PicoScope 6000 Series (A,B,C,D models) User's Guide
3 Product information
Package contents
Order code
Description Package information
PicoScope 6000 Series oscilloscope
Factory-compensated probes x10 350 MHz x4, 6402 and 6403 models
Factory-compensated probes x10 500 MHz x4, 6404 models
USB 2.0 cable A/B models (discontinued)
USB 3.0 cable
Universal mains AC power supply
C/D models (current)
MI247 UK mains lead (other types supplied according to region)
DO115 Installation guide
DI025 PicoScope software and reference CD
MI272 Carry case
Minimum PC requirements
To ensure that your PicoScope 6000 Series oscilloscope operates correctly, you must have a computer with at least the minimum system requirements to run one of the supported operating systems, as shown in the following table. The performance of the software will increase with more powerful PCs, such as those with multi-core processors.
Operating system
Free disk space
Windows 7, 8 or 10
32 bit and 64 bit versions supported*
As required by Windows
USB 2.0
compliant port**
USB 1.1
compliant port (absolute minimum)***
* While the driver will run on a 64-bit operating system, the driver itself is 32-bit and will run as 32-bit.
** USB 3.0 recommended for 6000C/D Series.
*** The oscilloscope will run slowly on a USB 1.1 port. This configuration is not recommended.
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8 Product information
Installation instructions
Always install the PicoScope software before connecting your
PicoScope 6000 Series oscilloscope to the PC. This ensures that Windows will correctly recognize the oscilloscope.
Follow the instructions in the USB Oscilloscope Installation Guide included with your product package.
Connect the AC adaptor (supplied) to a power socket using the appropriate cable
(also supplied).
Connect the DC output of the AC adaptor to the DC power socket on the back of the oscilloscope.
Connect the oscilloscope to the PC using the USB cable supplied.
Checking the installation
Once you have installed the software and connected the oscilloscope to the PC, start the
PicoScope software
. PicoScope should now display any signal connected to the scope inputs. If a probe is connected to your oscilloscope, you should see a small noise signal in the oscilloscope window when you touch the probe tip with your finger.
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Copyright © 2012-2016 Pico Technology Ltd. All rights reserved.
PicoScope 6000 Series (A,B,C,D models) User's Guide
Standard oscilloscope connectors
The PicoScope 6000 Series oscilloscopes have standard BNC input and output connectors. The channel inputs have switchable impedances of 50 Ω or 1 MΩ. In high-impedance mode, they are compatible with all standard scope probes including
10:1 attenuated types. To ensure that you obtain the rated bandwidth from the scope, we recommend that you use the compensated high-frequency probes supplied with it.
In 50 Ω mode, you can connect a signal from a 50 Ω source using a 50 Ω BNC cable without the need for an external terminator. This creates an impedance-matched connection for minimal reflections, losses and distortion.
The input voltage range is reduced to 5.5 V RMS when using 50 Ω input mode.
Connector diagrams
Front panel: A and B models
Front panel: C and D models
Input channel A
Input channel B
Input channel C
D. Input channel D
Probe compensation output
LED to indicate when the oscilloscope is sampling data
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10 Product information
Rear panel: A and B models
Rear panel: C and D models
G. DC power socket, for use with the AC adaptor supplied with the unit.
H. USB 3.0/2.0 port, providing connectivity to your PC using the high-quality USB cable supplied.
SIGNAL OUT connector, carrying the output of the
signal generator and arbitrary waveform generator (where available).
AUX IN connector, carrying the auxiliary (AUX) trigger and reference clock inputs.
Air vents (present on the front and back of the scope).
To prevent overheating and other damage, do not block the air vents or insert any objects through them.
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