Storage management
DCB Configuration tab
An FCoE configuration enables the DCB Configuration tab. The DCB Configuration tab displays general, local, and remote DCB information.
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Use the Edit Local DCB Configuration screen to select DCB Settings.
General DCB Information
Status icons display DCB, PFC, and ETS status.
DCB Mode
Modes include CEE-DCBX.
DCB Status
PFC Status
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ETS Status
Local DCB Information
A Yes or No parameter indicates if PFC Status is provided and if any mismatch exists for the local DCB.
Priority Tagging Status
A status icon displays status.
PFC Status
Configuration Mismatch
Priority Application Mismatch
Remote DCB Information
A Yes or No parameter indicates if Application Priority, PFC, and ETS are willing, and if the ETS recommendation is valid, for the remote DCB.
Remote Application Priority Willing
Remote PFC Willing
Remote ETS Willing
Remote ETS Recommendation Valid
Click ETS Information >Application Priority Assignments: FCoE: 3 to maximize or minimize details and pie charts of PFC assignment, bandwidth allocation, and priorities. Status icons display PFC
Assignments Status for the different priorities.
iSCSI Statistics tab
The iSCSI Statistics tab displays physical iSCSI statistical parameters and values for the initiator name selected in the tree. iSCSI configurations yield the following statistics:
Format Errors
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The errors describe the most recent session failure that received an iSCSI PDU with a format error.
Login Accept Responses
The count is the number of accepted Login Response PDUs received by the initiator.
Login Auth Failures Responses
The count is the number of failed Login Response PDUs with status class 0x201 Authentication
Failed received by the initiator.
Login Auth Failures
The count is the number of times the initiator aborted a login because the target was not authenticated.
Login Failures
The count is the number of times the initiator login failed.
Login Other Failure Responses
The count is the number of failed Login Response PDUs received by the initiator with any status code not included in the other counts.
Login Other Redirect Responses
The count indicates the redirected Login Response PDUs received by the initiator with any status code not included in the other counts.
Login Redirect Responses
The count indicates the redirected Login Response PDUs received by the initiator.
Logout Normals
The count indicates the normal Logout Command PDUs generated by the initiator.
Logout Others
The count indicates the Logout Command PDUs generated by the initiator with any status code other than normal.
Session Count
The count is the number of rows in the iSCSI session type table that are currently associated with the iSCSI instance.
Session Failure Count
The count is the number of times a session on the active port failed.
Session Connection Timeout
The count is the number of failed sessions due to a timeout.
Session Digest Errors
The count is the number of failed sessions that received a PDU with header or data digest errors.
Login Negotiate Fails
The count is the number of times the initiator aborted a login because parameter negotiation with the target failed.
Session Format Errors
The count is the number of sessions that failed due to receipt of an iSCSI PDU with a format error.
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FCoE Statistics tab
The FCoE Statistics tab displays physical port counter fields and values associated with the MAC address selected in the tree.
FCoE configurations yield the following statistics:
Tx Frames
The count is the number of FC frames transmitted by the adapter port.
Rx Frames
The count is the number of FC frames received by the adapter port.
Tx Bytes
The count is the number of FC bytes transmitted by the adapter port.
Rx Bytes
The count is the number of FC bytes received by the adapter port.
Dropped Frames
The count is the number of frames lost because of unavailable host buffers.
NOS Count
The count is the number of NOS events on the switched fabric.
Sequences dropped
FCCRC Error Frames
Wrong FCoE Version Frames
EOFA Frames
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Missing Frames
Sequence Timeouts
Read Requests
Write Requests
Control Requests
Read Megabytes
Write Megabytes
FIPVlan Negotiations
FIP Fabric Discoveries
ULPTOV Expirations
REC Expirations
ABTS Count
SRR Count
Reset LUN Count
Reset Target Count
Session Level Recovery Count
Link Failures
A link failure is a possible cause of a timeout.
Seconds Since Last Reset
The clock indicates the seconds passed since the last adapter reset.
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NIC Statistics tab
The NIC Statistics tab displays physical port counter fields and values associated with the MAC address selected in the tree.
NIC configurations yield the following statistics:
Total Bytes
Tx Total Frames
Tx Unicast Frames
Tx Multicast Frames
Tx Broadcast Frames
Tx Errors
Tx Discards
Tx Queue Length
Tx Underrun Frames
Tx One Collision Frames
Tx More Collision Frames
Tx Max Collision Frames
Tx Late Collision Frames
Tx Deffered Frames
Rx Total Bytes
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Rx Total Frames
Rx Unicast Frames
Rx Multicast Frames
Rx Broadcast Frames
Rx Errors
Rx Discards
Rx Overrun Frames
Rx CRC Error Frames
Rx Alignment Error Frames
Rx No Buffer Frames
TCP IPv4 Connection Count
TCP IPv6 Connection Count
TCP IPv4 Error Count
TCP IPv6 Error Count
Target Mapping tab
The Target Mapping tab displays port mappings, settings, and persistent binding configurations associated with the MAC address selected in the tree.
Persistent Binding Configuration
Current configurations are listed. Persistent binding applies to assigned target/bus combinations, SCSI
ID, and WWPNs. The configuration retains the parameters when the system is rebooted.
Current Mappings
Port WWN
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The World Wide Name uniquely identifies the adapter.
Node WWN
The World Wide Name uniquely identifies the node.
The ID is unique to an assigned target/bus combination. The SCSI ID that is specified in a binding request must not be mapped to another target.
The ID is unique to the type of FC fabric.
Type indicates the current binding type assigned.
iSCSI Target tab
The iSCSI Target tab displays iSCSI target, session, and LUN information for the target selected in the tree.
iSCSI Target
• iSCSI Name
The name identifies the iSCSI target.
Target alias is assigned at the target portal.
A status icon displays connection status.
A Yes or No parameter indicates if the target requires manually initiated sessions.
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Icon Description
Target login opens a login window.
Target logout closes a target session.
Target LUNs
The name identifies the target LUN.
The capacity indicates the unformatted size of the LUN.
Block Size
The size is a logical unit block in bytes.
The name indicates the manufacturer of the LUN.
Target Session tab
The Target Session tab displays management information for all logins and sessions for the target selected in the tree. Target session information includes basic information, session statistics, session negotiated login options, connection information, and connection negotiated login properties information.
Select a number from the Session menu to view details for different sessions. Multiple target sessions can run concurrently.
Basic Information
Session Status
The status indicates session login and recovery information.
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The session number appears on the iSCSI Target tab.
Initiator Name
The name identifies the initiator used to log into the session.
Target Name
The name identifies the target used in the session.
Boot Enabled
A Yes or No parameter indicates if iSCSI boot is enabled for the target session.
The ID is unique for each session.
ISID Qualifier
The qualifier is the first two bytes of the ISID and is unique for each session.
The ID is unique for each target session.
Connection Information
Connection Information identifies the source, destination, and redirected IP addresses and ports.
Connection Status
The status indicates if there is an active connection.
Source IP Address
Source Port
Destination IP Address
Destination Port
ISCSI ConnectionID
The ID is uniquely assigned to each connection.
Redirected Destination
Redirected Destination Port
Session Statistics Information
Command PDUs
A count is the number of Command PDUs transferred in the session.
Connection TimeOut Errors
A count is the number of connections terminated due to a timeout during the session.
Response PDUs
A count is the number of Response PDUs transferred in the session.
The count is the number of PDUs with header or data digest errors received in the session.
XMT Data Octets
A count is the number of data octets transmitted by the local iSCSI node in the session.
Recv Data Octets
A count is the number of data octets received by the local iSCSI node in the session.
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A count is the number of iSCSI PDUs received with a format error.
Connection Negotiated Login Properties Information
The Authentication Method, Header Digest, and Data Digest indicate the parameters set for the target on
the iSCSI Target Discovery tab (on page 32 ).
Authentication Method
Header Digest
Data Digest
MaxRecvSegment Length
The length indicates the maximum data segment in bytes that an initiator or target receives in an iSCSI PDU.
The length indicates the maximum segment size for the connection. The driver uses the parameter to determine the size of the data PDU whenever required to transmit the entire PDU with a single iSCSI header.
Session Negotiated Login Options
Initial R2T
A Yes or No parameter indicates if the initiator waits for the target to solicit SCSI data before sending the initial request to transmit. If the parameter is No, the initiator can send a burst of unsolicited
FirstBurstLength bytes.
Immediate Data
A Yes or No parameter indicates if the initiator can append unsolicited data to a command.
Max Connections
The number indicates the maximum target connections allowed in a single session.
Max OutstandingR2T
The number indicates the maximum outstanding R2Ts per task in a session, each up to the
MaxBurstLength bytes.
The length indicates the maximum amount of unsolicited data (in bytes) the initiator can send to the target during the execution of a single iSCSI command.
The length indicates the maximum amount of either unsolicited or solicited data the initiator can send in a single burst. Any amount of data exceeding the value must be solicited by the target.
Error Recovery Level
The level indicates the error recovery parameter set for the session:
0—recovery only by session restart
1—recovery by re-issuing commands, data, or status
2—connection failure recovery
Data PDU InOrder
The order is the sequence of data PDUs.
Data Sequence InOrder
The order is the data sequence.
Default Time To Wait
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The default indicates the minimum time to wait, in seconds, before the initiator attempts to reconnect or reassign a connection or task that is dropped because of an unexpected connection termination or reset. The initiator and target negotiate the value.
Default Time to Retain
The default indicates the maximum time, in seconds, to reassign a connection after the
DefaultTimeToWait is elapsed. The initiator and target negotiate the value.
FCoE Target tab
The FCoE Target tab displays target information for the target selected in the tree.
Target Information
The Target Information includes target parameters that also display in the Network Information tab (on
page 25 ).
SCSI Bus Value
The value identifies the SCSI bus that is mapped to the target.
SCSI Target Value
The value identifies the SCSI target that is mapped to the bus.
Node WWN
Port WWN
Maximum Frame Size
Target LUNs
The Target LUNs information includes a summary of LUN parameters that also display on the FCoE
Target LUN tab (on page 50 ).
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Block Size
The iSCSI LUN tab displays LUN information for the specific LUN selected in the tree. Click the LUN in the tree to view the information for a specific LUN.
LUN Information
Lun Name
Block Size
Device Type
The information also displays on the iSCSI Target tab.
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FCoE Target LUN tab
The FCoE Target LUN tab displays LUN information for the specific LUN selected in the tree. Click the
LUN in the tree to view the information for a specific LUN.
LUN Information
Lun Name
The name identifies the target LUN.
The name indicates the manufacturer for the LUN.
Block Size
The size is a logical unit block in bytes.
The capacity indicates the unformatted size of the LUN.
Product ID
The ID is vendor-specific for the LUN.
Serial Number
The number identifies the unique device LUN.
The revision is a vendor-specific number assigned to the LUN.
A status icon displays status.
The adapter uses the FC identifier to map to the SCSI OS LUN.
OS Device Name
The OS assigns a device name to the LUN.
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Device Type
The type indicates the category of the device.
The LUN Name, Manufacturer, Block Size, and Capacity also display on the FCoE Target tab (on page
48 ).
The following legend describes the LUN icon.
Icon Status
The LUN is attached.
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