9.1 Setup
G2 has a set of parameters that can be setup as default values. Some of these values can be over-ridden per the program step dialogue, while others remain in affect until changed in the setup dialogue.
Press the SETUP key to access the setup parameters.
The setup parameters are grouped into two categories: Job Setup and Installation Setup (e.g.
Config Data).
Job Setup
parameters can be changed to accommodate specific machining requirements for each job.
Installation Setup parameters are established during the initial installation and typically are not changed. The installation setup parameters are protected by a passcode. These parameters are described within the Technical Manual.
Tool Table
Press the Tool Table soft key to access the Tool
The Tool Table is briefly discussed in this chapter. In the table, up to
99 tools can be entered and used in any program that would required
that tool. See chapter 4.1 Tool Table on page 44 for a complete
description about using the Tool Table.
Error Log
Press the Error Log soft key to access the Error Log display.
The Error Log records all errors, and is retained by the MILLPWR
G2 until it is deleted. An error in the log can be highlighted, and an explanation of the error can be displayed by pressing the Info soft key.
The Error Log entries may also be deleted from the DRO or PGM screen by pressing the 0 numeric key.
9 Setup
Job Setup
Three soft keys: Job Setup, Tool Table, and Error Log are used to setup the MILLPWR
for operation, programing, and DRO mode.
Job Setup
Press the Job Setup soft key to access the Job setup parameters.
In the JOB SETUP dialogue there are four parameters that can be set which the MILLPWR
will default to when not overridden by another setting.
SCALING: Typically most jobs are scaled at 1 to 1 (full scale).
Occasionally a job may be scaled down to as an example 1/2 scale.
In such a case, before programming the job, the scale factor should be changed here so that it becomes the default scale factor for the program.
FEED RATE: This is a Default setting that the MILLPWR
will use as well. Though this setting can change per job, and material used.
will use this as the default in a program unless it is changed (e.g. by a step that is in the program), then that new feed rate will be used until changed again.
DISPLAY: For Peck\Pass, the setting can either be in Distance, or
Number Of Cycles. The selected option will be the default for the dialogues and can only be changed here in Job Setup.
JOB CLOCK - PARTS COUNTER: For setting the parts counter and stopping or starting the Job Clock. The Job Clock will provide an estimate of time to machine the part, provide a stop watch, parts counter, and overall Job time.
PROBING: When a probe is used, the probe tip radius is entered here. This value will be used in dialogues where applicable.
DISPLAY GRID: When viewing a part graphic, a grid can be turned on as an overlay to the part graphic. The grid spacing is set using this field, and is relative to the actual part size.
TRAVEL LIMITS: The X, Y, and Z travel limits are set in the TRAVEL
LIMITS fields for each axis. Travel limits can be set at any location that does not exceed the actual travel of the machine.
Scale Factor
Scale factor is a multiplier that lets you expand or shrink the print’s dimensions without performing complex calculations, or affecting the proportion of your part. Enter the number that the dimensions should be multiplied by, then run the program normally. MILLPWR
will adjust the programmed dimensions (but not the tool size) automatically.
There is no limit, or restrictions when using a scale factor.
scale default setting is 1.0000. A value greater than
1.0000 will increase the part’s dimensions; a value less than 1.0000 will reduce them. This is saved to the configuration block and will be remembered until it is changed to a new setting.
will display the current scale factor in the status bar at the top of the display screen.
To change the scale factor
In Job Setup, highlight the SCALING field, and enter the multiplication factor.
Press the USE key.
Feed Rate
The parameters set here will be used as the default by MILLPWR
G2 and will only change if it is modified in any of the milling functions dialogue.
Highlight the Default field, and specify the inches per minute. Also select the unit of measure, Inch or MM by pressing the appropriate soft key.
Next, highlight the Dry Run field, and enter the inches per minute that is required. The default is 80 IPM.
Display: Peck\Pass
Enter either the Number of Cycles or the Distance between each cut.
This applies to the Z axis depth of cut. This setting acts a little different depending on what function has been selected.
When drilling a hole, the Number of Cycles refers to the number of times the drill retracts to clear the debris from the hole. If Distance is used in stead, it would mean how deep the drill plunges before it retracts.
Similarly, if milling, and using a flat end mill, Distance will mean the depth of each pass. Number of Cycles will mean how many times the end mill make a pass, cutting material away each time.
9 Setup
Job Clock - Parts Counter
The parts counter appears on the status bar when in DRO mode, or running a program. This is useful to track how many times the current program has run and therefore how many parts have been completed.
Here, setting the parts counter, stopping or starting the Job Clock are setup. The Job Clock will provide an estimate of time to machine the part, provide a stop watch, parts counter, and overall Job time.
Preset a starting count by entering the value in the Parts field.
Press the Set Count soft key to set the counter to the field value.
Press the Reset Count soft key to set the Parts field to 0.
The parts counter resets to 0 when a new program is loaded.
The Job Clock is also displayed on the status bar, and operates like a stop watch. It is started, or stopped by the user from the JOB SETUP dialogue.
The Pause Clock soft key will pause the Job Clock temporarily.
The Resume Clock soft key will resume the Job Clock after it has been paused.
The Reset Clock soft key will stop, and reset the Job Clock to 0.00.
There is no MILLPWR
G2 requirement for these features. They are provided to the operator for job assistance, and informational purposes.
When using a probe, the radius of the tip of the probe is used for establishing the location of an edge of a work piece. The value of the probes radius will be used in all applicable dialogues when the probe is the selected tool.
Select the PROBING Radius field.
Enter the tip radius of the probe.
Press the USE key to enter the data.
Display Grid
When in PGM mode, and a program is selected, the graphic view of the part is displayed. A grid overlay can be added to the display. The grid spacing is defined in this field. The grid spacing is relative to the actual size of the part, and not the display size.
For an example; if the part size is 3.0 x 3.0 inches, and the selected grid spacing is .5”, then the grid shown would have 5 horizontal, and
5 vertical lines displayed. If the part size is 6.0 x 6.0 inches, then there would be 11 horizontal, and 11 vertical lines displayed.
Select the DISPLAY GRID Spacing field.
Enter the spacing preferred (e.g. .50”).
Press the USE key to enter the data.
Travel Limits
Find Home must be established before travel limits can be set.
Travel limits define how far the table is allowed to move along the X and Y axes, and how far up and down the Z axis quill can be moved.
When a value is set to zero, then no limit stop is set for that axis.
If a limit setting has been set incorrectly, the operator will be able to exit, and continue. Pressing the USE key will cause a warning to be displayed in the Operator Intervention Message display that the limits were set incorrectly. The limit setting in that axis will return to zero, and the settings must be re-defined.
The error message must first be cleared from the error log before returning to the Job Setup dialogue.
When using the Move Table soft key (Jog Mode), all travel limits are removed. Caution must be taken not to exceed the actual table travel limits. Damage to the system, or to the machine could occur.
9 Setup
To set the X axis Travel Limits:
Select the TRAVEL LIMITS X Axis field.
Move the table by pressing the Move Table soft key, then use the right and left ARROW keys, or manually move the table with the hand wheel.
Move the table to the left to locate the right side table travel limit stop.
With the table in the required location, press the Set Right softkey.
Move the table to the right to locate the left table travel limit stop is to be set, and press the Set Left softkey.
The X axis travel field will now update to show the maximum allowable travel distance between the left and right table travel limit stops.
Press the Exit soft key to exit Move Table, and accept the X Axes limit stop locations, and return to the dialogue.
The next field can not be accessed unless the Exit soft key, or
key is pressed. Each axes must be set individually in order to return to the dialogue form.
To set the Y axis Travel Limits:
down to the TRAVEL LIMITS Y Axis field.
Move the table by pressing the Move Table soft key, then use the UP
key to move the table towards the column. The DOWN ARROW key is used to move the table away from the column. The table can also be manually moved with the hand wheel.
Move the table towards the column to where the Inside table travel limit stop is to be set.
With the table in the required location, press the Set Inside softkey.
Move the table out to where the Outside table travel limit stop is to be located.
With the table in the required location, press the Set Outside softkey.
The Y axis travel field will now update to show the maximum allowable travel distance between the Inside and Outside table travel limit stops.
Press the Exit soft key to exit Move Table, and accept the Y Axes limit stop locations, and return to the dialogue.
To set the Z axis Travel Limits:
down to the TRAVEL LIMITS Z Axis field.
Move the quill by pressing the Move Table soft key, then use the
Move Z Up
and Move Z down soft keys. The axis can also be manually moved with the hand lever, or wheel.
Move the quill up to where the top of the quill travel limit stop is to be set with the Move Z Up soft key, or done manually. With the quill set in the required location, press the Set Top softkey.
Move the quill down to where the bottom travel limit stop is to be set using the Move Z Down soft key, or done manually. With the quill set in the required location, press the Set Bottom softkey.
The Z axis travel field will now update to show the maximum allowable travel distance between the upper and lower limit stops.
Press the Exit soft key to exit Move Table, and accept the Z Axes limit stop locations.
Press the USE key to accept all the settings in Job Setup.
If a power cycle occurs while in the Job Setup dialogue, all travel limits set will be lost.
9 Setup
Tool Table
contains a tool table that can store the diameter, length, unit of measure, and tool type for up to 99 tools. MILLPWR
only requires that you provide the tool's diameter; however, it may be helpful to the operator if additional information is provided so that each tool is easier to identify from the tool list. Chapter 4 provides complete
information regarding the tool table. See "Tool Table" on page 44
Set up the tool table so that the tools used most often appear first.
From SETUP, press the Tool Table soft key.
Error Log
includes a built-in error log that will record system error messages. If an error is detected, MILLPWR
will automatically record the date, along with a brief description of the error.
If an error is present that prevents running of another program the front panel indicator light will flash.
Press the Info soft key to display additional information on the highlighted error which will open in its own display window. The additional information includes Cause and suggested correction
Press the Detail soft key to display the detailed information available on the source of the error. This will also open in its own display window.
Press the Delete soft key to clear the highlighted message.
Pressing the Delete All soft key will clear all messages. Pressing the Delete All soft key will also exit the Error Log dialogue.
Pressing the Delete soft key will only exit the dialogue if there was only one error message.
To exit the Error Log, press the Exit soft key.
A quick method for deleting all errors in the log is to press the “0” on the numeric keypad.
Service Files
Occasionally, it may be necessary to provide files that document problems. These are known as service files.
The service files can be generated by pressing the Log Files soft key and then pressing the Service Files soft key (accept the default name and press the OK soft key).
The services files take a few seconds to generate. Once generated they can be found in V:\ with the name
Use features in Program Functions to copy the service file (i.e.: and e-mail it if ever asked to do so.
Multiple service files can be re-generated. The most recent one is always; second most recent one; etc.
After copying the service files delete them so they do not occupy program storage space.
9 Setup