• Beginning with a score of 301, player(s) must score down to exactly 0. The first player to reach 0 wins.
• Any points scored exceeding the point total needed to reach 0 will result in a BUST.
The player forfeits any remaining darts in that round. Player's score will return to the score at the beginning of the round.
• Same game as 301 except that the starting score is 501, 701 or 901 points.
Traditional Cricket
In traditional Cricket, the object is to close numbered segments by hitting each one the equivalent of three times. [Example: To close segment #20, a player must throw 3 darts in the single, 1 dart in the single and 1 dart in the double, or
1 dart in the triple #20.]
• This game is played using segments 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and the Bullseye.
• The player who closes a segment may score on that segment until it is closed by all other players.
• On the upper display, the number of a closed segment will be replaced by dashes (--). If the Bullseye is closed,
Bullseye LEDs will go out.
• The game ends when one player has closed out all the segments from 20 through the Bullseye and has the highest score or is tied for highest score.
Hi Score
• Each player throws three darts per round.
• Highest score at the end of ten rounds wins the game.
• Player(s) begin by throwing three darts per round.
• The object is to hit each segment in sequence beginning with segment #1, working up to segment #20, and ending with the Bullseye. The player with the highest score after 7 rounds or a Shanghai wins the game. Game will prompt player for next segment during each round.
• A "Shanghai" is an automatic win achieved by throwing 3 consecutive scoring darts consisting of a single, a double, and a triple segment in any order. [Example: Player is shooting for 4, 5, 6 in round 4 of a game. Player hits a triple 4 segment, then a single 5 segment, then a double 6 segment: this qualifies as a "Shanghai."]
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Introducing Rapid Fire
• Each player selects their own individual time handicap by pressing target segments. A Bullseye gives 21 "ticks" and is the maximum. The Cricket display shows the ticks selected.
• Each player begins by throwing at the first segment designated by the game. This number will be flashing in the
Cricket display. The timer starts when the first dart hits the board.
• The second dart must be thrown at the next designated segment. Likewise, the third dart must be thrown at the last designated segment.
• The second and third darts must be thrown prior to the elapse of the timer.
• Only the flashing designated segment can be scored upon.
• Each segment hit is displayed in the left side of the Cricket display.
• Each sector of the target is designated once during the game.
• The highest score after 7 rounds wins.
Introducing Stop Watch
• Each player begins the game with 21 “ticks” of time in which they may play the game.
The adjustable timer automatically begins at the start of each player’s turn based on the setting of Programmable
Feature (F15).
Each player throws 3 darts per round for the highest score. Player’s timer continues ticking off time until the third and last dart of each player’s turn. All unused time is carried over to the next round.
The maximum time allowed for any round is determined by the operator. This time is set in the Programming
Mode (P11) and may range from 2 to 9 ticks per round. Each player’s round ends after the third dart is scored, or upon elapse of the timer
whichever occurs first.
• Play continues until each player has used all of his time. Players are eliminated as their time expires.
• When all players’ times have expired, player with the highest score is the winner.
OPTIONS (1) FOR 301/501/701/901
Wipe Out™
• Played the same way as other ‘01 games except that each player has the opportunity to send other players' scores back to the starting score or adds 103 points not to exceed starting score. This is WIPE OUT™. (Refer to
Features Programming (P05), Feature (F12) for this setting.)
• Each player begins with 301, 501, 701, or 901.
• The first player to reach 0 exactly within the round limit or the player with the lowest score after the round limit is the winner.
• Each player can wipe out other players by matching their scores with any or all of the three darts thrown.
[Example: Player 1 has a score of 80 points, Player 2 has a score of 40 points, Player 3 has a score of 70 points,
Player 4 has a score of 10 points. Player 1 shoots a 10 with his first dart for a score of 70. This matches Player
3’s score so Player 3’s score returns to 301. Player 1 shoots again and hits a Double 15 for a score of 40. This matches Player 2’s score, and sends her to 301. Player 1 shoots a third dart and hits another Double 15, bringing the score to 10 which matches Player 4’s score. Player 4’s score returns to 301. If WIPE OUT™ 103 is set in the previous example, the players’ scores will be as follows: Player 2 = 143, Player 3 = 173, and Player 4 = 113.]
Double In
• Each player must hit a double point value segment or an inner Bullseye to begin play.
Darts thrown prior to the first scoring throw will not score points.
Cougar 8 Manual
Double Out
• A player must reach 0 exactly by scoring a double point value segment or an inner Bullseye. A score of 1 will automatically bust a player in this position.
Double In/Double Out
• This is a combination of the Double In and the Double Out games.
Masters Out
• This is played the same way as Double Out, but the player can also go out by hitting a triple point value segment or a Bullseye.
Double In/Masters Out
• This is a combination of the Double In and the Masters Out games.
Chance It Cricket
Objective: Same as Traditional Cricket.
• In this variation of Cricket, the dart game picks 6 segments at random (and the Bullseye) which players close as in a normal Cricket game.
• All the usual Cricket rules apply.
You Pick It Cricket
Objective: Same as Traditional Cricket.
• In this variation of Cricket, players pick 6 segments (and the Bullseye) which they then close as in a normal
Cricket game.
• To pick segments, wait for flashing 0 to appear in the Cricket number display. Press 6 segments on the target.
Once 6 segments have been chosen, the numbers will appear on the display in descending order.
• All the usual Cricket rules apply.
Cut Throat Cricket
Objective: Same as Cricket, except that players with closed numbers add points to opposing players with those numbers still open.
• The player who has closed all numbers and has the lowest score wins.
Masters Cricket
Objective: Same as Cricket, except that a player can only score points on darts when closing.
• After a player has closed all his numbers and the Bullseye, the player may then score points on any opponents' open numbers.
• The player who has closed all numbers and has the highest score wins.
Cougar 8 Manual