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- RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server
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Manage Users and Groups. Netgear RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server 111 Pages
Netgear RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server is a high-performance network-attached storage (NAS) solution designed for small businesses and home users. It offers a range of features to help you securely store, manage, and share your files, including support for RAID, multiple file-sharing protocols, and user management. With its easy-to-use web-based interface, you can quickly and easily configure and manage your NAS, even if you don't have any prior experience with NAS devices.
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Manage Users and Groups
If you selected the user security mode, you can set up user accounts. Create a user account for each person who accesses your ReadyNAS system. When you create a share, use these accounts to specify who can access its files.
To manage large numbers of users more efficiently, create groups. A group can contain any number of users, and a user can belong to as many groups as you want. If you frequently give the same list of users the same access rights to different shares, create a group that is made up of those users.
Each user has a private home share where he or she can store personal files. Unlike a public share, a private home share has the same name as the user name for the account and can be accessed only by that user and by the ReadyNAS system’s administrator. You can disable private home shares if you want to use only public shares.
Manage Users
With FrontView, you can add new users, modify existing users, and choose how to handle the users’ private home shares.
Add Users
In the Add User screen, you can add up to five users at a time.
To add users:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
Click the Add User tab.
For each user, follow these steps:
a. Enter the name for the user.
This is also the name for the user’s private home share.
b. (Optional) If you want the user to receive notifications, enter the user’s email address.
The user is notified when the account is created and when the user’s data quota is approached.
c. (Optional) If you want to specify a specific user ID (UID), enter the UID.
You need to know the UID if you plan to connect to the user’s private home share over NFS. If you do not enter a UID, one is automatically generated.
d. Select the user’s primary group.
You can add the user to other groups in the Manage Groups screen. For more
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
e. Enter the user’s password.
If you want the user to be able to change his or her password, see
f. (Optional) If you want to set a limit on the amount of data that the user can copy to all the ReadyNAS system’s shares, enter a quota.
The quota applies to all the system’s shares. For example, if the user copies 400 MB of files to the media share and 100 MB to the user’s private home share, that is a total of 500 MB towards that user’s quota.
If you specified an email address, the user receives a email message when the amount of data on the shares approaches the quota.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Change a User’s Name, Password, Email Address, or Quota
After you create a user, you can change the user’s name, password, email address, and quota.
To change a user’s name, password, email address, or quota:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Manage users.
Click the All tab.
Do any of the following:
To change the name of the user, edit the Name field.
The user’s name is updated whereever it is used and the name of the user’s private share also changes.
To change the email address for the user, edit the Email field.
The user is notified when the account is created and when the data quota for that user is approached.
To change the password for the user, edit the Password field.
if you want the user to be able to change his or her own password, see
To change limit on the amount of total amount of data that the user can copy to the
ReadyNAS system’s shares, enter it in the Quota field.
The quota applies to all the system’s shares. For example, if the user copies 400 MB of files to the media share and 100 MB to the user’s private home share, that is a total of 500 MB towards that user’s quota.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Manage Users Passwords
You can let users choose their own passwords. Note that the ReadyNAS system administrator can always change another user’s password.
To allow users to change their passwords:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
From the Allow users to change their passwords drop-down list, select Enabled.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
To change a password as a user:
Using a web browser, go to http://<NAS_IP_address>/shares.
Note that <NAS_IP_address> is the IP address of the ReadyNAS system.
For example, if the IP address is, enter
If asked, log in with your user name and password.
Click Password.
Enter the current password, and then enter the new password twice.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Customize Private Home Shares
If you want to use only public shares, you can disable private home shares. And if you use private home shares, you can control how to access them, where they are created, whether to use the Recycle Bin from network-attached devices that support the CIFS file-sharing protocol, and when to warn users about disk quotas.
Disable Private Home Shares
If you want to use users and groups to control access to public shares, but you do not want to use private home shares, you can prevent users from accessing their private home shares.
To prevent users from accessing home shares:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
From the Private home shares for users drop-down list, select Disabled.
Any files in existing shares are not erased, and users can access those files if you enable home shares again.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Select Where to Create New Private Home Shares
If you connected an external drive to your ReadyNAS system, or if you are using Flex-RAID to manage your volumes, your ReadyNAS system contains multiple volumes. You can select which volume contains the private home shares for new users.
To select where to create new home shares:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
From the Default home volume for new users drop-down list, select a volume.
When you create new users, their home shares are created on that volume. The home shares for existing users remain where they are.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Manage Private Home Shares Access
Private home shares are automatically available with CIFS and AFP, as long as those protocols are enabled. You can also share private home shares with NFS and FTP.
To manage private home share access:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
(Optional) To let users access their home shares over NFS, from the Export home shares over NFS drop-down list, select Enabled.
The private home shares are not secure over NFS because you do not need to enter a user name or password to access them.
(Optional) To let users access their home shares over FTP, from the Make home shares available over FTP drop-down list, select Enabled.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Use the Recycle Bin in Private Home Shares
You can decide whether files that users delete are immediately deleted or are moved to a
Recycle Bin on the share. You can also determine when items in the Recycle Bin are permanently deleted.
This option is available only for network-attached devices that use the CIFS file-sharing protocol.
To use the Recycle Bin for home shares:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
From the Recycle Bin for private home shares drop-down list, select Enabled.
(Optional) To automatically delete files that have been in the Recycle Bin for a number of days, in the Remove Recycle Bin files older than this many days field, enter a number of days.
(Optional) To automatically delete files when the contents of the Recycle Bin reach a certain size, in the Limit Recycle Bin to this many MB field, enter a limit in megabytes.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Warn Users about Disk Quotas
You can determine when your ReadyNAS system warns users that they are about to exceed the total amount of data they can copy to all of the ReadyNAS system’s shares.
A user receives a warning only if you entered an email address for that account.
To select when to warn users about disk quotas:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Preferences.
From the Warn user when disk quota is drop-down list, select a percentage.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Manage Groups
With FrontView, you can add new groups, modify existing ones, and add users to a group.
Add Groups
In the Add Group screen, you can add up to five groups at a time.
To add groups:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Manage Groups.
Click the Add Group tab.
For each group, follow these steps:
a. Enter a name for the group.
b. (Optional) If you want to specify a specific group ID (UID), enter a GID.
You need to know the GID if you plan to connect to users’ home shares over NFS. If you do not enter a GID, one is automatically generated.
c. (Optional) To set a limit on the amount of total amount of data that the primary users in this group can copy to all the ReadyNAS system’s shares, enter a quota.
When the quota is approached, the group’s users and the ReadyNAS system administrator’s receive an email message.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Manage Users in a Group
You can use FrontView to manage the users in a group.
To manage users in a group:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Manage Groups.
Click the All tab.
In the Secondary Members field beside the group’s name, edit the list of the user names.
Separate each user name with a comma.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
If you enter an incorrect user name, FrontView displays a warning saying that the user was not added.
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Change a Group Name or Quota
You can change the name or disk quota assigned to existing groups.
To change a group name, group ID, or quota:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Manage Groups.
Click the All tab.
(Optional) To change the name of the group, edit the Name field.
(Optional) To change the limit on the amount of total amount of data that the primary users in this group can copy to all the ReadyNAS system’s shares, edit the Quota field.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Import and Export Users
You can export and import information about the users and groups on your ReadyNAS system. This lets you transfer the users and groups from one ReadyNAS system to another.
If you need to create lots of users and groups at once, you can create a text file with information about all the users and groups and import it.
For users, an export file includes this information about each user:
User name
Primary group
Email address
User ID
For groups, an export file includes this information about each group:
Group name
Group ID
List of member names
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Export Users and Groups
To export users:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Export Users.
Click Download User List.
The user list downloads to your web browser’s downloads folder.
To export groups:
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Export Group.
Click Download Group List.
The group list downloads to your web browser’s downloads folder.
Create User and Group Files
You can create a list of users or groups in any text editor and import it to your ReadyNAS system. This is helpful if you have a long list of users or groups.
Each line in the file specifies a single user or group and contains the same fields used in the
Add Users or Add Groups screen. The fields are separated by commas and spaces around the commas are ignored. If a field is blank, the default is used instead.
User Text Files
For users, each line contains the following:
<user_name>, <password>, <primary_group_ID>, <email_address>, <user_ID>, <quota>
The user name and password are required and the other fields are optional.
For example, the following line creates the user fred with the password rock45, email address [email protected], a quota of 10 Mb, and sets the primary group ID and user ID to defaults: fred, rock45, , [email protected], , 10
Group Text Files
For groups, each line contains the following:
<group_name>, <group_ID>, <quota>, <user_1>:<user_2>:<user_3>...
The group name is required, and the other fields are optional. Note that user names are separated by colons instead of commas.
For example, the following line creates a group named marketing with the members maria, fred, and sam and sets the group ID and quota to defaults: marketing, , , maria:fred:sam
Secure Files
ReadyNAS Duo, NV+, and 1100
Import Users and Groups
To import users:
Create a text file containing a comma-separated list of users that you want to import.
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Import Users.
Click Choose File.
A dialog box displays.
Select the file and click the Open button.
The dialog box closes.
Click the Import Users button.
The specified users are added to your user list.
To import groups:
Create a text file containing a comma-separated list of groups that you want to import.
From the FrontView main menu, select Security > User & Group Accounts.
From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, select Import Groups.
Click Choose File.
A dialog box displays.
Select the file and click the Open button.
The dialog box closes.
Click the Import Groups button.
The specified groups are added to your group list.
Secure Files
Key Features
- RAID support for data protection
- Multiple file-sharing protocols for cross-platform compatibility
- User management for secure file sharing
- Easy-to-use web-based interface for simple configuration and management
- USB port for easy data backup and file transfer
- Automatic file copying from USB devices
- Sleek and compact design for easy placement in any home or office
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the maximum storage capacity of the Netgear RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server?
What file-sharing protocols does the Netgear RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server support?
Can I use the Netgear RNR4410 - ReadyNAS 1100 NAS Server to back up my data?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 7 System Requirements
- 7 Additional Documentation
- 7 Get Started
- 10 About RAIDar
- 12 About FrontView
- 16 Basic Disk Configuration Concepts
- 16 RAID
- 16 Volumes
- 17 X-RAID and Flex-RAID
- 17 Manage Your Storage Space with X-RAID
- 18 Add a Disk
- 18 Increase Storage Space By Replacing All Disks
- 19 Manage Your Storage Space with Flex-RAID
- 19 Change to Flex-RAID
- 20 Create a Volume
- 21 Add a Disk to a Volume
- 22 Replace a Disk in a Volume
- 23 Use USB Storage Devices
- 24 Manage a USB Storage Device
- 24 Automatically Copy a USB Device’s Contents
- 27 Select a Security Mode
- 27 Select a Security Mode
- 28 Set Up a Domain Server
- 29 Manage Users and Groups
- 29 Manage Users
- 31 Customize Private Home Shares
- 34 Manage Groups
- 35 Import and Export Users
- 38 Change and Recover the Admin Password
- 40 Basic Share Concepts
- 40 Data Organization
- 41 File-Sharing Protocols
- 42 Access Rights
- 43 Manage File-Sharing Protocols
- 46 Create a Share
- 46 Create a Share with the User or Domain Security Mode
- 46 Create a Share with the Share Security Mode
- 47 Manage Share Access
- 48 Manage Share Access with the User or Domain Security Mode
- 57 Manage Share Access with the Share Security Mode
- 59 Set Options for a Share
- 59 Hide a Share
- 59 Use the Recycle Bin on CIFS Shares
- 60 Cache Files Locally Using CIFS
- 60 Enable Syncing Using NFS
- 61 Set Permissions for New Files and Folders
- 62 Broaden Rename and Delete Privileges
- 62 Reset Ownership and Permissions On Any Share
- 64 Access a Share
- 64 Access a Share from a Windows Device
- 64 Access a Share from a Mac OS X Device
- 65 Access a Share From a UNIX or Linux Device
- 65 Access a Share Using FTP
- 65 Access a Share Using a Web Browser
- 66 Access a Share Using ReadyNAS Remote
- 70 Stream Multimedia Files for iTunes with Firefly
- 70 Set Up iTunes Streaming
- 71 Use Smart Playlists
- 72 Select Which Music Files to Stream
- 72 Change the Server Name and Password
- 73 Change How to Scan Media Files
- 74 Stream Multimedia Files for TiVo and Xbox with ReadyDLNA
- 75 Share Photos With ReadyNAS Photos
- 75 Get Started with ReadyNAS Photos
- 75 Create Photo Albums
- 76 View and Share Photos
- 77 Set Up Discovery Services
- 79 Back Up a Mac to a ReadyNAS System with Time Machine
- 80 Back Up a ReadyNAS System Remotely with ReadyNAS Vault
- 80 Back Up to or from a ReadyNAS System
- 81 Create a Backup Job
- 85 Assign Backup Jobs to the Backup Button
- 85 Edit a Backup Job
- 85 Recover Backed-up Data
- 86 Use Snapshots
- 90 Create and Access a Local Website
- 90 Set Up a Printer
- 93 Set the Time and Time Zone
- 94 Set the Language
- 94 Send Alerts
- 95 Change The Account Used to Send Email Alerts
- 95 Change Who Receives Alerts
- 96 Determine When to Send Alerts
- 96 Turn the ReadyNAS System On and Off
- 96 Turn the ReadyNAS System Off Now
- 97 Restart the ReadyNAS System
- 97 Turn the ReadyNAS System On and Off Using a Schedule
- 98 Turn Off the ReadyNAS System Automatically to Prevent Damage
- 98 Back Up and Restore Settings
- 99 Manage Add-Ons
- 99 Manage Installed Add-Ons
- 99 Install an Add-On
- 100 Improve Performance
- 101 Set Network Settings
- 101 Set TCP/IP Address Information
- 102 Set Your ReadyNAS System to Work as a DHCP Server
- 102 Change Host Name
- 103 Set Ethernet Options
- 103 Enable WINS Support
- 104 Enable Jumbo Packet Support
- 104 View Log Files