at a true 45 degree angle.
will calculate the skew angle based upon a straight line between the points you’ve entered.
If you’re working with a part that has a rough edge, it’s best to enter multiple points along the straightest edge so that MILLPWR
can more accurately calculate the skew angle.
The skew feature does not work with G-code programs.
Remove any skew angle prior to running a G-code program.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
Milling Function Keys
The following describes in general, the milling function keys.
Most milling functions can be used as one time machining operations.
The BLEND key does not support single operation.
Hard Key Function
opens the SET TOOL dialogue where information regarding the tool can be entered.
opens the popup menu above the Rectangle soft key. Choose the type of rectangle milling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The required dialogue will open for that choice.
opens the Circle popup menu above the
soft key. Choose the type of circle milling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The required dialogue will open for that choice.
opens the popup menu above the Hole
soft key. Choose the type of hole drilling that is to be done by selecting it from the popup menu. The dialogue where information can be entered to drill a row, frame array, or a bolt circle pattern will open.
opens the POSITION / DRILL dialogue where information can be entered to move the table to a position in the X & Y direction.
opens the MILL LINE dialogue where information can be entered to mill a line.
opens the MILL ARC dialogue where information can be entered to mill an arc.
opens the BLEND dialogue while in PGM mode where information can be entered to mill an arc, blending two surfaces together. Also used for chamfer.
DRO Operations
The following explains a few of the machining operations that are available. This example is providing an overview to the operator of the
The RECT, or CIRCLE keys as an example access popup menus to further refine the type of milling to be completed. Selecting the type of milling operation required will open the dialogue for that type of milling operation.
An operation is run by pressing the USE key. The CANCEL key can be pressed at anytime to cancel an operation.
Rectangle milling
Press the RECT key on the front panel. The soft key is displayed, and a popup menu appears on the display listing the type of rectangles available for milling.
Rectangle milling example
(e.g. pocket, frame, face, or slot)
Select Pocket from the popup menu.
The popup menu disappears, and the RETANGLE POCKET dialogue is displayed.
Enter the data to mill the pocket.
An operation is run by pressing the GO key. While running a graphic representation can be seen by pressing the VIEW key. The STOP key can be pressed at anytime to pause, or stop an operation.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
Circle milling
Press the CIRCLE key on the front panel. The soft key
is displayed, and a popup menu appears on the display listing the type of circles available for milling.
Circle milling example
(e.g. pocket, frame, ring, or helix)
Select Pocket from the popup menu.
The popup menu disappears, and the CIRCLE POCKET dialogue is displayed.
Enter the data to mill the pocket.
Press GO to run the circle pocket.
DRO Mill Cycles
The one step milling function are grouped in Four categories as shown in these groups.
Drill Cycles
Row of Holes
Rectangular Frame
Rectangular Array
Bolt Circle
Rectangular Pocket Cycles
Circular Pocket Cycles
Other one step milling features
Mill Line
Mill Arc
When a Milling Function key is selected for a single step operation, either a popup menu is displayed, or the available soft keys for that function are provided and its dialogue is opened. When a popup menu appears, further selection is required, then the dialogue is displayed.
The DRO screen is also displayed, showing the current axes location.
The RECT, CIRCLE, and HOLES keys, when selected, display a popup menu. These three keys provide additional selections to further specify the type of machining required.
Press the milling function hard key that is to be performed in DRO mode.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator
3.2 Calculator
Accessing the calculator
The built in calculator can be used for simple arithmetic, or other math functions. The calculator can be accessed at any time, during most operations.
To access the calculator press the CALC key, and select the calculator function to be used.
The following calculator soft keys are available:
Soft key Description
Trigonometric Sine function
Trigonometric Cosine function
Trigonometric Tangent function
Open Parenthesis (
Used as one of a pair to enclose a sum, or other expression.
Close Parenthesis )
Used as one of a pair to enclose a sum, or other expression.
Number multiplied by itself
Square Root
Square root of a number
More Cmds
(see next soft key display area)
More Commands, second menu.
Soft key Description
Inverse function of Sine
Inverse function of Cosine
Inverse function of Tangent
To exit the calculator press the CALC key a second time or press CANCEL.
Press the CLEAR key to clear the entry field.
Using the calculator to insert data
The calculator can be used in the numeric field of dialogues.
Example, Milling a circle pocket:
The radius of a circle is required in the data input field, and the part drawing provides a diameter dimension.
The diameter dimension can be entered into the dialogue field.
Make sure CALC has been pressed to activate the calculator.
Then press the Divide by key. The ( ÷ ) divide by symbol will appear in the field showing the calculation step.
Then press the 2 key. This will also appear in the field as part of the calculation steps.
Then press the ENTER key, and the result will be entered into the dialogue field.
Trig Functions
When calculating the Sine, Cosine, or Tangent of an angle, enter the angle first (in decimal degrees), then press the function soft key.
3 DRO Mode and Calculator