The Deck. Native Instruments TRAKTOR KONTROL S8
Below you will find brief information for DJ controller TRAKTOR KONTROL S8. The TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 provides a direct tactile interface to TRAKTOR PRO's features and allows you to achieve more with the controller hardware so you have to do less on your computer screen. Whether you intend to perform and remix live with TRAKTOR, use S8 as a stand-alone mixer with turntables or CD decks or a combination of both; S8 has you covered! S8 enables performance in various live situations, combining the power of computer-based DJing with the immediacy and flow you need to focus on your audience.
Hardware Reference
The Deck
The top panel of the TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 is divided into three main areas listed in the table below: The table also provides the links referring to the section with more information.
FX Units
Link to section providing further information
The Deck
This chapter provides a detailed description of how the knobs, buttons and faders in S8's Deck section relate to the TRAKTOR workflow.
Since the left and right Decks work identically, we'll just talk about the left one. Implicitly, though, the descriptions also apply to the right Deck.
S8 features two identically equipped Deck sections at the far left and right sides of the unit.
These give you hardware control over the software Decks in the TRAKTOR PRO software. Active
TRAKTOR Decks always work in one of the Deck modes, as either Track Deck, Remix Deck or
Live Input.
If you connect an external device to S8, you can also bypass the Deck completely by switching the corresponding Mixer channel from TRAKTOR mode to Thru mode. This will automatically de-activate the Deck.
For more details about the Deck modes, please refer to the TRAKTOR Manual.
The left-hand hardware Deck controls TRAKTOR's Decks A and C. The entire section can be focused on either the primary (A) or secondary (C) Deck. The positions of Decks on S8 are consistent with the Deck layout in TRAKTOR PRO:
• The left-hand Deck controls TRAKTOR Decks A (on top) and C (below).
• The right-hand Deck controls TRAKTOR Decks B (on top) and D (below).
The following image and table give a detailed overview of the Deck's elements and links referring to sections with further information.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Interface elements on the Left Deck
DECK button
FLUX button
Mode Select buttons
Loop Encoder
EDIT button
Link to section providing further information
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
CAPTURE button
Display and BROWSE controls
Performance controls
Slot Volume faders
Touch Strip
TRANSPORT controls
Link to section providing further information
4.2.7, Display Area and Controls
DECK Button
The DECK Button allows you to switch the focus (and controls) between the primary and secondary Decks in a Deck section.
DECK Button
The DECK button lights blue when a primary Deck ( A or B ) is focused and white when the secondary Deck ( C or D ) is focused.
FLUX Button
Press S8's FLUX button to enable Flux Mode for the focused Deck.
FLUX Button
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
In Flux mode, for every Deck, a second playhead continues playing the track, even if you loop a section, temporarily jump back to a cue point, skip forward or backward, etc. That way, the track keeps progressing, no matter what you do.
Mode Select Buttons
Below the Slot Volume Faders, S8 features 8 pads per Deck which function either as Remix
Pads, as loop marker triggers or as cue marker triggers, depending on which of the four modes you select via the Mode Select buttons:
Mode Select Buttons
General Behavior of Mode Select Buttons:
• The default mode for a Track Deck is Hotcue.
• The default mode for a Remix Deck is Remix.
• Remix mode is exclusive to Remix Decks.
• Hotcue isn't available for Remix Decks. HOTCUE Button
Hotcue is the default mode for Track Decks. While in Hotcue mode, the pads store and trigger
CUE markers in a track while it's playing. This mode is disabled automatically when you switch focus to a Remix Deck.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
HOTCUE Button LOOP Button
The LOOP button activates LOOP mode.
LOOP Button
When Loop mode is activated, the first row of pads turns green, and the second row turns orange.
Pads in Loop Mode
• The first row of pads (green) allow you to loop a part of a track. By default the pads are assigned common loop sizes1/8 of a beat, 1/4 of a beat, 1/2 of a beat, 1 beat.
You can change the loop sizes in TRAKTOR's S8 Preferences:
Preferences>Traktor Kontrol S8>Loop Mode Sizes > Loop
For more information, see the TRAKTOR manual.
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The Deck
• If Quantize is activated, TRAKTOR will loop from the next beat.
• If Quantize is deactivated, looping starts immediately when you press the pad.
The behavior of the pads changes when you activate FLUX mode. While FLUX is deactivated, the loop will play back until you press that pad again. With FLUX activated, looping stops as soon as you release the pad.
The second row of pads (orange) allow you to jump backward and forward in a track in predefined steps, in sync with the track's tempo. By default, the step sizes are:
• Jump back 1 loop size (set per Deck).
• Jump back 1 beat.
• Jump forward 1 beat.
• Jump forward 1 loop size (set per Deck).
Beatjump sizes can be changed in TRAKTOR's software preferences: Preferences>TRAK-
TOR KONTROL S8>Loop Mode Sizes>Beatjump.
• If Quantize is activated, TRAKTOR waits for the next beat before jumping.
• If Quantize is deactivated, TRAKTOR jumps immediately after pressing the pad. FREEZE Button
The FREEZE button enables the Freeze mode.
Freeze Mode
Freeze mode takes the playhead position, adds the number of bars set as loop size and splits this section of a track into eight equally sized slices. These are then mapped to the adjacent pads, which light up blue. Press any of these pads to trigger playback from the mapped slice.
Playback continues to the end of the track until you release the pad.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
In Freeze mode, the numbers 1 - 8 are overlaid on the waveform to indicate the location of the slices. The first row triggers slices 1 - 4, the second row triggers slices 5 - 8.
Freeze Mode Overlay
Adjust the size of the Freeze slices by pressing and holding the FREEZE button and then turning the Loop encoder. The waveform in the display adjusts its zoom level accordingly.
You can vary slice sizes between 1/4 beat and 4 beats.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Slicer Mode
The Slicer Mode extends the Freeze mode's functionality. Press the LOOP button while in
Freeze mode and the playback behavior of the pads changes: Instead of playing from the slice start to the end of the entire track, pressing and holding a pad in Slicer Mode will play back just the corresponding slice in a loop.
In Slicer Mode, the pads turn green and while playing back the selected loop, pads flash bright green while the assigned slice is played back. This is also reflected on the Deck's display. REMIX Button
Remix mode allows you to capture portions of a track from the capture source and assign them to one of the pads.
REMIX Button
Remix mode is the default for Remix Decks, and isn't available for Track Decks. If a Track
Deck is in focus, the REMIX button is deactivated for that Deck.
If the Deck you set as capture source is empty, S8's display shows Error while copying in the
Deck header.
For more detailed information on capturing samples, refer to section
Loop Encoder
The Loop encoder is dedicated to looping functions on either Track Decks or Remix Decks. It has a press function to engage a loop, a rotate function to adjust the loop size, as well as a segmented LED ring indicating that a loop is engaged.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Loop Encoder
You cannot permanently engage a loop when the FLUX button is active. The loop only remains active for as long as you hold the Loop encoder and turns off again when released.
Adjustments to loop size can be made whether a loop is active or not.
Moving the Playhead
When a loop is inactive, the Loop encoder can also be used for moving the playhead in increments of the Loop size by holding SHIFT and then turning the loop encoder.
EDIT Button
Pressing the EDIT button lets you adjust a track's Beatgrid. The TRAKTOR software can analyze your music and apply a Beat Grid which allows automatic beat-matching and synchronization.
EDIT Button
In most cases (through its Analyze function), TRAKTOR recognizes a track's BPM precisely and sets the Beat Grid. Some tracks, however, need manual correction (e.g. a track with a complex rhythm or with uneven timing, coming from a tape machine or warped LP), and the S8 provides you with the controls to do this. Please read chapter
3.11, Working with Beatgrids for
more information.
The EDIT button is disabled when a Remix Deck is focused. Beatgrid editing only applies to Track Decks.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Pressing the CAPTURE button allows you to quickly select the capture source for a Remix
The capture Source can be selected by holding the CAPTURE button and turning the BROWSE encoder. Pressing a pad will then sample content from the Deck set as Capture source to the corresponding Remix Cell.
The capture size is determined by the source Deck's loop size setting.
Display Area and Controls
On the S8's graphic color displays, some functionality is dynamically shown or hidden by means of the Display buttons adjacent to the display. The following image and table give a detailed overview of the Display area and controls and provide links referring to sections with further information.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Display Area and Controls
BACK Button
BROWSE Encoder
Settings Button
Display Buttons
View Button
Performance Mode Buttons
Links leading to section with further information, Performance Mode Button
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Hardware Reference
The Deck BACK Button
When the Browser is opened, pressing the BACK button lets you navigate a level up in the folder structure, up to the Browser's top level. Pressing the BACK button for longer than a second lets you exit the Browser.
BACK Button BROWSE Encoder
The BROWSE encoder lets you access the Browser and navigate through your track collection and playlists.
BROWSE Encoder and BACK Button
• Pressing the BROWSE encoder lets you open the Browser in the display.
• Turning the BROWSE encoder lets you scroll through the list items. Pressing it again enters a sub folder and again loads an item.
Besides browsing, you can use the BROWSE encoder to adjust the BPM and KEY parameters in the respective pop-ups and to select effects in the FX Unit configuration screen.
You can configure the Browse encoder to open the Browser on touch. To do so, activate the
Auto Open Browser on Touch option in TRAKTOR's TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 Preferences. Settings Button
The Settings button is on the top-left.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Settings Button
Press this button to open S8's device settings.
Display Settings (RGB)
Within the settings, you can adjust the screens' color rendition (saturation of RED , GREEN and
BLUE colors), as well as the screen's BRIGHTNESS .
Turn the Performance knobs beneath the display to adjust the parameters.
Display Settings View
Touch Sensitivity Settings (TOUCH)
When in the Settings, press Display Button 2 twice to switch to the TOUCH settings.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Turn the Performance knobs underneath the display to increase or decrease global touch sensitivity for different kinds of controls: ENCODERS , ENDLESS KNOBS , KNOBS , and FADERS .
Touch Settings View Display Buttons
These buttons provide different functionality depending on the view you're working in.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Display Buttons
Press any of these buttons to open the pop-up and see each button's functionality
This is an overview of what these buttons do depending on what you see on the display.
Track Deck View
(1) Display Button 1: Opens the BPM pop-up.
(2) Display Button 2: Opens the KEY window.
(3) Display Button 3: Zooms into the waveform.
(4) Display Button 4: Zooms out of the waveform.
Remix Deck View
(1) Display Button 1: Opens the BPM pop-up.
(2) Display Button 2: Opens the QUANTIZE pop-up.
(3) Display Button 3: Scrolls up in the Sample Grid in steps of two.
(4) Display Button 4: Scrolls down in the Sample Grid in steps of two.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Please note that you can leave any pop-up by pressing the same button again or, alternatively, the View button. Display
TRAKTOR PRO's default layout is 2 Track + 2 Remix Decks (Scratch). This means that S8's two upper Decks ( A and B ) are Track Decks, and the lower Decks ( C and D ) Remix Decks.
• The left display provides feedback about Decks A and C .
• The right display provides feedback about Decks B and D .
Every active TRAKTOR Deck is either a Track Deck, Remix Deck or Live Input Deck. If a mixer channel is set to Thru mode on S8, the corresponding TRAKTOR Deck is set to Thru mode, as well. Here's an overview of the information S8's displays provide for each of these:
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The Deck
Track Deck
Track Deck View
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Track Deck View
A Track Deck view on S8 provides information about:
(1) Artwork, Song title and Artist name.
(2) Loop size: From 1/32 - 32 beats.
(3) Playhead position: time played and time remaining.
(4) Deck tempo in BPM.
(5) Deck Focus: Deck A - D .
(6) Sync state: If a Deck is assigned Tempo Master, MASTER is displayed underneath the BPM value. SYNC indicates that the Deck is synchronized to a Tempo Master. If a Deck isn't synchronized at all, the Deck header shows tempo deviation in percent from the file's original tempo.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Remix Deck
Remix Deck View
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Remix Deck View
A Remix Deck view on S8 provides information about:
(1) Artwork graphic, Set title and Artist name.
(2) Loop size: from 1/32 - 32 beats.
(3) Quantize Value.
(4) Deck tempo in BPM.
(5) Deck Focus: Deck A - D .
(6) Sync state: If a Deck is assigned Tempo Master, MASTER is displayed underneath the BPM value. SYNC indicates that the Deck is synchronized to a Tempo Master. If a Deck isn't synchronized at all, the Deck header shows tempo deviation in percent from the file's original tempo.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
(7) The absolute position on TRAKTOR's timeline measured in Bars.Beats.Phrases.
Live Input Deck
S8's rear panel allows you to connect microphones, turntables, or CD players. You can route these audio signals into the TRAKTOR software and mix them with your other Decks by setting a Deck to Live Input mode. In this mode, S8's display reads Live Input - Traktor Audio Passthru .
S8's Transport Controls are disabled while a Deck runs as Live Input.
Thru Mode
If you don't need to run an external device like turntable or CD player through a Deck, switch that mixer channel to Thru mode on S8 by pressing the TRAKTOR button. The signal is mixed in S8's mixer and never sent to TRAKTOR then. View Button
The View button is located in the top right corner of the display area.
View Button
It switches between view types:
• Single View: Only the focused Deck is displayed.
• Split View: Both Decks are displayed; the focused Deck is visualized by a big waveform and detailed information, while the unfocused Deck is reduced to a small waveform, showing markers and a playhead.
Whenever you open a pop-up from a Deck view (e.g. FX Selection Menu, Browser, BPM , or
KEY ), the View button starts flashing. Press the View button to close the pop-up. Performance Mode Button
The Performance Mode buttons are at the bottom on either side of the display, marked with left and right arrows.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Left Performance Mode Button
To cycle through the parameters you can control with the Performance Controls ( FILTER ,
PITCH , FX SEND ), press one of the buttons repeatedly.
If you activate 4 FX Units in TRAKTOR's preferences, the Performance Mode buttons allow you to select FX Units 3 and 4 as a fourth option.
Performance Controls
Underneath the display, the Deck features four encoders and buttons which control either FIL-
TER , PITCH or FX SEND per Slot in a Remix Deck, depending on the selected Performance mode.
Performance Controls
Performance Mode FILTER
The default Performance Mode for a Remix Deck is FILTER. The Performance ON buttons are used to engage/disengage a Remix Slot's FILTER . The FILTER cutoff is controlled by the corresponding Performance knob. Adjustments to FILTER cutoff are shown via the Performance popup at the lower end of the displays.
The Performance Controls work even if the Remix Deck isn't focused.
If you set up TRAKTOR with 4 FX Units, the Performance knobs and buttons in Deck A control FX Unit 3, those in Deck B control FX Unit 4. By default, they have no function for
Track Decks.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
When FX SEND is selected, the knobs control the amount of signal being sent to the assigned FX
Unit(s), per Slot. The FX SEND amount is displayed right above the corresponding knob.
In case you increase FX SEND and still don't hear any effect, please make sure the Remix
Deck is actually assigned to an FX Unit in the corresponding Mixer channel.
For information on using the Performance Controls to operate FX Units (3 and 4), refer to
4.3.3, Additional FX Unit 3 and 4 .
When PITCH is selected, the Performance knobs transpose the pitch of the currently playing sample. In other words: pitch correction is applied per Remix Cell. The amount of pitch change is displayed above the corresponding knob.
Slot Volume Faders
S8 offers a separate volume fader per slot. This allows you to mix signals from up to four slots within a single Remix Deck, before it runs through the channel fader and the Crossfader.
• In case only one Deck per side is a Remix Deck, the faders control that Remix Deck's slot volume even if another Deck is focused.
• In case both the primary and secondary Deck are configured as Remix Decks, the Slot
Volume faders control the focused Deck's slots.
Slot Volume Faders
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
4.2.10 Pads
Each of S8's Decks comes with a set of 8 pads. Depending on the mode selected via the Mode
Select buttons, these pads are assigned different functions.
Here's an overview of what the pads do in each mode:
During playback, pressing in an inactive pad sets a cue point. The pad lights up and the cue point is automatically assigned to this pad. Pressing that pad again let jump back the playhead to the cue point just defined.
LOOP mode
In Loop mode, pressing a pad instantly loops playback for the number of bars set as Loop
Mode Size in Preferences > Traktor Kontrol S8 > Loop Mode Sizes > Loop. These values are by default:
• 1/8 Bar Loop
• 1/4 Bar Loop
• 1/2 Bar Loop
• 1 Bar Loop
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
The Loop functionality considers the global Quantize setting:
• If Quantize is active, TRAKTOR delays starting the loop until the next down-beat, making sure looping keeps the track in sync.
• If Quantize is deactivated, looping starts precisely when you press the pad.
FREEZE and Slicer Mode
In Freeze mode, TRAKTOR takes the playhead position, adds the number of bars set as loop size and splits this section of a track into eight equally sized slices. These are then mapped to the pads. Press a pad to start playback from that slice.
While in Freeze mode, you can access Slicer mode. This is how Slicer mode is different from
Freeze mode:
• In Slicer mode, holding a pad will infinitely loop the corresponding slice.
• In Slicer mode, holding two pads will loop the range between the start of one pad and the end of the second.
By pressing the Loop encoder while Freeze mode is active this will enable the Slicer mode. The slices in the display and pad color change from blue to green.
In Remix mode, the pads trigger the content of corresponding Remix Cells - the tracks, loops or Samples defined in the Remix Set. After loading a Remix Set, the pads take on the Sample
Cells' color. By pressing Display buttons 3 and 4 you can scroll through the rows of Remix
Cells in steps of two.
4.2.11 Touch Strip
S8 doesn't feature the conventional Jog Wheels of a regular DJ controller. Functions usually associated with Jog Wheels are instead controlled by the intuitive Touch Strips.
The Touch Strip
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
Utilizing the Touch Strip, you can:
• Seek/navigate within the track.
• Tempo bend (nudge) for aligning beats.
• Create a scratch effect
• Holding the track or Samples.
• Backspinning the track or the Samples.
Above the Touch Strip, a number of LEDs provide visual feedback for the actions taken on the touch strip.
Phase Meter
For Track- and Remix Decks, the LEDs work as a Beat Phase Meter, showing the focused Deck's beat phase offset from the MASTER Deck. This is the same meter as displayed in TRAKTOR's
Direction of Scratching
If you didn't learn scratching with LPs and turntables, you may find inversing the Touch Strip's direction more intuitive. If you select this option, swiping to the right on the Touch Strip will move forward in the track's waveform.
Inverse the directional response by unchecking the Invert checkbox in TRAKTOR's S8 preferences: Preferences> Traktor Kontrol S8>Touchstrip>Scratch Sensitivity.
For detailed information on the Touch Strip's preferences, refer to section
Direction of Tempo Bending
In TRAKTOR's default setting, swiping your finger on the Touch Strip has a similar effect to speeding up or slowing down an LP with your hand:
• Move to the left to speed up the LP.
• Move to the right to slow down the LP.
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
If you didn't learn aligning Decks on turntables, this behavior may not make sense to you. Instead, looking at the waveform, you think in terms of moving the playhead position within the track. Also, you want Tempo Bending to be consistent with Seeking:
• Swipe to the right to move the playhead ahead
• Swipe to the left to move the playhead back.
Inversed Tempo Bending Direction
To achieve this, uncheck the Invert option in: Preferences> Traktor Kontrol S8>Touchstrip>Bend Sensitivity.
S8 comes with a Sensitivity setting which should accommodate most users in most situations.
You might, however, find that the touch strip doesn't react immediate enough to your input or just the opposite, it may recognize input where there was none intended.
You can adjust the Touchstrip's Bend Sensitivity and Scratch Sensitivity separately in: Preferences> Traktor Kontrol S8>Touchstrip.
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4.2.12 Transport Controls
The Transport buttons control playback of S8's Decks.
These controls only relate to TRAKTOR mode, they have no function when the S8 is used as a stand-alone device.
PLAY Button
The PLAY button starts/stops the playback of a Deck.
Hardware Reference
The Deck
PLAY Button
CUE Button
The CUE button is tied to the Cue Points workflow in TRAKTOR.
CUE Button
The CUE button functions as follows:
• If a Deck is playing, press CUE to jump to the Floating Cue Point and stop playback.
• If a Deck is paused, press CUE to set a new Floating Cue Point (which replaces the previous one).
• Press CUE + PLAY and the Deck will keep playing after releasing the buttons.
• Press SHIFT + CUE to skip back to the beginning of the track.
SYNC Button
The SYNC button activates/deactivates the synchronization of the currently focused Deck to the Tempo Master (i.e. the Deck set as the MASTER or TRAKTOR's Master Clock).
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Hardware Reference
The Deck
SYNC Button when in Sync
While playing, press SHIFT + SYNC to set a Deck as the Tempo Master.
→ The Deck's tempo becomes the tempo reference for all other synced Decks and FX. S8's display shows MASTER in the Deck header of the Master Deck.
The SYNC button takes on different states to provide visual feedback:
• If the Deck is BPM-synced and in phase with the Tempo Master, the button is bright green.
• If the Deck is BPM-synced but out of phase with the Tempo Master, the button is bright red.
• If the Deck is unsynced, the button is dim green.
If a focused Deck gets out of phase, you can compensate by:
Swiping your finger across the corresponding Touch Strip to re-align the beat phase.
Pressing the SYNC button twice to snap back into sync with the Tempo Master.
SHIFT Button
The SHIFT button is a modifier for other control elements on the S8. It allows you to access
secondary functions, just like the [Ctrl] ([Cmd] on Mac OS X) key on your computer keyboard does.
SHIFT Button
To access a button's or knob's secondary function, hold SHIFT and then use that control element.
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Key features
- Intuitive tactile interface
- Direct hardware control
- Stand-alone mixer functionality
- Performance in live situations
- Integration with turntables and CD decks