System Configuration
System Setup
The System Setup page is where you would configure the basic IP information needed for the device to work properly
IP Address: The IP Address of the 9258 DS can be specified here. If you are using a hub or router, the IP address may be selected for you already. Otherwise you can manually select the IP Address here.
Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask Address of the 9258 DS can be specified here. If you are using a hub or router, the IP address may be selected for you already. Otherwise you can manually select the IP Address here.
Default Gateway: The Default Gateway is given by a router or hub and this is where that information would be specified.
DNS: The DNS is the Domain Name Server. This information can be obtained by contacting the ISP
DHCP Client: The DHCP client allows the 9258 DS to use DHCP to obtain the IP Information from a Hub or Router.
Beeper: The Beeper turns on/off the beeper sound from the 9258 DS. When commands are sent a beep sound will appear
Http Command Verification: The HTTP Verification turns on or off the HTTP Command mode. This mode allows you to send commands directly to the device via internet without having to enter the device.
Device Name: In this section you can change the name of the 9258 DS for easier identification purposes.
It is also a way to find your device using IP Service.
Release Version: Displays information on the Firmware version and release date.
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The DDNS section allows you to setup the 9258 DS with a DDNS server (i.e.
). The the server has been setup correctly, enter the necessary information into the 9258 DS DDNS settings.
DDNS Server IP: Input IP Address of the DDNS server.
Your Domain: Type in the Domain Name that you selected for your DDNS server
DDNS Username: Enter the DDNS Username
DDNS Password: Enter the corresponding Password for your DDNS account
Enable DDNS: Select Enable or Disable to turn on or off DDNS settings for the 9258 DS
Proxy Enable: Select enable or disable if any proxy servers are used.
Proxy IP: Enter the proxy server IP Address of the proxy server here.
Proxy Port: Enter Port of the proxy server
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The 9258 DS has an e-mail function that can be used in various scenarios and conditions. When a power port is activated or deactivated, the device will send an email.
When the scheduler is used the device will also send emails when ports are activated or deactivated.
To send out mail successfully , please do set the DNS correctly . You can check with your ISP for correct
DNS information.
Smtp Server: Input the server name of the mail server.
Smtp Port: Input the outgoing Server Port
Pop 3 Server: Input the incoming pop 3 server information
Username: Enter E-mail username
Password: Enter E-mail password (no longer than 8 characters.)
Sender: Enter Sender Email Address
Receiver 1-3: Enter up to 3 receivers
Subject: Enter the email Subject line
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Mail Body: Enter Email Body information.
Schedule Ports 1-4 & Ports 5-8
The scheduler function allows you automatically control the device(s) without having to login. This function allows you to turn on or turn off, cycle power of your devices at scheduled times. To use the this function some key parameters must be set correctly.
Date: Input the date for the device to activate power controls. Format: (YYYY-MM-DD)
Time: Enter the exact time of when the device will be activated on. Format: (HH:MM:SS)
Note: Hour is based on a 24hr military time.
Frequency: Select the number of times this event will be activated (Disable, Just Once, Everyday,
Workdays, Weekend)
Disable: Disables the scheduler
Just Once: Activates the schedule only once
Everyday: Activates everyday until schedule has been deactivated
Workdays: Activates every week from Monday – Friday until deactivated
Weekend: Activates every week on Saturday & Sunday until deactivated
Power On / Off: Set the power to On or Off when the scheduler is activated
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IP Service
The IP Service functionality allows your 9258 DS to easily be found on the internet by using IP Service.
This function allows you to search for your device on IPEdit without having to remember long IP Addresses.
Instead all you need is the name of your 9258 DS and you can access it there. Refer to Page 13 of the
manual on how to use IP Service
On / Off: This allows you to turn on or off IPEdit. By default this function is enabled
Server Address: The IP Service Server address by default is Please contact your
distributor for information on how to setup your own IP Service
*Note: To use IP Service Make sure that you have port forwarded the IP Address of the 9258 DS. IF not you will not be able to access your device.
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The Auto-ping functionality allows the 9258 DS to check if the device have malfunctioned or needs to be restarted. If the device is no working correctly the 9258 Ping will activate the action that you have selected to reinstate the state of the device
Outlet: A description of which on let to use Ping function
Enable: Disable or Enable ping settings
Ping Address: Specify the IP Address to Ping
Ping Failures: The number of ping failures before the Action is activated.
Action Delay (Seconds): When Ping Failures is reached the number of seconds delay before action is activated.
(I.E some systems or computers that require a shut down time)
Startup Delay (Seconds): The number of seconds it takes the attached devices to startup. Once those devices start, the Start up Action will be activated to continue pinging or stop pinging.
Start up Action: After start up Delay has been reached the start up action will either Continue Pinging or
Stop Pinging
Action: When the number of Ping Failures have been reached. The 9258 will either
Ping Time Interval (Seconds): The number of seconds between each ping
Ping Response Time (Milliseconds): The number of milliseconds the device will wait for a response from the pinged device if no ping is detected within this time it will be considered a ping failure.
Please view the example below for more details:
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In the picture above:
1. Power1 Ping function is enabled
2. The 9258 DS will ping the web address
3. If there is a response within the Ping Response Time the 9258 DS will send another ping signal the set Ping Time Interval which is 3 seconds for this example.
4. If the 9258 DS does not receive a response from the device it will constitute a Ping Failure.
5. After 3 consecutive failure the device will go to the Action Delay section. In this case the device will delay for 3 seconds.
6. When action delay has been reached the Action will be set off. Here we have set the 9258
DS to Reset the device.
7. Once the device has been reset the 9258 will go into Startup Delay mode. In this case it is
3 seconds.
8. After the startup delay mode has been reached the 9258 will check the Startup Action whether to continue or stop pinging the device. Here we have it set to Continue.
Then the process starts all over.
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Network Wakeup
The network wakeup function is used to boot up a computer that has the Wake on Lan functionality. Just enter the MAC address of the target computer and the 9258 DS will be able to turn on the device.
Change Password
The change password page allows you to change your password for the 9258 DS. To change the password:
5.) Enter the current password.
6.) Type in the New Password
7.) Confirm New Password
Firmware Update
Follow the instructions carefully and update with caution.
1.) Click the update Button.
2.) Wait for the continue button to load properly. Then hit the continue button.
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3.) Once you have clicked continue the 9258 DS will take you to the update page.
4.) Browse for the update file
5.) Hit the update button and wait for as least 1 minute for the upgrade to complete.
Time Change
The change time feature allows you to change time of your device by setting the time or selecting a NTP server.
Set Date and Time
To set the time of the device enter the Date/ Time with
Date: YYYY-MM-DD Time:24HH-MM-SS
NTP Server
The NTP Server allows the 9258 DS to check with a NTP (Network Time Protocol) to constantly keep the internal clock of the device updated. The network environment must connect to Internet.
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