Part 1 - Remote Setup
Change the camera’s system information, add users/ groups, and/or import/export settings.
• Language: Select the language you wish to use for remote setup.
• Name: Enter a name for the camera. (Up to 31 alphanumeric characters, including spaces)
• Note: Enter a description for the camera.
• HW Version/SW Version: Indicates the camera’s hardware and software versions.
• Miscellaneous
- ONVIF Protocol: Select to enable ONVIF protocol use. However, ONVIF Protocol is available only to users belonging to the standard user groups
(Administrator, Operator, and User). When you have connected to the camera by using the ONVIF protocol, only the currently enabled streams or events are supported and you cannot change it.
There may be some more settings that cannot be changed, too. If you want to change those settings, connect to the camera by using the IDIS Discovery program.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
• Setup
- Load Default Setup: Restores all settings other than Date/Time to their factory defaults. Select
Include Network Setup to load default network settings as well. For more information on network
setup, refer to the Network on page 12.
- Import Setup: Open a setup file and apply its settings to the camera. Click on the button and then select a setup file. Select Include Network
Setup to apply the file’s network setup settings (exc.
FEN). For more information on network setup, refer
to the Network on page 12.
- Export Setup: Export the current settings as a .dat file. Click on the button and then enter a file name.
• Load Default Setup and Import Setup options are available only to users belonging to the
Administrator group.
• When applying the settings of a setup file, do not select the Include Network Setup option if the network settings contained in the selected file is currently being used by a different camera. Doing so can interfere with establishing a connection with the other camera.
• If IP Address, Admin Port, and/or SSL settings have been changed, Remote Setup will terminate after applying the current settings.
• Date/Time: Change the camera’s date/time settings and display formats and configure the time zone and daylight saving time settings. Click Apply to apply the changes right away.
• Time Sync
- Automatic Sync: Select to synchronize the system’s time with the time server at a specified interval.
Enter the time server’s IP address or domain name and then specify the interval. If the time server is FEN-enabled, select the Use FEN option and then enter the time server’s name instead of its IP address or domain name.
- Run as Server: Select to run the camera as a time server. Other devices will then be able to synchronize its time setting with this camera’s time setting.
If you wish to enter a domain name instead of an
IP address for the Time Server setting, DNS server
must be configured during Network setup. If you
wish to enter a server name instead of an IP address or a domain name, the Use FEN option must be
enabled during Network setup.
• User/Group: Change remote camera control permission settings for users and user groups.
- Add Group: Add a new user group. Designate a name for the group and then specify control authorities.
- Add User: Add a new user. Designate a name for the user, select which group to add the user to, and then enter a connection password.
- Edit: Edit group authorities and/or user passwords.
Select a group or user and then click on the button.
- Remove: Delete groups or users. Select a group of user you wish to delete and then click on the button.
• Allow Anonymous Login: Select if you are using
Webcasting. For more information on webcasting,
refer to the Webcasting on page 24.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
• Allow Anonymous PTZ Control: Select to control the pan/tilt driver remotely from a website using webcasting.
• User/Group settings can only be configured by users belonging to the Administrator group.
• There is no default password for the Administrator group's admin user.
• Standard groups (Administrator, Operator, and
User) cannot be edited or deleted. Authorities assigned here apply identically to ONVIF protocol user groups.
• Group authorities that can be assigned are as follows:
– Upgrade: Able to upgrade the system.
– Setup: Configure the system's settings.
– Color Control: Adjust the camera's brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue settings.
– PTZ Control: Authority to control pan/tilt driver's pan/tilt functions.
– Alarm-Out Control: Reset alarm outs.
– System Check: View system event status.
– Search: Search video recordings saved on the SD card from a remote program.
– Clip-Copy: Search video recordings saved on the SD card and save them as video files from a remote program.