Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
Event Log Messages
The following information concerns messages posted to the Event Log pane in the main user interface.
Consult the server help on filtering and sorting the Event Log detail view. Server help contains many common messages, so should also be searched. Generally, the type of message (informational, warning) and troubleshooting information is provided whenever possible.
Unable to read block on device. | Block start = '<address>', Status =
<code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
Node cannot be found or a duplicate node is detected.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to local node errors. Status code errors in the low nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the local node. The driver continues to retry reading these blocks of data periodically. Errors found by the local node occur when the KF module cannot see the destination PLC on the network for some reason.
Unable to read block on device. Block deactivated. | Block start =
'<address>', Status = <code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. The address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
2. Processor is in program mode.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to remote node errors. Status code errors in the high nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the PLC. These errors are generated when the block of data the driver is asking for is not available in the PLC. The driver does not ask for these blocks again after receiving this kind of error.
This kind of error can be generated if the address does not exist in the PLC.
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
Unable to read block on device. | Block start = '<address>', Status =
<code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
Unable to read block on device. Block deactivated. | Block start =
'<address>', Status = <code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. The address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
2. Node cannot be found or a duplicate node is detected.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to local node errors. Status code errors in the low nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the local node. The driver continues to retry reading these blocks of data periodically. Errors found by the local node occur when the KF module cannot see the destination PLC on the network for some reason.
Unable to read function file on device. | Function file = '<function file element>', Status = <code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
Node cannot be found or a duplicate node is detected.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to local node errors. Status code errors in the low nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the local node. The driver continues to retry reading this function file periodically.
Errors found by the local node occur when the KF module cannot see the destination PLC on the network for some reason.
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
Unable to read function file on device. Block deactivated. | Function file =
'<function file element>', Status = <status>, Extended Status = <status>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. The function file address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
2. Processor is in program mode.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to remote node errors. Status code errors in the high nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the PLC. These errors are generated when the function file the driver is asking for is not available in the PLC. The driver does not ask for this function file again after receiving this kind of error.
This kind of error can be generated if the function file address does not exist in the PLC.
Unable to read block on device. Framing error. | Block start = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. Unexpected frame received.
2. Frame size mismatch.
Possible Solution:
The device is returning an invalid read response or one of unexpected size.
Unable to read function file on device. Framing error. | Function file =
'<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. Unexpected frame received.
2. Frame size mismatch.
Possible Solution:
The device is returning an invalid function file read response or one of unexpected size.
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
Unable to read block on device. Checksum error. | Block start =
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There is a problem with the cable connecting the devices, causing noise and checksum errors.
Possible Solution:
Inspect cabling between the host PC and the device.
Unable to read function file on device. Checksum error. | Function file =
'<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There is a problem with the cable connecting the devices, causing noise and checksum errors.
Possible Solution:
Inspect cabling between the host PC and the device.
Unable to read block on device. Slave sink/source full. | Block start =
'<start address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The slave device cannot accept anymore requests from the master. The client may be requesting data too fast.
Possible Solution:
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave to empty its source and make room for responses from requests previously in the full sink. If this error occurs too often, decrease the update rate on suspected tags.
Unable to read function file on device. Slave sink/source full. | Function file = '<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The slave device cannot accept anymore requests from the master. The client may be requesting data too fast.
Possible Solution:
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave to empty its source and make room for responses from requests previously in the full sink. If this error occurs too often, decrease the update rate on suspected function file tags.
Unable to read block on device. Slave source empty. | Block start =
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The slave device does not have a response prepared for the data request. The slave poll delay may be set too short.
Possible Solution:
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave for a poll response. If this error occurs often, increase the slave poll delay on the channel.
Unable to read function file on device. Slave source empty. | Function file
= '<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The slave device does not have a response prepared for the request of function file element. The slave poll delay may be set too short.
Possible Solution:
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave for a poll response. If this error occurs often, increase the slave poll delay on the channel.
Error writing to address. | Tag address = '<address>', Status = <status>,
Extended Status = <status>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. Node cannot be found or a duplicate node is detected.
2. The address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
3. Processor is in program mode.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
1. Status code errors in the low nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the local node. Errors found by the local node occur when the KF module cannot see the destination PLC on the network for some reason.
2. Status code errors in the high nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the PLC. These errors are generated when the block of data the driver is asking for is not available in the PLC.
Error writing to address. Framing error. | Tag address = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
1. Unexpected frame received.
2. Frame size mismatch.
Possible Solution:
The device is returning an invalid write response or one of unexpected size.
Checksum error occurred writing to address. | Tag address = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There is a problem with the cable connecting the devices causing noise and checksum errors.
Possible Solution:
Inspect / correct cabling between the host PC and the device.
Error writing to address. Slave sink/source full. | Tag address =
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The slave device cannot accept any more requests from the master. The client may be requesting data too fast.
Possible Solution:
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave to empty its source and make room for responses from requests previously in the full sink. If this error occurs often, decrease the update rate on suspected tags, not necessarily the tag being written.
Error writing to address. Slave source empty. | Tag address = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Warning www. ptc.com
Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
Possible Cause:
The slave device does not have a response prepared for the write request. The slave poll delay may be too short.
Possible Solution:
The driver automatically polls and re-polls the slave for a poll response. If this error occurs often, increase the slave poll delay on the channel.
Device timed out writing to address. | Tag address = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The device is not responding.
Possible Solution:
Inspect cabling between the host PC and the device. Verify the device is on and operating properly.
Unable to read block on device. | Block start = '<address>', Status =
<code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
Node cannot be found or duplicate node detected.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
This error message applies to local node errors. Status code errors in the low nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the local node. The driver continues to retry reading these blocks of data periodically. Errors found by the local node occur when the KF module cannot see the destination PLC on the network for some reason.
Unable to read block on device. Block deactivated. | Block start =
'<address>', Status = <code>, Extended Status = <code>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The address requested in the block does not exist in the PLC.
Possible Solution:
Check the status and extended status codes returned by the PLC. The codes are displayed in hexadecimal.
www. ptc.com
Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
This error message applies to remote node errors. Status code errors in the high nibble of the status code indicate errors found by the PLC. These errors are generated when the block of data the driver is asking for is not available in the PLC. The driver does not ask for these blocks again after receiving this kind of error.
This kind of error can be generated if the address does not exist in the PLC.
Unable to read block on device. Device replied with a NAK. | Block start =
Error Type:
Unable to read function file on device. Device replied with a NAK. |
Function file = '<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Unable to read block on device. Memory map error. | Block start =
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There was an error writing to memory on the server.
Possible Solution:
Verify the device is online, communicating, and has a valid / uncorrupt memory map before trying again.
Unable to read function file on device. Memory map error. | Function file
= '<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There was an error attempting to access the memory map on the device.
Possible Solution:
Verify the device is online, communicating, and has a valid / uncorrupt memory map before trying again.
Unable to read function file on device. Device replied with an unexpected
NAK. Check the device link protocol. | Function file = '<function file element>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
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Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
The server sent an invalid response or one of unexpected size. The server's protocol link settings may not match the device configuration.
Possible Solution:
Correct the device's link protocol settings to match that of the channel and try again.
Unable to read block on device. Device replied with an unexpected NAK.
Check the device link protocol. | Block start = '<address>'.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
The server sent an invalid response or one of unexpected size. The server's protocol link settings may not match the device configuration.
Possible Solution:
Correct the device's link protocol settings to match that of the channel and try again.
Unable to write to address on device. Packet length is out of range. | Tag address = '<address>', Packet length range = <min> to <max> (bytes).
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
There is an issue with the packet length.
Possible Solution:
Correct the packet length to be within the supported range and try again.
Unable to write to address on device. TNS is out of range. | Tag address =
'<address>', TNS range = <min> to <max>.
Error Type:
Possible Cause:
An invalid address was provided.
Possible Solution:
Verify the address is within the supported range and try again.
Error Mask Definitions
B = Hardware break detected
F = Framing error
E = I/O error
O = Character buffer overrun
R = RX buffer overrun www. ptc.com
Allen-Bradley DF1 Driver
P = Received byte parity error
T = TX buffer full
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