D765 | snom 760 User Manual
The directory is the built-in directory of the phone. It can hold 1000 entries. Entries can be added and edited on the phone and on the web interface.
Any changes you make on the web interface will not take effect until you click on "Save" or on "Apply" and "Save", depending on your firmware version. Changes will be lost if you open another page of the web interface without first clicking on "Apply"/"Save".
Definitions, explanations
Directory entries
Each entry must have at least one phone number; multiple associated phone numbers are possible. If you do not enter a first and/or last name and/or nickname, the phone number will appear under both
"Name" and "Number".
• Entry with one phone number:
• Entry with several associated phone numbers:
Number area (N): Individual settings for the master record and each subentry possible.
Blue area. Data can be different for each associated phone number. If subentry textfi elds are blank, the data from the master record is displayed.
Name area. Same data for the master record and all subentries.
Master record (M)
Subentry 1
Subentry 2
Blue area of Subentry 2: Different "Group" selection (S), different entry in textfi eld of "Email" (S). No entry in text fi elds of
"Title" and "Organization", therefore same as Master Record.
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
Contact Types
VIP: Calls from numbers with this contact type will ring on your phone even when DND mode is active.
You can assign a ringtone to this contact type. If your VIP is also assigned to a group (see below) and if that group has a distinct ringtone, the ringtone assigned to the group will be played.
Deny List: Calls from phone numbers with this contact type will not ring on your phone. The caller hears the "Busy" signal.
Outgoing identity
The default setting is "Active" which means that the phone will use the current outgoing identity whenever you dial the number of the phone book entry.
You can also select a specific identity to be used as the outgoing identity whenever the number is dialed, for example, if you want to use a specific VoIP provider for these calls.
Note: To use an outgoing identity specified in the directory, you must dial the number
from the directory. If you simply type it on the keypad, the current outgoing identity, as indicated on the display, will be used.
The available group types are Friends, Family, Work, Colleagues. You can assign a distinct ringtone to each group type.
The phone has 10 built-in ringtones that can be assigned to identities, group types, and contact types.
It is also possible to download a custom melody.
Assigning ringtones to identities: See "Identities/accounts" on page 64.
Assigning ringtones to contact type VIP and group types
Preferences > Directory Ringtones.
Select a ringtone from the respective drop-down menu and click on "Apply". If you choose "Custom
Melody URL", enter the URL to the data file in the text field. It must be a file of the type PCM 8 kHz 16 bit/sample (linear) mono WAV.
Note: Ringers assigned to contact type VIP and to any of the group types override the
ringers assigned to the identities. For example, if you have assigned ringer 1 to one of the identities and ringer 2 to the group "Colleagues", the phone will play ringer 2 when a contact from the "Colleagues" group calls that identity.
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
Adding/Editing Entries on the Phone
Adding new entry manually
1. Press to open the phone's directory.
2. Press on the navigation key to go straight to <New Item>.
3. Press .
4. Enter the phone number and press .
5. Enter a nickname in the text field of "nick name" (optional) and/or press . The "Details" screen opens.
Note: Entering a nickname is optional. If you don't enter one, the entry will be listed
under the phone number. You can add a first and last name later by editing the entry on the phone or on the web interface.
6. See "Editing existing entry" on page 39 on how to continue.
Adding new entry from call list
1. Press to open Call history.
2. Press number key to select a call list.
3. Use / to select a call.
4. Press "Details".
5. Press /"Save" to add the name (if the name was transmitted) and number to the phone directory. If the name is not shown, the number will be used in its place.
See "Editing existing entry" on page 39 on how to add a name, phone type, group, etc.
Adding current caller
Press to add the caller's name (if transmitted) and phone number to the directory. If the name is not shown, the number will be used in its place.
See "Editing existing entry" on page 39 on how to add a name, phone type, group, etc.
Sorting entries
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press etc.).
to open the phone's directory.
/ to select the criterion for sorting (nickname, first name, last name, organization,
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
Editing existing entry
1. Press to open the phone's directory.
2. Selecting an entry: Scroll to the entry or enter the first letter of the name.
3. Press . The "Details" screen for the entry will be displayed.
4. Editing a detail. a. Press / and to select a detail. Depending on the detail, b. in some cases, you will see the prompt screen where you can enter or modify text. Edit the data, if necessary, and press to save and to open the next screen. See also Entering numerals, letters, special characters, and symbols.
In other cases, you will see a succession of screens with context-sensitive buttons. Example:
Modifying the settings of "group". i. Select "group" with and . The "favorite" screen opens.
ii. Use / and to select yes or no. The "group" screen opens.
iii. Use / and to select family, friend, colleague, work, or none. The "contact type" screen opens.
iv. Use / and to select VIP, block, or none.
c. When you are done editing the entry, press .
Deleting an entry
1. Press to open the phone's directory.
2. Selecting an entry: Scroll to the entry or enter the first letter of the name.
If there is more than one phone number associated with the entry and you want to delete only one of them, press . Select the number you want to delete with / and press the function key .
3. Press . You will be asked, "Are you sure?".
4. If you are, press .
Adding/editing entries on the web interface
Click on Directory in the menu on the left side.
Adding new entry
1. Type data in text fields of "Add or Edit Entry“.
◦ Number: Type the number exactly as you would dial it, with country and area codes, if necessary, and without parentheses, hyphens, blank spaces.
◦ Number Type: Select the type of connection from the drop-down menu. The default setting is
◦ Contact Type: Select "None", "VIP", or Deny" from the drop-down list. The default setting is
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
- Calls from entries on the "VIP" list will always ring on the phone, even when the phone is in a call or in DND mode.
Note: You can assign a distinct ringtone to the contact type "VIP": Preferences
> Directory Ringtones.
- Calls from entries on the "Deny" list will not ring on the phone. The caller will always hear the busy signal.
◦ Outgoing Identity: The drop-down list shows all identities configured on the phone. If you select one of the identities for one of the numbers listed in the phone book, all calls to that number initiated from the phone book will show that identity on the callee’s phone.
◦ Blue area: The data entered in the textfields will be displayed when the entry is opened on the phone. The data can be used to sort entries by group, name, organization, etc., and can be edited on the phone.
- "Group" drop-down menu: Available types are "Friends“, "Family“, "Colleagues“, or "Work".
You can assign a distinct ringtone to each group type: Preferences > Directory Ringtones.
- "Nickname": If you enter a nickname, it will appear under the "Name" header of the
Directory on the web interface.
◦ First name, family (last) name: Will be added in this order under "Name" in the directory, unless you have also entered a nickname.
◦ Birthday. Uses the format set at Preferences > General information > U.S. Date Format (mm/ dd): "On" or "Off". Enter in DD.MM.YR or MM/DD/YR format. Examples:
Date Input
March 5, 1980
March 12, 1980
5.3.80 or 3/5/1980
12.3.80 or 3/12/1980
October 5, 1980 5.10.80 or 10/5/1980
October 12, 1980 12.10.80 or 10/12/1980
◦ Favorite: Tick box to add entry to "Favorites" list.
Output when US Date Format setting is
On Off
2. Click on "Add/Edit" to save new entry to directory.
Editing an entry
When you open an existing entry, the current information is displayed in the text fields of "Add or Edit
Entry" and two additional buttons, "Add Sub" and "Change", are available.
• Editing
◦ If single entry, click on in the entry's line.
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
◦ If there is more than one number associated with a name:
- Click on in the name's line if you wish to edit/add the first or last name of the date of birth and the data in the blue area applicable to the master record.
- Click on in a phone number's line if you wish to edit the subentry`s data (phone number, number & contact type, outgoing identity, and any blue area data applicable to this subentry only).
Make changes as necessary and click on "Change".
• Adding additional phone number (subentry) for a name
◦ Jane Smith's entry has only one phone number, her SIP phone number. In this example, the phone number of Jane Smith's landline will be added to the directory.
- Click on in Jane Smith's line. The data is shown in "Add or Edit" area (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
- Enter the phone number in the text field of "Number" (Fig. 2).
- Select "fixed" from the drop-down menu of "Number type" (Fig. 2).
- If you wish, select a contact type and an outgoing identity from drop-down lists (Fig. 2).
- Click on "Add Sub" (Fig. 2).
◦ John Miller's entry has a SIP number and a private number. In this example, his cell phone number will be added as a third number.
- Click on in the line containing John Miller's name. The data is shown in "Add or Edit" area.
- Enter the phone number in the text field of "Number".
- Select the number type.
- If you wish, select a contact type and an outgoing identity from the respective drop-down list.
- Click on "Add Sub".
The directory now contains Jane Smith's landline number and John Miller's mobile phone number.
D765 | snom 760 User Manual
Deleting entry on web interface
• Click on in the line of the master record to delete the name and all associated phone numbers.
• Click on in the line of a phone number subentry to delete that subentry, but keeping the master record and any other subentries.
Dialing from phone directory
To dial, click on in the line of the phone number.
Deleting whole directory
Deletes entire directory irretrievably!
Importing/Exporting Directory
See our Wiki at http://wiki.snom.com/Web_Interface/V7/Directory.