Part 1 - Remote Setup
Configure Camera, Streaming, Webcasting, MAT, and
Privacy Masking options.
• Focus: Select the Focus tab and set up a focus mode.
If the camera image is changed by moving the object or changing the zoom magnification, it is required to adjust the focus.
– Manual: Allows you to adjust the focus manually using remote programs
– Auto: The camera changes its focus automatically whenever a change occurs in the image.
– One - Push: The camera changes its focus automatically only for the first change in the image after setting up the focus mode. If another change occurs after that, this setting must be adjusted manually.
• Pan/Tilt Driver: Select the tab and configure the pan/ tilt driver. Specify the mounted pan/tilt driver’s model and then set up an ID. Click Port and enter the pan/tilt driver’s port speed, data bit, stop bit, and parity values as per the driver manufacturer’s instructions.
• Lens Reset: Adjust the focus by clicking the button to reset the lens setting when video is out of focus by external shocks.
Pan/tilt driver cannot be controlled if it is not properly connected to the RS485. For more information on
RS485 port connection, refer to the RS485 Port in the installation manual and the pan/tilt driver manufacturer's manual.
Image Sensor
Configure Image Sensor settings.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
• Mirroring: Select Horizontal Reverse or Vertical
Reverse to flip the image horizontally or vertically.
• Video Style: Select TV Color or PC Color.
• Backlight Compensation: Enable/disable the
Backlight Compensation feature. If enabled, objects are exposed brighter in backlit situations.
• Sharpness: Adjust the sharpness level. Adjust the contours to make the images look sharper. Increasing the value raises the sharpness level, but using too high a value can result in unwanted noise.
• Noise Filter: Select the noise filter level. Noise filter can reduce the noise in images taken under lowlighting conditions. Increasing the value reduces the noise, but using too high a value can result in blurry images.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
White Balance
Configure White Balance settings.
Configure Exposure settings.
• Preset: Use preconfigured white balance settings.
- Auto: Allow the system to adjust the white balance automatically. The system will assess the lighting conditions and adjust the white balance automatically.
- INCANDESCENT - FLUORESCENT COLD: Select a lighting type to apply the appropriate white balance.
• Manual: Adjust the white balance manually. Adjust
Red and Blue gain values. Greater the value, greater the intensity of the corresponding color.
• AE Target Gain: Specify exposure compensation’s target gain. Exposure is compensated automatically based on the specified target gain. Higher the gain, brighter the images.
• Local Exposure: Activate Local Exposure. Use Local
Exposure on images that appear too dark due to backlighting conditions and on images containing over-exposed sections. Dark parking lot entrances and gas station entrances at night, for example (Local
Exposure compensates for the bright light coming from incoming vehicle headlights and makes it possible to see the license plates). Greater the value, clearer the image.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
• Anti-Flicker: If the lights in the area where the camera is located use alternating current, specify the frequency of the lights to minimize flickering.
Matching the frequencies can reduce flickering.
(NTSC: 60Hz, PAL: 50Hz)
• Slow Shutter: Activate Slow Shutter. The electronic shutter’s speed will decrease to the specified level under low-lighting conditions to allow more light in and therefore produce brighter images.
• Shutter Speed Control: Adjust Shutter Speed. This option is available only when Anti-Flicker and Slow
Shutter are both set to Off.
- Auto: The system will assess the lighting conditions and adjust the shutter speed automatically.
- Manual: Use the slider to select the desired shutter speed. Select the most suitable minimum and maximum shutter speeds for the lighting conditions in the area where the camera is located.
With certain features, selecting Auto automatically loads settings suitable for the camera's installation environment.
Day & Night
Configure Day & Night settings.
• B&W Mode: Display the images in greyscale for greater clarity in low-lighting conditions. When configuring Event > Alarm In, this feature will not function if Day & Night Mode event action has been configured.
- On/Off: Enable/disable B&W Mode.
- Auto: Allow the system to enable/disable B&W
Mode automatically.
- Schedule: Set up a B&W Mode schedule. B&W
Mode is enabled on days and times designated as
Nighttime and disabled at all other times. Select
On or Off at the bottom of the schedule table and then click or drag on the dates and times to select/ unselect as Nighttime. Select On or Off and then click Select All/Clear All to select/unselect all dates and times as Nighttime.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
• IR Cut Filter: IR Cut Filter blocks out the infrared spectrum. You can ensure clear images at all times by blocking out the infrared spectrum in high-lighting conditions and allowing the infrared spectrum to pass through in low-lighting conditions. When configuring
Event > Alarm In, this feature will not function if Day
& Night Mode event action has been configured.
- On/Off: Enable/disable IR Cut Filter.
- Auto: Allow the system to enable/disable IR Cut
Filter automatically.
- Schedule: Set up an IR Cut Filter schedule. IR
Cut Filter use is disabled during dates and times designated as Nighttime and enabled at all other times. Select On or Off at the bottom of the schedule table and then click or drag on the dates and times to select/unselect as Nighttime. Select
On or Off and then click Select All/Clear All to select/unselect all dates and times as Nighttime.
• Primary/Secondary/Tertiary: Multistreaming is supported. Enable/disable streaming use. Secondary’s settings change depending on Primary’s settings.
Tertiary may not be available or have its settings changed depending on Primary and Secondary settings.
– DC-Z1163 model
Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary
Resolution ips Resolution ips Resolution ips Resolution ips
1280x720 30 1280x720 15 -
– DC-Z1263 model
Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary
Resolution ips Resolution ips Resolution ips Resolution ips
1920x1080 30 1280x720 10 1280x720 1 -
1920x1080 30 1280x720 10
1920x1080 30 704x480 30
1920x1080 30 704x480 15
1920x1080 15 1920x1080 15
1920x1080 15 1280x720 30 1280x720 15
• Compression: Choose the streaming compression method.
• Resolution: Choose a resolution setting for video streaming. The current stream resolution cannot be higher than the higher stream resolution.
• Quality: Choose a quality setting for video streaming.
• Bitrate Control: Choose a bitrate control mode for
H.264 compression.
- CBR (Fixed Bitrate): Maintains the current bitrate regardless of motion change in the video.
- VBR (Variable Bitrate): Bitrate varies depending on motion changes in the video. Less movement places less load on the network and takes up less storage space.
• Frame Rate: Choose a frame rate setting for video streaming. The frame rate of the current stream cannot exceed that of a stream of higher priority if the resolution of the current stream is the same as that of the stream of higher priority.
• Default Record Stream: Choose a stream to use for recording. This setting, however, may not apply if a recording stream has been designated from the remote program or the SD card recording feature has been enabled. For more information, refer to the
Settings on page 31.
• Multi-View Streaming: Designate a specific area of the screen and stream images from that area only. (Secondary and Tertiary only) Click Setup to designate a streaming area.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
Select On and then specify the streaming area’s resolution.
- Resolution Limit: Indicates the maximum resolution that can be set for the streaming area.
- Resolution: Designate a streaming area.
Designated area is marked in red on the screen. You can adjust the resolution of the area or reposition the area by dragging and dropping using the mouse.
- Current Resolution: Displays the resolution of the designated streaming area.
If multiple users are connected to the camera, the increase in bandwidth use can lower the frame rate.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
Use the webcasting service to view live images from the camera on a web site.
Select the MAT option to use the MAT (Motion Adaptive
Transmission) feature during video transmission and recording. This feature is supported only with the Slow
Shutter mode disabled. For more information on Slow
Shutter mode settings, refer to the Camera on page
• HTML Code: Copy and paste the html code shown on the screen within the code of the web page you want the video to be displayed.
• Stream: Choose a stream to use for webcasting. Only a stream currently in use can be selected.
In order to use the webcasting service, the Allow
Anonymous Login option under System > User/
Group must be selected.
• Sensitivity: Set the motion detection sensitivity.
Higher values will result in more sensitive motion detection.
• Inactivity Period: Set the Inactivity Period. If motion is not detected for the duration of time specified, video is transmitted and recorded using the frame rate designated below until movement is detected again.
• Frame Rate: Designate the frame rate to be used between the end of the Inactivity Period and the next motion detection. The frame rate of the secondary stream cannot be higher than that of the primary stream, and frame rates supported for the secondary stream change depending on the frame rate of the primary stream. Video is transmitted and recorded at the designated frame rate between then end of the
Inactivity Period and the next motion detection. Once motion is detected again, the frame rate designated under Streaming is restored immediately.
MAT (Motion Adaptive Transmission) is a feature that lowers the frame rate when motion is not detected to reduce the load on the network and save on storage space. Based on the specified sensitivity setting, no movement will be assumed if there is no change between two consecutive images.
Part 1 - Remote Setup
Privacy Masking
Select Privacy Masking to set up a privacy mask over a specific area. The section on which a privacy mask is applied will appear as black when monitoring video.
• Privacy Masking Setup: Set up privacy masks. (Up to 16)
(Unselect): Set or remove a privacy mask. Click on the button and drag & drop using the mouse to set up a privacy mask.
- No./Name: Displays a list of active privacy masks.
The numbers indicate privacy mask numbers. Select the empty space next to a number to assign a name to the corresponding privacy mask. Click Delete to remove the selected privacy mask.