Additional Setup
This section covers general preferences and adjustments you can make to improve the performance of Scratch Live. From the top of the main screen, click on
to get to this area.
Hardware: General
USB Buffer Size (Latency)
Scratch Live processes audio in small chunks. When smaller chunks are used, the movement of the record is translated into audio more often, which results in a lower overall system latency. However, this requires more processing and therefore a higher CPU load, so lower buffer size settings require a more powerful computer to produce uninterrupted audio. If you want tighter control, try decreasing this setting. On the other hand, if you experience audio dropouts, you need to increase this setting (or use a more powerful computer).
Control Source
Select the Input you wish to use as your control source for both PGM 1 and PGM 2. Select 1 or 2 for PGM 1 and 3 or 4 for PGM 2.
Default control sources are Inputs 1 and 3. To reset the Channel Filters and Control Sources of the Sixty-One to default settings,
See “Factory Defaults” on page 11
Allow MIDI Assign of Mixer Controls
Check this box to allow the mixer controls to be custom MIDI-mapped in Scratch Live.
Recording Bit Depth
Choose to record in either
(CD quality, smaller file size) or
(high quality, larger file size).
Input Select Status
The input levels currently set by the switches on the Sixty-One are displayed for each input. To change the input level setting, use the switches on the Sixty One. Choose
for Phono and
for Line level.
When Phono is selected, the
Phono Sensitivity
setting is also displayed. Set the Phono Sensitivity to the same level of your cartridge (see your cartridge documentation for the correct value). Another method is to match the level of a CD on another input.
The default setting is 5mV.
“Factory Defaults” on page 11.
Hardware: Effects
Channel Filters
Adjust the Resonance for the PGM 1 and PGM 2 Filters. Filter resonance controls how “peaky” the filter cutoff frequency gain is. The Low setting provides the smoothest Filter without adding gain. The High setting adds accent to frequencies near the Filter cutoff point by adding about 12 dB of gain. Adding gain in a narrow region around the cutoff frequency adds a “zip” effect as the Filter is swept.
With a resonance range of 0 to 12 dB, the default setting is 5 dB. To reset the Control Sources, Phono Sensitivity and Channel Filters of the Sixty-One to default
See “Factory Defaults” on page 11
NOTE: Settings are saved in the mixer. Software is updated with the mixer’s settings.
Updating Firmware
If a firmware update is available after installing a new Scratch Live software release, an
Update Firmware
button appears in the Hardware screen. During the firmware upgrade the Sixty-One will not be usable.
Track End Warning
Enable this option to flash the Virtual Deck as you approach the end of the track. The label will start flashing 20 seconds from the end of the record. The Track end warning does not apply to any tracks under 1 minute long.
Playback Keys Use Shift
When this option is checked you must have the shift key pressed for the playback keys to trigger. This applies to all keyboard shortcuts, including cue points, INT mode shortcuts, and the sample player shortcuts.
TIP: You can also turn on Caps Lock instead of using Shift.
Lock Playing Deck
Every DJ’s nightmare used to be lifting the needle off the wrong turntable in the middle of a set. This setting helps to avoid the digital equivalent; loading a new track to the wrong Deck. When this option is checked, you can only load a track if the target Deck is stopped.
Sort Cues Chronologically
The five cue points can be placed in any order, and can be dragged up and down if you wish to reorder them. If you prefer to lock them to chronological order, turn this option on.
Enable Hot Cues
When Hot Cues are enabled, you can set cue points simply by pressing the number keys 1 through 0 (no ctrl modifier required) from your keyboard. You can only add cues this way if the cue point slots are empty.
Use Auto Gain
Auto gain enables you to set a uniform volume level for the tracks in your library. When a track is in auto gain mode, the track gain knob appears recessed.
Check this box to enable auto gain. Provided you have analyzed your files, your tracks will now be loaded with the auto gain applied.
Next to this level.
box is a drop down menu, in which you set the target gain volume To find the optimum setting, load a track with an average volume level onto one of the Virtual Decks. Now play the track, and take note of the volume and LED lights inside the software.
The idea is for the track volume to be sitting just under the clipping point (indicated by the LED meter red-lining). If the track is too quiet, unload it, then go to the Playback setup screen and boost the auto gain dB value more.
Once you’ve made this adjustment, load the same track onto the Virtual Deck again. You’ll notice that the volume knob has automatically adjusted itself.
Keep making adjustments on the same track until it’s just below the clipping point. Once this is set you won’t need to adjust the target gain level ever again.
Because the track you used had an average volume level, most of the other tracks in your library should be around the same volume. You may still need to make minor adjustments to some individual tracks, but once that’s done these will stay saved in the ID3 tag of the file.
TIP: Slightly too quiet is always better than too loud. If your LED meter is in the red, it is likely that it is clipping. Not only does clipping not sound very nice, it can damage your equipment.
Hi-Fi Resampler
This significantly reduces digital distortion at very slow or very fast record speeds, increasing the CPU load slightly. This option is off by default, the old resampler is used when switched off.
Play From Start
Enable this to start all tracks from the beginning when loaded in REL and INT modes. If this setting is not enabled, freshly loaded tracks will continue to play from the point the last track was at. This option is on by default.
Instant Doubles
This option allows you to quickly match the playhead position of two tracks. With this option enabled, when you load the same file on one Virtual Deck that is already loaded on the other Virtual Deck, the playhead will jump to the position of the track that was loaded first, with the keylock state and looping settings copied. This setting overrides the
Play from start
Play from first cue point
Play From First Cue Point
Enable this option to start all tracks from the first cue point when loaded in REL and INT modes. This setting overrides the
Play from start option
(Internal Mode)
In INT mode, this controls how fast the deck stops when play is stopped. Counter-clockwise, the stop is immediate. Clockwise rotation increases the stop from a finger grab all the way to a slow turntable power-down.
Audio Output
By default the output of Scratch Live is stereo. You can also select mono output. This setting is saved when you exit Scratch Live.
Vinyl Control
Adjust Loops with Vinyl
Loop end points can be adjusted using the control vinyl. Disable this option if you wish to use the computer’s arrow keys to adjust loops, and keep audio playback controlled by the vinyl.
Next Song On Flip
When this option is enabled, changing the side of control vinyl you’re using (‘flipping the record’) loads the next song.
Enable Vinyl Scroll
Uncheck this box to disable the Vinyl Scroll feature.
Drop To Cue Points
(Relative Mode)
This option triggers the corresponding cue point when the needle is repositioned into one of the first five one-minute sections on the control vinyl. For instance: needle dropping into the second minute on the left turntable will send playback for Deck 1 to cuepoint 2, if that cuepoint is set.
(REL mode only)
Vinyl Start Offset
If there is cue burn at the beginning of the vinyl, you will notice that the tracking will be poor at this point. Use the two knobs to offset the start point, so that the track will start playing from a point further into the control record. The first knob sets the number of whole minutes to offset by, the second knob sets the number of whole rotations within that minute.
We recommend unchecking this option after you have added your music into the Scratch Live library.
• If your iTunes library contains a large number of tracks it may take some time for Scratch Live to read it.
• Any changes made in Scratch Live to the file information of tracks in your iTunes library will not appear in iTunes until after you play the track.
• Scratch Live cannot play files that have been protected by Digital Rights Management systems, such as those previously sold through the Apple iTunes Music Store. iTunes Plus files are DRM free.
• iTunes is available for Mac and PC. To get more information, visit
Protect Library
Uncheck this option to remove files and crates from your library. Check this option to lock your library and prevent accidental file or crate deletion while using Scratch Live. Enabling this option will also lock all file tags and crate names, so that no text can be changed.
Reverse Vinyl Scroll
This setting allows you to reverse the direction of Vinyl Scroll.
See “Vinyl Scroll” on page 17.
Vinyl Scroll Speed
Vinyl Scroll allows you to load a new track without touching the computer, by lifting the needle and placing it in the special section of side A of the control record. This setting allows you to adjust the sensitivity of Vinyl Scroll, so that you can control the amount of record movement required to move between tracks.
Drop To Absolute Position
(Relative Mode)
This detects a deliberate repositioning of the needle, and moves the playhead to the needle’s absolute position, as if it were in ABS mode. Accidental skipping of the needle does not reposition the playhead. (REL mode only)
Read iTunes Library
Check this option to show your iTunes library and playlists in Scratch Live. You can collapse your iTunes playlists by clicking on the blue folder icon.
Uncheck this option to remove iTunes playlists and iTunes songs from your Scratch Live library.
To add your iTunes music to your Scratch Live library permanently, drag and drop tracks from the iTunes playlists onto the “
” icon (on the far left hand side of the Scratch Live screen), or into individual Scratch Live crates.
Any files moved to “
Scratch Live even when the ” an existing crate, or a new crate will now remain in
Read iTunes library
option is unchecked. Once a file has been permanently added to Scratch Live, the iTunes logo will disappear.
Customize Crate Views
Check this option to set custom column views for each crate and playlist. When the option is off (default), all crates will share the same column configuration as the “
” crate.
Center On Selected Song
With this option on, scrolling up and down in your library holds the selected track in the middle of the library panel.
Show All File Types
Enable this option to show all files when importing tracks into Scratch Live. If this option is unchecked, only files that Scratch Live can play will be displayed.
Include Subcrate Tracks
You can drag crates into other crates to make subcrates. If you have this option turned on, any crate will also display the contents of all its subcrates.
“Organizing Your Music” on page 29.
AutoFill Overviews
Enable this option to automatically generate the track overview as soon as a track is loaded. If this setting is disabled, the track overview will be generated as the track plays. Automatically generating the track overview uses more of the computer’s CPU power, and should be disabled on slower computers.
TIP: Analyze your files before you play to pre-build all your overviews. See
“Preparing Your Files” on page 16.
Font Size
Adjust this slider to increase and decrease the font size for the main library and crates area.
TIP: You can also use the keyboard shortcuts ctrl + and ctrl – to increase and decrease the font size.
Album Art Size
Adjust this slider to set the maximum album art size for any of the album art display modes. The artwork will still get larger if required to fit the track and will still scale with the library zoom keyboard shortcut.
Enable DJ-FX
Use the check box to enable and disable the DJ-FX plugin. The DJ-FX plugin is disabled by default.
Maximum Screen Updates
This slider allows you to throttle back the screen refresh rate. Users with slower computers might like to do this if they are having performance issues. It could also be useful if you want to limit Scratch Live’s processor usage, for example if you are running a recording program at the same time. The default setting is 60 Hz, or refreshed 60 times per second. This setting applies to the entire screen (i.e. the Virtual Decks, the Waveforms, the Library, and the Setup screen).
Enable Mixer DJ-FX Send
Check this box to insert DJ-FX into the FlexFX loop of your mixer. This allows you to assign the software DJ-FX to the Virtual Decks using hardware controls. DJ-FX are post-fader.
Press the
button on the mixer to enable the software FlexFX loop, and then use the corresponding channel FlexFX buttons to insert DJ-FX.
Enable Serato Playlists
Use the check boxes to enable and disable the Serato Playlists plugin and the Live Playlists feature. These are disabled by default.
Audio Cache
Use this slider to set the amount of audio that is loaded into memory. A small audio cache will place less load on your computer, and the tracks will load faster. A large audio cache will give you a bigger view of the waveform when the main waveform view is zoomed out. The default is 15 seconds.
Enable Live Playlists
With this box is checked, and an active internet connection, the Start Live Playlist button in the History panel transmits what you are playing in real time to your serato.
com profile. An internet connection could result in USB dropouts, therefore you may wish to leave this unchecked.
Show Album Art On Deck
Check this option to show the album art for your song next to the track information display on each Virtual Deck.
Serato Video
This optional software plugin for Scratch Live adds the ability to play and mix video files. Serato Video is supported and available only from
Enable SP-6 Sample Player
Use the check box to enable and disable the SP-6 sample player plugin. The SP-6 is enabled by default.
Serato Remote
Designed to compliment an existing Scratch Live setup, Serato Remote lets you see and perform all of your favorite Scratch Live functions without needing to touch your laptop. Control Cue Points, Loops and Samples. Load tracks and manipulate FX in ways that weren’t previously possible. See Serato’s famous Virtual Decks and Track Overviews so you can focus on the crowd and free yourself from your laptop. Serato Remote is supported and available only from serato.
com .

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