Organizing Your Music. Rane SIXTY-ONE
Assigning MIDI to Other Controls
Controls which are not normally visible are available for assignment when in MIDI assign mode by clicking on the
Show MIDI Panel
looping features.
button. This will open up a panel allowing MIDI assignment for controls including library navigation as well as additional Deck functions such as fine pitch control and extended cue and
Ctrl-Click Functionality
Some Scratch Live controls on the GUI have additional functionality assigned to ctrl-click. You can assign ctrl-click functionality to a MIDI control, alongside the normal functionality. For example, ctrl click on the INT mode pitch slider returns pitch to zero. To assign this to MIDI control, enter MIDI assign mode, ctrl-click on the slider, and then assign one of the pads to it. When you press the pad, pitch goes to 0.
MIDI presets are accessible in the MIDI panel of the Setup screen. By default, the current MIDI assignments in Scratch Live are automatically remembered and loaded next time you start the program. The preset panel allows you to save and recall several different MIDI setups. This is useful if you are using several MIDI devices or want to quickly switch MIDI setups without having to reassign all your controls.
MIDI Devices
Any connected MIDI device will be listed within the MIDI Device List in the MIDI panel of the Setup screen. You are able to enable or disable any of these devices using the “Enable MIDI Device” checkbox.
NOTE: Mapping other MIDI devices is explained in “MIDI Mapping” on page 46.
Organizing Your Music
Native Controller Support
This Scratch Live version currently has native support for the following 3rd party controllers: • Denon DJ DN-HC1000S • Denon DJ DN-HC4500 • Novation Dicer • Vestax VFX-1 • Pioneer CDJ-350 • Pioneer CDJ-400 • Pioneer CDJ-850 • Pioneer CDJ-900 • Pioneer CDJ-2000 • Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus • Pioneer MEP-7000 These controllers are plug and play, and can automatically control Scratch Live with no MIDI assigment necessary. Visit
for detailed documentation on how to use these controllers.
Scratch Live can support an unlimited number of tracks – the only limitation is the size of the hard drive of your computer. A number of features are included to help you to keep your music organized and find songs quickly and easily.
Grouping Tracks into Crates
Scratch Live supports several ways of organizing and sorting your file library. iTunes users will notice that Scratch Live can incorporate your existing iTunes library and playlists.
Scratch Live uses digital “crates” for quick access to your favorite collections. There is no limit to the number of crates you can create, and any given track can be placed in multiple crates. For example, you could organize your files into the following crates, where any one track would be filed in more than one crate: • Hip Hop • UK Hip Hop • French Hip Hop • Inst Hip Hop • Old Hip Hop • Hip Hop LPs To make a new crate, click the Add New Crate button in the bottom left corner of the main screen ( brown crate icon ). To rename a crate, double click the crate name.
You can change the order of tracks within a crate by sorting by the “#” column and dragging them up or down.
TIP: Check the ‘Protect library’ option in the Library tab of the Setup screen to prevent changes to your crates. If you do delete a crate by accident, you can get it back from the recycle bin / trash. Crate files have the extension .crate.
You can drag and drop crates into other crates to make subcrates. If you drag a crate to the very left of the crate panel, it will stay in the top level of the crate structure. If you drag the crate a little to the right, onto the name of another crate, it will make the crate you are dragging a sub crate of the first crate.
Smart Crates
Smart crates update their contents by using keywords which are matched with selected tags of your music library tracks. Smart crates can be updated automatically or at your discretion.
To create a smart crate, click the Add Smart Crate button in the bottom left corner of the main screen ( blue crate icon ). A popup window will open which allows you to add the rules to fill your smart crate. Press • Added (date) • Album • Artist • BPM • Comment • Composer • Filename • Genre • Grouping • Key • Label • Remixer • Song • Whitelabel • Year
Add Rule
on from the drop down menu: to add a rule for the smart crate to match with. For each rule you can choose a field to match You can then choose the following inclusion / exclusion criteria: • Contains • Is • Does not contain • Is not Check the
Match all of the following Rules
option so that tracks must match all the set rules to be added to the crate. If this option is not checked, any track which matches any of the rules will be added to the crate.
Check the when Live update is checked.
Live update
option to have the smart crate update when any tags are edited in your music library. With this option unchecked, the crate contents will be updated only when you click the refresh crate icon, which is not visible to save your crate or
to exit without saving.
Click the
button (next to the Add Smart Crate button) to edit the rules of an existing Smart Crate.
Sorting Your Files
The track information display area can be customized to display the columns listed below: • Added • Album • Artist • Bitrate • BPM • Comment • Composer • Filename • Genre • Grouping • Key • Label • Length • Location • Remixer • Sampling • Size • Track • Video Track • Year The column button is located at the top of the library pane in the right hand corner. Click on the column button to select which columns you want to display. To sort your library by a column, click the column header so it highlights. For example, clicking on the album column header will sort your library alphabetically by album title. To move a column, drag the header to the left or right. To resize a column, click on the column boundary and drag it to the left or right.
Using the Song Browser
The song browser allows you to filter your song list by Genre, BPM, Artist and Album. To turn the song browser on or off, click the
Scratch Live includes a search function to help you find files quickly and easily. Enter text into the search box and Scratch Live will automatically find as you type. To select which fields the search function will look through, click on the left hand side of the search box. The drop down menu shows which fields are currently being used. Press esc or the
button on the right of the search box to clear the search.
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut ‘ctrl-f’ to jump to the search box. This keyboard shortcut will also take you out of any crate or playlist that you might be in and into your main library, so you can find any track in your collection. If you then click on a crate or playlist, the search query will be cleared.
Prepare Window
The Prepare window is a holding area for tracks, much like preparing a set by lifting records part way out of your record bag. You can drag tracks (or whole crates) from the main track list into the Prepare window, or simply drag them onto the
button. These tracks will be removed from the Prepare window once they have been played. All tracks in the Prepare window will be discarded when you exit Scratch Live.
When viewing a song row, the total played time of the song is displayed (i.e., 00:03:00). When viewing a session row, the total elapsed time of the session is displayed with date (i.e., 10/09/08
The Virtual Deck that the song was played on will be displayed under the deck column. In the song row, either left or right is displayed. The offline player will be listed as offline.
• Serato Playlists:
see “Serato Playlists” on page 31.
To delete a history session, highlight the session, then press ctrl + del.
TIP: To make a new Scratch Live crate containing your session information, select a session and drag it to the + new crate icon. The crate will automatically use the session date as the crate name.
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-p to add tracks to the Prepare window.
TIP: Select the contents of the Prepare window and drag them onto the new crate button (+) to save your selection as a crate.
The file.
button opens a complete log of all the tracks you have played and allows exporting Scratch Live session information as a data Each session is catalogued by date and time. Using the drop down arrow, you can navigate to and view detailed information of any previous sessions. There are columns for the period (i.e., date of session), name of track and artist name. In addition, these other categories listed below will give you more detailed information about your sessions:
Start Time:
time value).
When viewing a song row, the start time of the song is displayed. When viewing a session row, the start time of the session is displayed with the date (in real
End Time:
When viewing a song row, the end time of the song is displayed. When viewing a session row, the end time of the session is displayed with the date (in real time value).
Use this field to list particular information about your songs and each session (i.e., note how you transitioned from one track to another).
Start Session / End Session:
the corresponding button.
To start or end a session, click
Insert Track:
and click the If you wish to add information for tracks not played in Scratch Live into your session (e.g., if you played one of your favorite vinyl or CDs), select the song you want to insert after
Insert Track
button. Double click the inserted track fields and edit your information accordingly. When exporting an m3u playlist [see exporting below] “Inserted Tracks” will not be present.
Listing Behavior -
only the tracks you actually play are listed in history. This is done using an A-B algorithm, meaning a track on Deck A is only listed once the track on Deck B has been changed or You can choose to show tracks which you have auditioned, but not actually played, by checking the
Show unplayed tracks
box. The session will then also list these tracks in grey, along with actual played tracks.
Alternatively, you can mark or unmark tracks as played manually. Select a track (or a group of tracks) and click the
Mark as played
Mark as unplayed
button marked
of your library back to white.
button. This may be useful if you play a track off regular vinyl or CD — breaking the A-B Songs that you have played are marked as green in your library. Click on the to reset the list of recently played tracks and turn the color
Export: Format
You can export each session as a data file using the , and click
Export Export
button. Select a session, then choose your preferred file . There are three possible export formats:
• text:
to create a simple text file with your session information contained within.
• csv:
to create a file for use in spreadsheet software.
• m3u:
to create a playlist file, which can be imported into media players. Note that an m3u does not contain audio itself, it only points to the location of your audio files. (Inserted tracks within sessions will not be included in an m3u playlist.)
Serato Playlists
The Serato Playlists plugin allows you to upload your history sessions to your profile for viewing, sharing and editing. You can upload your playlist once your session is complete, or by using the Live Playlists feature to update your playlists online in real time!
To enable this plugin, go to the Plugins tab on the Setup screen and check the
Enable Serato Playlists Plugin
option. Open the History panel and you will now have access to the Serato Playlists options.

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.