5. Create a new rule:
Name: A descriptive name for the rule (e.g., Exchange 2013 Single Traffic IP).
Select Use TrafficScript Language.
6. Click Create Rule.
7. Use the TrafficScript in Appendix A for the syntax.
8. Click the Update button.
9. Select Services > Virtual Servers, and select the virtual server created for Exchange HTTP services that will perform the
TrafficScript created.
10. Scroll down and click Rules.
11. Assign the TrafficIP script to the request rules by clicking Add Rule.
Configuration Summary
By accessing Services > Config Summary on the WebGUI, a complete snapshot of all configured services is provided. This is a very useful table to glance through to get a good understanding of how the services are configured.
Configuration Steps for a Single Virtual Server with a Single Pool
Deploying Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager as a single virtual server with a single pool for all Exchange 2013 HTTP services is the simplest and quickest approach. In this scenario, Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager simply load-balances the traffic passing through to the CAS servers, and a health monitor can be configured for only one service. The disadvantage of using of this approach is that if the monitoring service is unhealthy, all other services will become unavailable. Flexibility in terms of management and the load-balancing algorithm is not individual but by group.
Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager and Microsoft Exchange 2013 Deployment Guide
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Virtual Traffic Manager (once)
Virtual Traffic Manager (once)
Create a traffic IP group for Exchange services.
Create a pool for Exchange HTTP services.
A single traffic IP group must be created. For details,
see the “Creating a Traffic IP Group” section.
A pool must have a set of servers to load-balance.
Enter the host name or IP address of the node along
with the TCP/UDP port. For details, see the “Creating a
Pool” section.
Select a monitor for the pool. Select a health monitor for the pool. For details, see the
“Creating a Monitor” section.
Virtual Traffic Manager (once) Create a virtual server for each Exchange HTTP service. Create and associate a virtual server to the server pool.
For details, see the “Creating a Virtual Server” section.
Virtual Traffic Manager (once) Configure SSL decryption. Configure SSL decryption to enable SSL offloads. For
details, see the “SSL Decryption” section.
Creating a Traffic IP Group
A traffic IP group (also known as a virtual IP) must be created on which the virtual server will listen. To create a new traffic IP group:
1. Select Services > Traffic IP Groups, and scroll down to Create a new Traffic IP Group.
2. Fill in the fields as follows:
Name: A descriptive name for the Exchange HTTP services (e.g., mail.company.com)
IP Addresses: An IP address that is mapped to the FQDN of all Exchange HTTP services
3. Click Create Traffic Group.
Creating a Pool
A pool must be created for each service that is managed by the Virtual Traffic Manager. To create a new pool:
1. Select Services > Pools, and scroll down to Create a new Pool.
2. Fill in the fields as follows:
Pool Name: A descriptive name for the pool
Nodes: hostname:443 or ipaddress:443
Monitor: No monitor
3. In the next screen, click Load Balancing.
4. Under Algorithm, select Perceptive.
5. Click the Update button to apply changes.
6. Click SSL Settings.
7. Check the Yes button next to ssl_encrypt.
8. Click the Update button to apply changes.
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9. Click Pool > Connection Management, and make the following changes:
Max_connect_time: 5–10 sec (left to user preference)
Max_reply_time: 120 sec (default RPC and ISS timeout template in Exchange 2013)
Queue_timeout: 120 sec (default RPC and ISS timeout template in Exchange 2013)
Node_connclose: yes (make sure to cut traffic to a node when failure occurs)
Creating a Monitor
This section details the steps to create a health monitor.
Note: Advanced external monitors can be written in any language of choice and can be associated with the pool. Select an
Exchange HTTP service for health monitoring.
In this example, the OWA service will be monitored. The HTTP monitor is used for port 443 for the OWA service.
1. Select Catalogs > Monitors.
2. Scroll down to Create new monitor.
3. Give the new monitor a descriptive name.
4. Set the type to HTTP monitor and the scope to Node.
5. Click Create Monitor to create the monitor.
6. In the subsequent configuration page, scroll down and set use_ssl to Yes.
7. Change host_header to the service URL path (e.g., owa.company.com).
8. Change Path: to /OWA/healthcheck.htm.
9. Change status_regex to ^200$.
10. Change body_regex to .*200 OK.
11. Scroll down to Apply Changes, and click the Update button.
12. Select Services > Pools, and select the pool that the monitor will be attached to.
13. Scroll down and click Health Monitoring.
14. Add the appropriate health monitor.
Creating a Virtual Server
Create a virtual server that will handle all Exchange traffic. To create a new virtual server:
1. Select Services > Virtual Servers, and scroll down to Create a new Virtual Server.
2. Enter the following:
Virtual Server Name: A descriptive name for the virtual server
Protocol: HTTP
Port: 443
Default Traffic Pool: The pool created earlier for the Exchange HTTP service
3. Click Create Virtual Server.
4. In the next screen, under Listening on, select Traffic IP Groups and check the appropriate traffic IP group that was created earlier.
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