3. Data Fields. National Institute of Justice respiratory protection
Below you will find brief information for Respiratory Protection.
Appendix E serves as a compendium of commercially available personal protective equipment.
Each of the 69 identified respiratory protection equipment items is detailed within appendix E.
Forty-nine data fields, as defined in this section, were used for providing information relating to the personal protective equipment. It is important to note that these data fields were developed using input from the emergency responder community.
The data fields are organized into the following five categories:
Operational Parameters.
Physical Parameters.
Special Requirements.
The remainder of this section defines each of the 49 data fields by category.
3.1 General Category
The General category includes the following data fields:
1. Name.
2. ID #.
3. Technology.
4. Stock Number.
5. Protection Type.
6. Equipment Category.
7. Availability.
8. Current User.
9. Manufacturer.
10. Manufacturer Type.
11. Developer.
12. Source.
13. Certification.
Each of these data fields is defined in more detail in the remainder of this section.
3.1.1 Name
The Name data field is used to identify the name of the equipment.
3.1.2 ID #
The ID # data field is for identification purposes only.
3.1.3 Technology
The Technology data field identifies the processes used to protect the wearer from chemical (CW agents and TIMs), biological agents, and nuclear particulates. Respiratory protection is supplied by physical separation of the agent from the incoming air (i.e., adsorption, condensation), reactive separation (i.e., catalytic oxidation, biofiltration, reactive membranes), or particle separation (i.e., scrubbers, electrostatic precipitation).
3.1.4 Stock Number
The Stock Number data field includes the stock identification or national stock number, if the item has one.
3.1.5 Protection Type
The Protection Type data field identifies whether the equipment provides percutaneous (skin) and/or respiratory protection.
3.1.6 Equipment Category
The Equipment Category data field identifies if the equipment is SCBA, PAPR, tethered air, canister, etc.
3.1.7 Availability
The Availability data field refers to how readily available a piece of equipment is (e.g., how long it takes to receive equipment upon purchasing) or availability status of the equipment (e.g., commercial availability).
3.1.8 Current User
The Current User data field is used to identify organizations that are currently using the piece of equipment.
3.1.9 Manufacturer
The Manufacturer data field indentifies the company that manufactured the piece of equipment
(to include the name, address, telephone number, and point-of-contact).
3.1.10 Manufacturer Type
The Manufacturer Type data field indicates whether the manufacturer is domestic or foreign.
3.1.11 Developer
The Developer data field identifies the organization that developed the item. This may be relevant when the developer is the government and the responsible technical agency may need to be identified.
3.1.12 Source
The Source data field indicates where the equipment information was obtained. Potential sources include past market surveys and Internet web sites.
3.1.13 Certification
The Certification data field identifies the agency certifying the system for use (i.e., OSHA,
NIOSH, NFPA, etc.), if any.
3.2 Operational Parameters Category
The Operational Parameters category includes the following five data fields:
1. Chemical Warfare (CW) Agents Protection.
2. Biological Warfare (BW) Agents Protection.
3. Toxic Industrial Material (TIMs) Protection.
4. Duration of Protection.
5. Recommended Use(s).
Each of these data fields is defined in more detail in the remainder of this section.
3.2.1 Chemical Warfare (CW) Agents Protection
The Chemical Warfare Agents Protection data field indicates the type of chemical warfare (CW) agent. The most common types of classic CW agents are the nerve and blister agents. Nerve agents include GA (Tabun), GB (Sarin), GD (Soman), GF, and VX. Blister agents include H and
HD (Sulfur Mustards), HN (Nitrogen Mustard), and L (Lewisite).
3.2.2 Biological Warfare (BW) Agents Protection
The Biological Warfare (BW) Agents Protection data field indicates the type of biological warfare (BW) agent. Classical BW agents include bacteria (Anthrax), rickettsia (Typhus), toxins
(Botulinum Toxin), and viruses (Q Fever).
3.2.3 Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs) Protection
The Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs) Protection data field indicates the type of TIM agent.
TIMs are used in a variety of settings such as manufacturing facilities, maintenance areas, and storage areas. TIMs are further characterized by using a high, medium, or low hazard index.
Examples of TIMs are ammonia, carbon monoxide, chlorine, hydrogen cyanide, phosgene, and mineral acids (e.g., hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid).
3.2.4 Duration of Protection
The Duration of Protection data field indicates the amount of time the equipment provides adequate protection. Since duration varies depending on the concentration of agent, type of agent, and environmental conditions, duration will be given with respect to specific conditions.
3.2.5 Recommended Use(s)
The Recommended Use(s) data field idendifies the areas where the equipment is most likely to be used per vendor or manufacturer recommendation (e.g., tactical operations, and crisis management).
3.3 Physical Parameters Category
The Physical Parameters Category includes the following data fields:
1. Sizes Available.
2. Weight.
3. Package Size and Volume.
4. Power Requirements.
5. Material Type.
6. Construction Type.
7. Color.
Each of these data fields is defined in more detail in the remainder of this section.
3.3.1 Size Available
The Sizes Available data field provides available sizes for an item, to include both male and female when appropriate.
3.3.2 Weight
The Weight data field indicates the total weight of the equipment/system.
3.3.3 Package Size and Volume
The Package Size and Volume data field provides the external dimensions of the system when packaged (for storage and transportability).
3.3.4 Power Requirements
The Power Requirements data field indicates the type of power (ac, dc, etc.) required to operate the equipment. This category applies primarily to respiratory, respiratory support equipment, and heating/cooling systems.
3.3.5 Material Type
The Material Type data field refers to the material content of the respiratory protection apparatus.
3.3.6 Construction Type
The Construction Type data field indicates how the protective apparatus is formed.
3.3.7 Color
The Color data field indicates if equipment has camouflage capability (signature reduction).
Color can help identify job type.
3.4 Logistical Parameters Category
The Logistical Parameters Category includes the following data fields:
1. Ease of Use.
2. Consumables.
3. Maintenance Requirements.
4. Shelf Life.
5. Transportability.
6. Operational Limitations.
7. Environmental Conditions.
8. Unit Cost.
9. Maintenance Cost.
10. Warranty.
11. Don/Doff Information.
12. Use/Reuse.
13. Launderability.
14. Accessories.
Each of these data fields is defined in more detail in the remainder of this section.
3.4.1 Ease of Use
Ease of Use is the mobility and flexibility of an individual while wearing the equipment as well as the compatibility of the equipment with other equipment.
3.4.2 Consumables
Consumables are the supplies used during operation and storage. Examples of consumables are batteries, canisters, hoses, etc.
3.4.3 Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance Requirements are the services and parts required to keep the system at its peak operational readiness (e.g., preventative maintenance) and the frequency of required maintenance
(e.g., after use, quarterly, and annually).
3.4.4 Shelf Life
Shelf Life is the length of time a piece of equipment can be stored before it needs to be replaced.
Shelf life includes the recommended storage procedure and any factors that decrease shelf life
(e.g., UV, and critical temperature).
3.4.5 Transportability
Transportability is the ability of the equipment to be transported, including any support equipment (e.g., respiratory equipment and heating/cooling systems).
3.4.6 Operational Limitations
Operational Limitations refer to the length of time responders can safely work at various temperatures (i.e., 50
F, 70
F, and 90
F) and the availability/compatibility of cooling systems to help manage heat stress.
3.4.7 Environmental Conditions
Environmental Conditions indicate whether the equipment is designed for use in all common outdoor weather conditions and climates (e.g., rain, snow, extreme temperatures, and humidity) or only under relatively controlled conditions.
3.4.8 Unit Cost
Unit Cost is the cost of a complete system, including support equipment and operating costs (i.e., consumables).
3.4.9 Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Cost is the cost required to maintain the system at its operational readiness. This cost will be based on equipment usage rates.
3.4.10 Warranty
The Warranty is the length of time a piece of equipment is guaranteed by the manufacturer, including the terms of the warranty (parts and labor).
3.4.11 Don/Doff Information
The Don/Doff Information indicates whether the system requires assistance for donning and/or doffing and the average time for this activity.
3.4.12 Use/Reuse
Use/Reuse indicates the need for any part of the equipment to be discarded after use or its ability to be reused. The data field includes the procedures used to decontaminate and/or dispose of used equipment.
3.4.13 Launderability
Launderability includes the cleaning procedures that are safe for the item, including the number of times the item can be cleaned and remain effective. Also, launderability includes any special procedures needed for specific components.
3.4.14 Accessories
Accessories include those items that are provided with the basic equipment.
3.5 Special Requirements Category
The Special Requirements category includes the following data fields:
1. Training Requirements.
2. Training Available.
3. Manuals Available.
4. Surveillance Testing Requirements.
5. Support Equipment.
6. Testing Information.
7. Applicable Regulations.
8. Health Hazards.
9. Communications Interface Capability.
10. EOD Compatibility.
Each of these data fields is defined in more detail in the remainder of this section.
3.5.1 Training Requirements
The Training Requirements data field refers to the amount of instruction time the operator needs to become proficient in using a piece of equipment.
3.5.2 Training Available
The Training Available data field refers to training available from the manufacturer. This includes any initial training and recertification training that is available.
3.5.3 Manuals Available
The Manuals Available data field indicates the types of manuals available from the manufacturer
(e.g., user manuals, and training documentation).
3.5.4 Surveillance Testing Requirements
The Surveillance Testing Requirements data field specifies the testing required to keep a piece of equipment at its operational readiness (e.g., inspecting respiratory masks or suits for holes or tears).
3.5.5 Support Equipment
The Support Equipment data field refers to any additional equipment required to operate the primary unit.
3.5.6 Testing Information
The Testing Information data field includes any test data obtained from the manufacturer and other sources regarding any part of the equipment (e.g., validation testing including materials and ensemble testing such as abrasion, tear, wear, burst, and permeation testing).
3.5.7 Applicable Regulations
The Applicable Regulations data field includes any government and/or safety regulations that may apply to the possession, use, or storage of any part of the system.
3.5.8 Health Hazards
The Health Hazards data field identifies all materials that possess a potential health hazard.
3.5.9 Communications Interface Capability
The Communications Interface Capability data field refers to the ability of the personal protective equipment to interface with a communications system (network capability, hardwire capability, and RF communication).
3.5.10 EOD Compatibility
The EOD Compatibility data field is the ability of the equipment to be used with EOD systems
(i.e., suits). For example, a CB protective suit and respirator are required to be worn with an
EOD suit in a CB environment.
Key features
- Selection of Personal Protective Equipment
- Emergency First Responders
- Respiratory Protection
- NIJ Guide 102-00
- Volume IIa
- November 2002
- National Institute of Justice
- Law Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program