Figure 2: WT-4000 Series Pneumatic-to-DDC Room Thermostat,
Dimensions, in. (mm)
The WT-4000-MCR, WT-4000-MCM, WT-4000-MFR,
WT-4000-MFM wireless room thermostat models require the WT-BAC-IP Gateway and WT-ROUTER
Router to operate as a complete wireless solution.
Refer to the WT-BAC-IP Gateway Installation
Instructions (Part No. 24-10732-21) for details on installing the gateway, and the WT-ROUTER Router
Installation Instructions (Part No. 24-10732-13) for details on installing the router.
Tools and Hardware Required
• Couplings or reducers to connect room thermostats to existing air lines
• Needle nose pliers
• Small level
• Fasteners and anchors to secure room thermostats
(site specific)
• Plastic tie wraps to secure routers (site specific)
• Electric drill (optional)
• Building floor plans identifying where the system is to be installed, serving multiple purposes:
To plan the wireless network before installation, by identifying room thermostat locations
To document the location of where each wireless device is installed
Mounting Procedure
Mount the WT-4000 Series Room Thermostat according to the steps that follow. Only those individuals that are experienced with HVAC maintenance and commercial room thermostats should perform this installation.
Remove the old room thermostat from the mounting surface and disconnect the air lines connected to it. Be sure to label the branch line and the main line.
Bend the four locking tabs on the wallplate outward to separate the wallplate from the new
WT-4000 Series Room Thermostat.
Mount the wallplate to the mounting surface: a.
Thread the existing air lines from the wall through the large opening in the wallplate.
Position the wallplate against the mounting surface to be sure it seats flush with the surface.
Use a small level or visually check that the wallplate is level.
WT-4000 Series Pneumatic-to-Direct Digital Control (DDC) Room Thermostats Installation Instructions 3
Mounting holes on the wallplate are designed to fit a standard electrical box. If additional mounting holes are required, mark the locations on the mounting surface.
Remove the wallplate from the mounting surface and drill any additional mounting holes as needed at each of the marked locations.
Use the appropriate mounting hardware (field furnished) for the specific mounting surface and secure the wallplate to the surface.
Connect the air lines to the room thermostat. See
Clean Air Requirements on page 5 to ensure that
the air supply is clean, dry, and oil-free.
IMPORTANT: Avoid applying excessive pressure while making the air line connections to the barbed fittings on the room thermostat. Failure to do so may damage the room thermostat and void the warranty.
Install the four 3.6 V lithium batteries included with the room thermostat into the battery compartment.
Be sure to match the positive (+) battery ends with the positive (+) battery terminals in the battery compartment.
Note: The room thermostat can operate with just two batteries installed; however, it operates for a significantly shorter period of time. To maximize battery life, we recommend that all four batteries be installed.
Once powered up, the room thermostat initializes in: a.
30 seconds if the room thermostat can connect to a network.
3 minutes if a network is not present.
IMPORTANT: Do not press any buttons during the initialization process. Configuration changes made during initialization are not saved.
Figure 3 illustrates the LCD during room
thermostat initialization.
Figure 3: LCD during Initialization
Check the wireless connectivity at the intended room thermostat installation location. It may take approximately 30 seconds for the room thermostat to initialize.
Look at the wireless connection status
indicator on the room thermostat LCD
(Figure 5). If
shows on the upper-right corner of the LCD, the wireless connection is established and the room thermostat is operating properly. If the LCD is blank in the upper-right corner, there is no wireless connection.
Look at the number of routes to the
WT-BAC-IP Gateway on the room thermostat
LCD (Figure 5). If the number of routes is
blank, the room thermostat is not connected to the gateway. If the number 1 shows, there is one connection. If the number 2 shows, there are two or more connections and the room thermostat is operating properly.
Attach the room thermostat to the previously installed wallplate by aligning the slot in the room thermostat housing with the top of the wallplate and sliding the bottom of the room thermostat housing over the bottom of the wallplate.
Document the device ID and the location of each room thermostat on the floor plan. A white sticker on the inside of the room thermostat housing
includes the device ID (Figure 1).
4 WT-4000 Series Pneumatic-to-Direct Digital Control (DDC) Room Thermostats Installation Instructions
Safety Measures for Electrostatic Sensitive
Devices (ESDs)
The WT-4000 Series Room Thermostat includes an
ESD-sensitive circuit board. Use caution when handling the room thermostat when the backplate
(wallplate) is removed. Always carry the room thermostat in the static bag it was shipped in. Do not physically touch any part of the circuit board while connecting air lines, without wearing ESD protective gear. Even minimal electrostatic discharge can severely damage the room thermostat.
Clean Air Requirements
Before installing WT-4000 Series Room Thermostats, check that the air in the pneumatic lines is properly cleaned. Clean, dry, and oil-free air in the main supply line is required for normal room thermostat operation.
The pneumatic system must include a properly operating air dryer and coalescing air filter that removes water, oil, and other impurities from the main supply air before it reaches the room thermostat. If the existing pneumatic system is contaminated with water or oil, Johnson Controls recommends installation of a pre-filter before each room thermostat to protect the device from contaminants and failure.
Note: Room thermostat failures due to main supply air contamination with impurities including water, oil, dust, or other solid particles are not replaceable under the product warranty.
Johnson Controls recommends using the following in-line air filter with WT-4000 Series Room
• Johnson Controls A-4000-1037 In-Line Air Filter
Before installing room thermostats, check for the following:
• An air dryer that is operating properly
• A coalescing air filter that is replaced and maintained properly
• In-line air filters before each room thermostat where necessary
Order of Installation for Wireless Room
Thermostat Models
The WT-4000-MCR, WT-4000-MCM, WT-4000-MFR,
WT-4000-MFM wireless room thermostat models look for a wireless network as soon as they are powered up.
We recommend that the WT-BAC-IP Gateway and
WT-ROUTER Router are installed first to establish a network connection before the room thermostats are installed and powered.
If the room thermostats are installed before establishing a wireless network, be aware of the following:
• Once powered up, the room thermostat initializes and looks for a network for 3 minutes. During
initialization, the LCD shows code 512 (Figure 3).
IMPORTANT: Do not press any buttons during the initialization process. Configuration changes made during initialization are not saved.
• The room thermostat operates in the Occupied
Mode with the following default settings:
• Setpoint temperature: 70°F (21°C)
• Comfort Zone: ±3F° (±1.8C°)
• The default settings can only be changed from the controller tool, once the WT-BAC-IP Gateway is installed.
• Once the WT-BAC-IP Gateway and the
WT-ROUTER Routers are installed, check the LCD on each room thermostat to confirm that they are
connected to the network (Figure 5).
• The default sampling interval is 5 minutes, so it may take some time for all of the room thermostats to establish a network connection.
In summary, install the components of the mesh network in the following order:
Install the WT-BAC-IP Gateway.
Install the WT-ROUTER Routers.
Configure the WT-4000 Series Room Thermostats;
see Setup and Adjustments on page 6.
Install the WT-4000 Series Room Thermostats; see
Mounting Procedure on page 3.
WT-4000 Series Pneumatic-to-Direct Digital Control (DDC) Room Thermostats Installation Instructions 5