Air Client Overview. Imagine communications ADC v4.26.62
Below you will find brief information for Air Client ADC v4.26.62. The Air Client is a software application that allows users to control and manage the on-air playout of video and audio content. It offers a range of features for building playlists, running transmissions, previewing content, and managing events. It also provides tools for monitoring device status, searching for content, and managing errors.
ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Air Client Overview
Air Client Overview
About Air Client
The ADC™ Air Client workstation is a client on the ADC playout automation network. Air Client provides:
Integrated control of broadcast devices, such as cart machines, VTRs, still stores, character generators, master control switchers and video disk servers.
Automated playout. Each event in a playlist plays at its start time without operator intervention. In problematic situations, operators may intervene at anytime to change playlists and control devices using the mouse, keyboard and hardware control panel.
Allows Play List files to be edited and created with secondary events and transition effects for broadcast. While these Play List files are typically generated by a traffic department placed into the transmission list, they may also be created manually with the Air Client.
Transmission list to control the actual playout of events. Events may be cut, copied, pasted, dragged and dropped within the transmission list. New play list files may be appended to the current on-air transmission list to form a single, continuous playout list. Each event in a Transmission List will play at its start time without operator intervention. As needed, operators may intervene using the mouse, keyboard and/or hardware control panel.
About Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6)
ADC v12 supports IPV6 for networking. IPv6 (IPng) is an upgrade to the Internet Protocol, that is designed to rectify the addressing problems in IPv4, and to provide a way to interpret, assign, and use addresses in a way more in line with modern internetworking. It will coexist with the older IPv4.
Minimum System Requirements
The following are minimum system requirements for ADC v12 Automation system components as of the release of this document.
Supported Database
The following databases are supported:
SQL 2008, SQL 2008 Express, SQL 2012, SQL 2012 Express¸ SQL 2014, SQL 2014 Express
Supported OS Level
ADC Device Server v12.18 and higher and Client v4.18 and higher support operation on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Server Requirements
Air Client Overview
Type Requirements
Device Controller (CHP/iCHP chassis)
Current Device Server v12.x release
Operating System (Standard) Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2012
Device Sever v12 uses IPV6 Network Protocol.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the Windows default Firewall is DISABLED on the Device
Server, Air Client, Media Client and Config Tool.
Network Interface
GigE Gigabit NIC and Ethernet switch is required
Client Requirements
Operating System
Processor – Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or greater
RAM – For 32-bit OS: 1 GB RAM or higher, For 64-bit OS: 2 GB RAM or higher
HD – 80 GB Hard Drive or greater (Required: 25MB of free Hard Drive Space)
(For Windows 7: 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit))
2 TCP 1000BT NICs
Additional Intel Network Interface Cards (Pro 100S) may be required for systems connecting to external networks, or a database using TCP/IP.
Current Air Client v4.x release
Current Media Client v4.x release
Windows 10
When connecting to Device Sever v12 or v11, ensure IPV6 Network
Protocol is enabled on the Client v4 computer.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the Windows default Firewall is DISABLED on the Device
Server, Air Client, Media Client and Config Tool.
Network Interface
GigE GB Ethernet and switch is required
About Playlists
Familiarity with playlists is essential to use Air Client effectively.
Playlists are files that contain events to play, record, or compile. Playlists can be created and stored locally at the Air Client workstation or translated from traffic schedules. They can also be stored on the
ADC file server and are available to all operators on the system for viewing and editing.
When a playlist is loaded into a transmission list window, it is called a transmission list.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
About Events
Air Client Overview
Familiarity with events is essential to use Air Client effectively. An event contains information, such as start time, event type, material identification (ID), title, segment number, duration, start of message and channel output.
Primary Events
Primary events, such as programs and commercials, constitute the majority of a playlist’s events. They may be accompanied by secondary events, and transition effects.
Event Type Field Values
There are several event types you can use to indicate how an event is played. For example, if you just want an event to play without switching or threading, you would choose Play (P) as the primary event type. The primary event types are described below:
Play (P): An event will play without switching or threading.
Switch (S): An event will switch without threading or playing.
Thread (T): An event will thread without switching or playing.
Auto (A): An event will switch, play and thread. Auto is the default setting for most primary events.
Alternatively, a PT (play and thread) can be used to play and thread, but not switch.
Record (R): A record event initiates recording on a device at the time specified in the event’s time field.
Timed (O): Denotes that the event is a hard start event which automatically threads and plays at the time specified in the event’s Time field.
Upcounting (U): Use an upcount event for an event of unknown duration, such as a sporting event or any other live broadcast. During playout, the event’s duration will count down to 00:00:00.00 and then will count back up.
This repeats until terminated by either pressing Play or Skip on the control panel or a contact start is reached. The next event will play normally. Up counters only work on events played from Switch
Only devices.
Manual Start (AM): Use a manual start event to provide the equivalent of a break event during the transmission of a playlist. When playing, a list will stop when it reaches a manual start event. Click
Play on the control panel.
Exception (X): This is a customized primary event in configurations that have a primary program channel and regional feeds to play different commercials to different regions. Exception events are different on a regional feed from those played on the primary program channel. X is only used on a compile tape.
Time to Next (N): Enter a letter N in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide a countdown to the event’s start time. This is used primarily on live events so an operator can give an accurate countback from a break back into a live event, such as a newscast.
Audible Time to Next (Q): Enter a letter Q in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Air Client Overview
Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.
Note: This type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the
Environment->List Options tab.
Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)
For example, if the duration of the break is 3 minutes, then...
At 30 seconds Air Client announces: "30 seconds to go."
At 20 seconds, Air Client announces: "20 seconds, standby."
At 10 seconds, Air Client starts counting down each second: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."
Other example conditions:
If the commercial break is 30 seconds long, then the countdown starts immediately with "30 seconds to go".
If the commercial break is less than 30 seconds long, but greater than 20 seconds, then the coundown starts at 20 seconds with "20 seconds, standby".
If the commercial break is less than 20 seconds long, but greater than 10 seconds, then the countdown starts at 10 seconds, with the 10,9,8 .......
Deadroll (D): A deadroll event hard starts at a specific time while the list plays. The deadroll event plays, but does not switch, for its duration and then stops. Deadroll events are only intended for use on linear media (tapes) so that a JIP (Join In Progress) can be performed.
Audio/Video Breakaway (AV, AI, AVJ, AIJ): A primary event or a secondary audio/video event can be run and cause the switcher to perform an audio/ video breakaway. AV is an event type that performs a video breakaway. AI performs audio breakaways. To rejoin the secondary audio/video breakaway to the primary audio/video input when it finishes playing, edit the event type to AVJ or
A breakaway event can occur at the beginning, within and the end of its associated primary event.
When used at the beginning or end, the primary event type is set to A; the secondary event type is set to AV or AI. If the duration of the secondary event is less than the primary event, add a J to supply the audio and video from the primary event. When used within a primary event, the secondary event type is set to AVJ or AIJ.
Note: Only one breakaway can be assigned to a primary event to avoid an overlap in time. You cannot breakaway audio and then breakaway video until the video is rejoined. Also, you cannot breakaway video and then breakaway audio until the audio is rejoined.
Secondary events
Secondary events are associated with the primary event above it in the playlist. Multiple secondary events can be assigned to a primary event and are played concurrently. A secondary event’s time is used as an offset in relation to the primary event’s time.
Valid secondary events include:
Audio/Video: A secondary Audio/Video event plays material, in addition to the primary event on air, for use in effects such as keys, audio overs and mixes.
Backtimed A/V: The backtimed secondary audio/video event is the same as a Secondary Audio/
Video except the secondary’s on-air time is the amount of time before the primary event will begin.
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Operations and Installation Air Client Overview
GPI Contact: This event is a GPI Contact Closure to a device that initiates a switch. The GPI Contact will play with the corresponding Primary Event at the same time, regardless of value of "Time". The event will display as played at the primary event time, although the actual GPI contact will close at the exact time.
Backtimed GPI: Similar to a standard GPI event, except that the offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event. For example, a backtimed GPI event with an offset of 5 seconds fires the GPI contact 5 seconds before the start of the associated primary event.
A backtimed GPI event cannot be attached to an event following a primary upcount event. In this case, the system would not be able to calculate when to begin the GPI event.
Keyer On/Off: This event describes when a hole is cut in the associated primary events video output and is then filled with the output of the Keyer source.
Transition Key: Similar to a Keyer On/Off event except, the key is brought up at the start of the associated primary event with the same transition type (i.e. brought up with a fade up, cut, wipe etc.).
Audio Over On/Off: This is used to add another audio source over the primary audio/video source.
It can be set with a percentage over ratio…for example, if set to 100%, it will completely replace the primary events audio.
Transition Audio Over: Similar to a standard Audio Over event except that it is brought up with the primary event and corresponding transition type.
Break: An event line inserted in the list where you would like the list to stop running. The first event after the break line will cue up, but will not play out, and the program switches to black. To restart the list [after the break line], press Roll or Play on the control panel.
Comment: Used to enter Notes into the playlist. Comment event lines are ignored during transmission. However, they do add events to the list size. You can enter text in the title field up to sixteen characters.
Compile ID: Used to attach a title to the head of a compilation list. It has no effect on the playlist and is ignored during transmission.
Data Event: Used as a command to a device to perform a certain function. Occurs at the time entered in the on-air [or Time] column. Mostly used with videodisk servers.
Barter Spot: Intended for reconciliation with the traffic system. Attached to a program segment that has barter spots in it [network, nat’l]. Will appear in the AsRun log that the spots attached to that segment ran.
Record Switcher: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for inputs. During a recording, automation will switch to the source denoted in the secondary events Title field.
Switcher Crosspoint: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for outputs. Allows you to route program from one list to a different destination.
Secondary Record: Allows for the automated recording and segmenting of live program material, for immediate or future playback to air. Unlike most record events, this event type is used in lists that combine record and playback activities. It will function only in lists that combine record and playback material.
Break Sync: Break sync contains an estimated time of day a pod will run, a deviation time and a time for a window of opportunity for the operator to react to the event.
Secondary System: Used to allow the sharing of resources between lists. This event allows the traffic system to schedule device (resource) assignment during the execution of a transmission list.
Like all secondary events, this type of event is attached to a primary event. When this event type is
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Air Client Overview run, it is able to move un-owned device heads to the list that is running this event or release device heads in order to make them available to another list. It is up to the traffic department to schedule the assignment and release of heads so that two lists will not conflict in their usage of these heads.
Backtimed System: This works in the same manner as secondary system except that this event type runs prior to the primary event by the time specified in the Time field.
External: An External secondary event is used to send commands or other information to a device through a device server. This event acts as a secondary A/V event with the capability of sending commands or other information to a specific device on the device server.
Data Event With Data: This event is used to send commands and other information to a specific device on the device server. When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor to enter the commands. The commands are sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.
Event Header: An Event Header type is a primary event that has no duration, no device and does not impact ripple. It isn't included in the as-run log. This Event Header provides visual separation between lists and provides an identifier that allows traffic to be able to replace a schedule. Once an
Event Header is added, its title can be manually edited in the playlist as required.
Transition Effects
A transition effect is configurable according to type, speed, key hold status, and mixed audio/video and wipe effect qualifiers. Transition effects are added between events in a playlist. A master control switcher is required to use transition effects. The system transitions INTO events only. Therefore, specifying a transition type or speed on an event affects how that event is transitioned TO.
Switch-Only IDs
You can create a list of frequently used, switch-only IDs that are not in the database, yet are valid. Air
Client can be configured to validate IDs against this list by clicking the Check IDs Against Valid ID List button on the List Options tab in the Environment... dialog box (accessible on the Properties ribbon tab).
By putting IDs in the Valid ID list, Air Client will not generate a warning when editing IDs not in the database.
Hard Start Events
A hard start event is an event that plays at its start time instead of when the previous event finishes playing. To change an event to a hard start event, click it, then click Toggle Hard Start on the Events ribbon tab or press ALT+O. Hard start events display the letter O in the Type field.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Air Client Overview
Extended event types (back-timed and end-timed event type qualifiers)
Normal Manual
Back-Timed End-Timed
Primary Event
“Second” Button
Back-Timed Events: A back-timed, secondary event is run at the offset value before the first frame
of the primary it is attached to. For more information see Manage Back-Timed Events (on page 135 ).
End-Timed Events: An end-timed, secondary event is run offset from the end of the primary event.
For Example: Attached to the last commercial of commercial break a tone closure needs to be turned on eight seconds before the end of the last break using a GPI event.
With a forward offset event, the eight seconds would have to be subtracted from the duration of the primary event and offset from that duration.
If the primary event were 30 seconds, then a forward offset would have to be set at 22 seconds.
If the commercial break was re-ordered and the last commercial was now a 15 second commercial, the GPI event would have to be edited and the offset changed to 7 seconds.
With an end-time offset of 8 seconds, the GPI event would not have to be edited when the commercial break content was changed.
About Time Zones
Familiarity with Time Zone management is beneficial to using Air Client effectively. In a facility where there is the need to manage local time offsets, all device servers are fed identical time of day time code.
This time code is displayed on the device server screen. Client software manages the "translation" of master time to local time inside the client application.
When configured and set to a list, the Time Zone is displayed in the title bar of it List window, and of its
Zoom window. The time zone offset is added to the time value of each event in the List.
In a Pull List window the Time Zone name is displayed in the title bar, and the offset value in the
status bar. For more information see Configuring Time Zone Offsets (on page 277 ).
Time Zone Definitions
Master Time: The output of the central facility time standard. It is defined as "Zulu" format (24 hour) time or "military" time. It is the time reference that is output from the central facility time code generator and supplied to all Device Servers in a given automation system. This is the only time value displayed on the Device Server’s screen and is distributed via the API to the system clients.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Air Client Overview
Local Time: The time standard that is displayed to an operator by a list that is under system management. This time standard is modified from the Master Time delivered to the client by the server over the network by code within the client. Its offset from master time is programmable via software selections in the client.
Time Offset: The amount of time (in HH:MM) that the Master Time must be delayed (Or advanced) to account for time zone differences.
Local Time Display: The time standard that the list is running under, which is shown to the user at the Client display. This time is derived from the master time by software routines in the client applications.
Master Time Display: The time standard display that directly reflects the actual time value that is being input to the Device Servers in the central facility. It is normally displayed on the Device Server application window.
Time of Day (TOD): A reference to a particular clock time that can be derived from either Master OR
Local time. Time of day is not related to event duration.
About using Dual Output Video Cards
When using Air Client on a dual output video card, if a new window is opened, it appears in the center and can be seen on both monitors.
Air Client Desktop
Using Air Client requires familiarity with the major components of the Air Client desktop. The major components are the playlist, transmission list, database, device status, device storage windows and the switcher. These components provide access to the core functionality of Air Client.
As shown in the following example, the [ Login name - Client name - Server(s) name – Date ] information is dynamically displayed in the title bar of the Air client application.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Ribbon Toolbars
Air Client Overview
All options for the Air Client application are located in a specific ribbon tab. This section describes the basic functionality of the options. Be advised that while navigating the ribbon tabs options on the On Air transmission lists will continue to play. Care should be taken to ensure proper monitoring of the transmission lists while navigating in other areas.
File Ribbon Tab
New PlayList (Ctrl+N)
Open Playlist (Ctrl+O)
Save Playlist (Ctrl+S)
Save Playlist As
Print (Ctrl+P)
Save As Text
Export to CSV
Display Errors
Clear Errors
Robust Database Search
Opens up an empty play list file to insert programming – to be saved for future transmission
Allows you to access inactive play list files for editing purposes
Closes the active window
Permanently saves the work done on an open play list
Allows you to create a different filename for an existing play list or create an original filename for a new play list
Will print the active screen to an assigned printer
Will save the active window as a text file
Export playlists, transmission lists and pull lists to the MS
Excel-compatible CSV files.
Displays a list of the most recent on-air errors
Erases errors displayed on the Air Client from the clipboard only
Opens the Robust Database Search window. Allows an operator to search for and review records of existing spots.
Open Text
Open Operation Log
Allows you to view text files such as AsRun Logs, and Error Logs
The operation log, logs the user activity. Like edition, deletion, and changes to the playlist.
Save Operation Log as Text Allows you to save the operation log as a text file.
Change User
Exit (Alt+X)
Allows you to change the name of the user working at the client station
Closes the program and all open windows
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Edit Ribbon Tab
Air Client Overview
Cut (Ctrl+X)
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Paste (Ctrl+V)
Clear (Del)
Removes selected event(s) and places them onto a clipboard
Copies selected event(s) onto a clipboard without removing them from the list
Will paste events from the clipboard into the list above the cursor position
Will delete selected event(s) from the list, without saving them on the clipboard
Allows you to search the active list for media by ID in one direction from the current cursor position
Enables you to search for specific IDs and replace them with other IDs
Allows you to highlight all events in an open list.
Select All
Events Ribbon Tab
This ribbon tab is available once a Playlist has been loaded.
Revise (Alt+R)
Cancel (Alt+Q)
Insert Primary (Ins)
Insert Secondary
Allows you to edit or revise the event that the cursor is on. Pressing the
Tab key moves you forward one field/cell. Pressing Shift+Tab moves you back. To finish editing press the Alt+R keys
Cancels the editing of an event without saving the changes you’ve made to it
Inserts a Primary event line into the playlist above the cursor position.
Automatically puts you into Revise Mode. Press Alt+R keys when done
Inserts a Secondary event above the cursor position. Refer to attachment for detailed definitions. *Note*: Some items listed may not be available on your particular system
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Edit Effects
Edit Trigger
Edit Secondary
Calculate Durations
Toggle Hard Start (Alt+O)
Ripple Time (Alt+M)
List Validation
Pull List
Verify Event Against DB
Verify List Against DB
Linked Lists Enabled
Validate Liked List Durations
Air Client Overview
Allows an operator to modify the transition into the event the cursor is placed on for editing
Allows an operator a dynamic means to alter the linked list associations from the Air Client and also on an event-by-event basis. Trigger actions are selected from a dropdown list.
Allows an operator to edit aspects of certain types of secondary events that are not represented in entry fields on the playlist.
Will calculate the total duration for all highlighted items. Cannot be used with Upcount events
Places a hard start on the event line the cursor is positioned on. This dictates that the event begins airing at the specified time.
Note: It places a hardstart and also removes a hardstart as needed.
Ripples air times from cursor placement to the next hard start in a list. If no hard start is present, start times will ripple through the entire playlist
List Validation will check through the list for potential problems, such as; same id = same ID back-to-back, separates = segments not separated by a break, sequence = missing segments within a series, or segments out of order, same segment = same segment number back-to-back.
Will create a list of events that are scheduled on your playlist but have not been found in assigned air devices. Also known as "Missing Media"
Cross-references the event the cursor is placed upon or the selected events against the database for accuracy of data entry (i.e. Durations,
Cross-references the entire list against the database for accuracy of data entry (i.e. Durations, SOMs)
Select this option to enable the playlist’s to be linked together. When ticked, the Master list will control the Linked Lists. List linking can be disabled by unchecking this option, or pressing CTL + F5 to toggle it on/off.
Note: Do NOT enable LinkList if there are no Linked Lists configured. This
can impact Air Client operations, and will be resolved in a future release.
This option is available when LinkList.bin is in the air client install
directory. For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page
When multiple events are selected on the Master list, this function will check the duration of the corresponding linked events on the Linked list. Only available for Offline lists.
Some or all of the following options are grayed out if:
The Master Online or Offline list is not the active window.
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Air Client Overview
Copy Linked List In (F9)
No events are selected on the Master Online or Offline lists.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
If the Master Online transmission list is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked event(s) on the Offline linked lists to the Online lists.
If the Master Offline playlist is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked events on the Online lists to the Offline lists.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
Copy Linked List Out (F10) If the Master Online transmission list is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked event(s) to the Offline linked lists.
If the Master Offline playlist is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked events to the Online lists.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
Move Linked List In (F11)
Move Linked List Out (F12) This is identical to Copy Linked List Out, however the Master and Linked event(s) will be cut from the source list when they are copied. Same as
Cut and Paste.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
Generate Link List Keys
This is identical to Copy Linked List In, however the Master and Linked event(s) will be cut from the source list when they are copied. Same as
Cut and Paste.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
Only available in Offline mode. This is used to manually generate the
LinkKeys for the Offline lists. If your station’s traffic system does not generate the Linking keys when the schedules are created, use this option to manually generate the LinkKeys for the Master and Linked
Note: The Offline lists must be resaved after generating the LinkKeys.
This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.
For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).
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Servers Ribbon Tab (for sites using Multi-server login)
This ribbon tab allows operators to connect to / disconnect from specific Device Server, and add
/remove servers from the available list.
Available Server
Launches the ‘Connect to Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to connect to currently available servers.
Launches the ‘Disconnect from Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to disconnect from currently connected servers.
Launches the ‘Edit Available Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to perform both manual editing (Edit) and automatic discovery
(Scan) of servers for multi-server login environments.
Resources Ribbon Tab
View List
Device Status
Device Storage
Resources list
Allows you to choose and open active transmission list configured in the system
A diagnostic utility typically used to determine if switcher(s) are responding correctly to remote commands given by automation.
Opens a window by which all automated devices can be checked for correct status and assignments.
Allows you to view media in mass storage devices such as Cart
Machines, Video Disks, and Audio Disks. You can "drag and drop" media into an active transmission list if desired
Displays available Device Servers and the lists, devices and device status for each server.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Properties Ribbon Tab
Air Client Overview
Note: New Air Client software modified properties are shown with orange border. Brand new Properties are shown with Red Border.
AsRun logs
Hardware Control Panel
Software Control Panel
Valid IDs
List Names
Auto List Save
Auto Bin Save
Linked Lists…
Allows configuration of: List Options, System Directory Paths, List
Directory Paths, Device Status Colors, Device Storage Colors, and Cell
Allows custom configuration of the AsRun log
Allows custom configuration of the Operator Control Panel (OCP).
Allows custom configuration of the software control panel within the application.
Allows creation of a list of IDs that are not in the database that are commonly used for air. This, in general, would include switch only events (i.e. Network, Newsroom, Studio, Black etc.)
Can add, remove, or customize names of transmission lists that will appear in ‘View List’ [under Resources]. The default is to display only a number for the separate transmission lists at your facility (i.e. play list 1, play list 2) and secondary lists such as Record Lists, Media Lists, and
Compile Lists
Allows parameters to be set for the Auto List Save feature; such as the frequency of automatic list savings based on the number of list changes that occur on an active on-air transmission list.
Specify the "Number of changes" to indicate how often the list saves to an RCV file automatically.
"Changes" refers mainly to movements of items in the list, 5 changes, means 5 events have passed. So in this example, every time 5 events have passed the list will auto-save to its RCV file.
Will save the bin storage map of a cart machine based on user specified intervals Errors – Allows configuration of how/where error messages are displayed and whether they will sound out when they occur
Use this option to configure the way errors are reported in the error window, and to which folder they are to be saved, if they are to be saved to disk.
Allows the adjustment of the desktop wallpaper within the Air Client program
Launches the Links Lists configuration dialog. LinkList allows playlists to be linked together and controlled from a single master playlist.
(This option is only available if the Linked Lists option has been
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Air Client Overview
More Info
purchased and linklist.bin is present in the Air Client installation
location.) For details see section: LinkList (on page 213).
When the functionality has been purchased, this option allows the custom configuration of a More Info column using an ODBC database.
Hide Secondary Event Keys Allows hiding and showing of secondary events on the Playlist
Toolbar Builder Allows the custom configuration of the Air Client Toolbar on the desktop.
Time Zone
Operation Log
A unique time zone offset can be configured for each play list that is offset from the house clock.
A log can be created to track operation activity within the Air Client application.
Set Tally The Air client can use the Tally information of a given List to display an
"On Air" / "On Line" status and color for the playing event(s) of the corresponding transmission list(s) and zoom window(s) status column.
If a Tally is configured for a given List, then the "On Air" color and ON
AIR status are used in the List and its Zoom window, if it is seen as "On
Air" according to the Tally configuration. And the "On Line" color and
ON LINE status are used in the List and its Zoom window, if it is seen as
"On Line" according to the Tally configuration. (See section on Tally for more info.)
MI Additional Fields
Save Desktop
Set Password
Launches a dialog that allows addition of fields to the More Info Builder.
This includes, but is not limited to, AFD, PSIP data, format, bitrates, etc.
Will save all desktop settings, including which windows are open and how they are tiled in proportion to one another. This will determine which windows will be opened automatically each time the program is launched.
Allows changing the current password
Tools Ribbon Tab
Recycle Bin
Video Window
A play list view of prior events that have been cut or deleted.
Air Client can include an optional feature that displays the on-air event in a video window. It can be used for monitoring the Output Stream,
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Air Client Overview
Play List Translator
but has no control functionality. A video board installed in the Air Client workstation must be connected to the output from the on-air video stream.
This option is not implemented. It is listed here for consistency and to address future inclusion.
Window Ribbon Tab
Color Scheme
Default Desktop
Arrange Icons
Close All
Help Ribbon Tab
Allows you to change the GUI skin color by selecting a different color for the list of available colors.
Changes desktop appearance back to the saved desktop settings
Cascades all open windows [screens] so that title-bar lines will be visible
Allow viewing all open windows [screens] simultaneously in a tile view
Allows you to arrange icons on your desktop
Closes all open windows [or screens]. Does not close the program
Launches a dialog that presents information about the current version of Air Client software.
The "Installed Packages" list includes the AsRun name and version, and the ODBC Calls name and version.
Launches the Air Client Help System. Help
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Operations and Installation
Quick Access Ribbon Tab
Air Client Overview
Provides a User-defined grouping of commonly used tools and functions.
Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access toolbar allows operators to quickly access commonly used functions. The following are examples of Quick Access Toolbars.
Icon Description
Connect: Launches the ‘Connect to Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to connect to currently available servers.
Note: This toolbar icon is only active when multiserver.bin is present in the
installation directory. For details contact Automation Technical Support.
Disconnect: Launches the ‘Disconnect from Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to disconnect from currently connected servers.
Note: This toolbar icon is only active when multiserver.bin is present in the
installation directory. For details contact Automation Technical Support.
Right Click Menus
The following menus are accessed from List and Playlist windows on the Air Client application. The availability of menus and options is context related.
List Window Right Click Menu
This menu is available by right clicking on an open list window.
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(Click on an open Playlist and get the following, which is a subset the right click playlist menu.)
View List Right-Click Menu
This menu is available by right clicking on an View List window.
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Option Description
Zoom Window
Hide All Secondaries/Show
All Secondaries
The Zoom Window option will show a view of the currently running event, the next event to run, and the next missing event on the transmission list.
To show all secondary events in a play list, click Show All Secondaries.
When secondary events are not currently hidden, the options available will be Hide All Secondaries.
Hide Some Secondary Type To hide the selected secondaries use the "Select Secondaries To Hide" option, and then use this option.
Select Secondaries To specify which secondary events to show or hide, open the Event
Types to Show or Hide dialog box by clicking Select Secondaries to hide.
Expand / Contract an Event Allows show or hide of a Secondary event on a one-at-a-time basis, by selecting the primary event and clicking Exp/Contract.
Find Next Occurrence
Toggle Bookmark
Selelct to find the next occurrence of an entry.
Toggle on/off bookmarking an event. Up to 3 bookmarks can be set at one time.
IMPORTANT: The Bookmark feature is supported in ADC v12 only.
Find Prev Bookmark
Find Next Bookmark
Append List
Jump/return to a previous bookmark
Jump to the next bookmark.
The Append List option allows a play list file to be appended to the end of the currently selected transmission list.
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Operations and Installation
Load List
Insert List
Control Panel
Breakaway Panel
Device Control Panel
Show More Info
Preview Play
Clear Done Events
Toggle Look Ahead
Air Client Overview
This will Load a play list file over the currently playing a selected transmission list.
CAUTION: This will take the transmission list off the air if this is used
while the transmission list is running.
This will insert a play list file above the placement of the cursor on the transmission list. This can be used for schedule or program changes.
Select the Control Panel to bring up the On Air Software Control Panel.
This control panel gives the operator direct control of devices that are currently playing on air. This control panel also allows the transmission list to be threaded/loaded for On Air playback in the event the transmission list is not currently playing.
This can also be accessed by double-clicking the active transmission list.
Launch the breakaway panel.
When an event on the transmission list is threaded in a VTR, a Device
Control Panel for threaded VTR can be accessed to allow remote control of the VTR.
This can also be accessed by double-clicking on a device-specific line item in the transmission list or Device Status window.
This option if configured will allow more info (database metadata) to be shown about a selected event. This info is input at the Media Client.
This is used to force thread on an individual selected event on the list if the device is available and/or the event was unthreaded previously.
A threaded event can be unthreaded. This is done to eject a tape, or to allow editing of a threaded event. Be advised that when Unthread is used the Transmission List will go to an unthreaded state and will need to be re-threaded by hitting Program Run on the Operation Control
Panel (OCP) option.
CAUTION: The Unthread button on the hardware control panel
unthreads the entire playlist, and is NOT the same as this right-click menu Unthread.
Can be used to recue a selected cued event on the transmission list if the Start of Message has changed, or is currently in Play mode.
CAUTION: Do not confuse this menu option with RECUE on the
hardware panel which recues the on-air playing event.
If an event is cued but not needed for immediate playback On Air the
Preview Play option can be used to preview the material. The event will play it's duration and then recue when finished.
An event that is marked done can be dragged and dropped down the transmission list and then re-activated so it can play on the list again.
The Look Ahead is the area of the transmission list that will query the devices assigned to the transmission list for availability of media in the
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Operations and Installation
On Air Focus
Air Protect
Barcode Event
Air Client Overview
lookahead area. The toggle lookahead option will adjust the lookahead area from the current setting to a full list look ahead. If the look ahead is set to the full list, then it will adjust to the pre-configured lookahead value.
When viewing events further down a transmission list this option will enable the focus of the list to jump back to the On Air event when a new event plays.
If there is a problem with the On Air event device a backup "protect" device (if configured) can be selected for individual selected events further down the transmission list within the lookahead.
CAUTION: Do not confuse this menu option with the AIR PROTECT
button on the hardware panel which will Air Protect the current on-air event.
An external VTR (if configured) can be used for On Air playback using the Barcode Event option. Once the tape is loaded this option will activate the event on the play list. Select this option by placing your cursor on the line for the missing event, then right-clicking and choosing Barcode Event prior to putting the VTR in remote or prior to loading the needed tape into the VTR that is already in remote.
This option allows the creation of a compiled spot reel. This spot reel can be used as an On Air spot backup tape.
Certain Play List options can be configured locally at the Air Client.
This option allows changing the default duration value for "not found"
(not in DB) inserted items on the list from the factory default of
00:00:30.00 to any value you wish
Configuration of the columns for the currently selected list.
Configuration of the fonts. for the currently selected list.
Configuration of the colors for the currently selected list.
Control Panels
There are two panel types that can be used to play a Transmission list: a hardware control panel (on
page 34) and a software control panel (on page 36).
Hardware Control Panel
Hardware Control Panel can be used to play a Transmission list. ADC supports the Operator Control
Panel (OCP).
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Operator Control Panel (OCP)
Air Client Overview
The Operator Control Pane is a mid-sized desktop controller that provides instant audio or video playback and control for broadcast automation, post production and other applications. This panel gives operators a choice in controlling automation environments by providing unambiguous button control in addition to conventional keyboard and mouse operations.
Note: Actions taken on the OCP are logged in the Operations log.
Panel Functions
The OCP comes with 24, hi-res, remotely-relegendable 64 x 32 LCD buttons, 10 bank buttons, and 17 additional function and navigation switches.
The hi-res LCD buttons can display text (up to 40 characters) and graphics using built in command driven serial interfaces. They integrate a graphical LCD with RGB backlighting, and are capable of displaying up to 64 colors. Software controls the interface, display and backlighting. Data only needs to be transmitted when a change is made to the display or background colors.
These LCD buttons can be programmed to provide a range of functions. Most commonly used when breakdowns or other failures occur, each button on the OCP can call up actions needed in a hurry.
For example, a button can be configured to:
Cut back to Network, or even backup device with a ready content.
Display a full-screen apology slide or trigger a caption for missing audio.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Software Control Panel
Air Client Overview
The Software Control Panel is used to play a Transmission list. Double clicking on the play list brings up the software version of the On Air Play list control panel.
Example with all functions enabled.
Software Panel buttons
Run: Thread and cues the first event in a playlist and any events within the time range specified in the lookahead. The number of events cued is limited by the number of available media heads and devices. You cannot play events until you run the playlist.
Play: Plays the first event in a playlist; however, before you can play events, you must first click the
Run button. The Play button can also be used to restart a frozen or held playlist or a playlist stopped by a break event. Clicking the Play button initiates preroll for the playlist so the following event will play after the preroll time.
The Play button will not play a hard start event unless it is configured to do so, as described in
"Miscellaneous" on page 4-14. Use the Play Hard Hits option to start a hard start event with the Play button on the control panel. If this is not set, the operator cannot play an event that has a hard start if the playlist has stopped running.
Ready: Turn on tension to the next VTR event in tension release to prepare upcoming VTR events.
Click this button to prepare a VTR event for transmission that is out of the standby on-time range.
Usually used after an upcount events to get the next event ready.
Hold: Holds the countdown of an event that is playing, causing the event to continue playing longer than its duration. You can extend the event’s duration until the Play button is clicked. The playlist will then advance to the next event which can only be played with the Play or Skip button.
IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.
SyncSkip: Provides synchronous playout of commercials across multiple lists. The SyncSkip command concept is that the next event with a designated sequential Seg # becomes equal to the remaining part of the current event. Since each of these events represent the entire program, the
SOM of the next event is shifted to the EOM point of the current event and the DUR of the next event is made equal to the remaining DUR of the current event.
Skip: Skips the event currently playing and plays the next event. Also, click this button to skip a frozen or held event.
Ten Rel: (Tension Release) Places a cued event’s VTR into tension release. At the Standby On time
(before an event is about to air), Air Client issues a command to the VTR to enter Ready status and tension up the tape. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Ready.
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Freeze: Stops play and countdown. Click this button to pause the current event. Then, you may skip, roll, reinitiate play or recue the event using the Play button. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Still.
IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.
Roll: Roll bypasses normal preroll values and plays the next event as fast as the equipment will allow. If the current event is playing normally, the Roll button skips it and plays the next event using normal preroll values unless configured to use instant preroll values. If the current event is frozen, this button will play the next event. If the current event is being held, clicking this button plays the event.
UnThd: (UnThread). Stops a running transmission list, including the on-air event and any events that follow. All events are uncued and the list goes off the air.
Protect: Toggles the signal switching paths between the on-air and protect devices. Click this button to play an event from the air device, or vice versa. This is an optional function and may not be available on your workstation.
Secondary: The ADC hardware control panel is configurable to add the action Play Secondary. This allows a secondary event to be manually triggered.
+1 Sec: Add one second to the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is added to the duration.
Recue: Recues an on-air event. To play the recued event, click the Play button.
-1 Sec: Subtract one second from the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is subtracted from the duration.
Note: Blank buttons are not visible by default, but can be assigned. For more information see section:
Setting Hardware Control Panel Properties (on page 254).
Loss of Focus Issue: To avoid control panel/playlist loss of focus with a dual screen client and the subsequent inability to insert an event or revise the playlist, disable (uncheck) the Windows 7 setting
"Control panel>Ease of Access Center>Make the mouse easier to use>Activate a window by hovering
over it with the mouse".
Panel Color Configuration
The Software Control Panel of each Transmission List can be configured with:
A specific color
The possibility to enable / disable the Control Panel functions.
Transmission List Window
A transmission list is a play list loaded in a transmission list window. A transmission list window looks almost identical to a play list window except, in a transmission list window, you can edit and broadcast a transmission list. Air Client supports list windows of four types: play lists, compile lists, GMT lists and media lists.
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Note: Due to the customizable nature of the Air Client product, a station’s columns may appear different than shown in the following example window.
Air Focus/List Locked
This entry on the list status bar shows if On Air Focus is turned ON or OFF. To the right is an indicator to notify user if the list is "locked" which means the list is in Revise (Done=0).
Event Types
Most Common Playback Event Types
A (Automatic Event): It will thread, play event for duration listed and switch. An event with an A by itself will play out its duration and roll into the next event
U (AU): Upcounter/Unknown Duration this event type is used for air events of an unknown duration; such as network, news or sports events
O (AO/AUO): On-Time/Override Also known as a hard start, time trigger, or absolute, this event will play based on a time of day entered into the time of day field
CAUTION: An incorrect time of day value will cause incorrect playback
N (AN/AUN): Time to Next provides a countdown through all sequential pre-recorded events until the next N is seen in the list – mostly used for countback to live news segments
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Q (AQ/AUQ): Audible Time to Next provides an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.
Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.
Note: The Q event type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the Environment->List Options tab.
Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)
D (AOD): Deadroll allows you to deadroll a taped show at its intended time further down the list to join-in-progress later
Other Event Types:
R (Record Event): This event type will only be found on a Record List. A Record event starts at the time indicated in the time field and records for the duration indicated
P (Play): This is an event that will simply play without threading or switching
S (Switch): This is an event that will simply cause a switch to occur
T (Thread): This is an event that will simply cause a device to cue
Program Delay Event: A Program "delay" event allows a single-file-multi-segment event to continue to roll under a break and join in progress after the break without re-cueing.
A Delay event allows the automation to play material from a video server port while it is still being recorded. However, unlike a typical playout event for video servers, it is handled more like a live event. The user cues a break to run on a SECOND video server playout port. The OCP panel is used to roll the break when required.
Unlike typical video server playout behavior, for the Delay event, the video file server playout that is delayed continues to roll under the break that is rolled by the user. When the break is over, the list returns to the video server delayed programming and picks up right where the file is still playing.
This behavior modifies the server playout to behave much like delaying with a VTR.
Event Data Fields
Most of a transmission list window’s fields are identical to a playlist window’s fields. Following is a description of each event data field column unique to a transmission list window:
Device: The name of the device assigned to an event. For a switch-only event, the device is SWTCH.
Status: The status of a device, such as playing, cued or threaded.
Protect: The name of the protect device assigned to an event.
PStatus: Identifies the Air/Protect status, or the play source, of an event.
Bin: Displays the location of a tape in a cart machine.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Playlist Window
Playlist windows are used to create and edit playlists.
Air Client Overview
Event Data Fields
A playlist window lists events vertically and the event data fields are listed horizontally and grouped in columns. A description of each event data field column follows:
Event: This is the number, or position, of the event in the playlist. The number is automatically generated by Air Client.
Time: The time primary events are scheduled to play, or offsets for secondary events. Time is entered in the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames. For primary events, a value is entered when the event uses a hard start. For secondary events, a value is entered to indicate the offsets from the start time of the associated primary event.
Sec: This uneditable column displays codes that represent effect types or special secondary events.
The codes are:
sAV: Secondary Audio/Video
bAV: Back Timed A/V
sGPI: GPI Contact
bGPI: Secondary Back Timed GPI
sKey: Keyer On/Off
sTKY: Transition Key
sAOV: Audio Over On/Off
sTAO: Transition Audio Over
Break: Break event; no symbol is displayed.
Comment: Operator comments.
cmID: Compile ID
sDAT: Data
sBAR: Barter Spot
sRSW: Record Switcher
sSRC: Switcher Crosspoint
sREC: Secondary Record
sSYN: Break Sync
sSYS: Secondary System
vDT: Secondary A/V Event with Data
sDAT: Secondary Data Event with Data
bSYS: Back Timed System
AUD-XPT: Switcher Audio Crosspoint
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Type: One or more event types can be entered for each event. In the playlist, enter the symbol for the primary event types.
The event type controls how the automation system will execute that event. The event type, A, is the default when an event is inserted, which is a play, thread and switch event; however, you can play an event without switching or threading, or you can just have an event switch without threading or playing by changing the type value.
ID: The ID of the event which uniquely identifies a piece of material or action for the event. The maximum length of an ID is determined by the configuration of the Air Client workstation.
Seg: The segment number of the event, ranging from 1 to 99, if the material has multiple segments.
Title: The title of the event. The maximum length of a title is determined by the configuration of the
Air Client workstation.
Dur: The duration of the event. Duration is entered in the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames.
Ch.: The channel, or switching path, an event plays or records on. The values are A, B, C or D. The default is A. When the Ch field is blank, the channel is A.
SOM: The start of material for an event. This is the timecode location of the first frame of video to be seen on-air for an event. Use the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames.
E: Displays the transition effect type for an event.
S: Displays the transition effect speed for an event. Values are S for slow, M for medium and F for fast.
Qual: (Qualifiers)
Air Client: This field is used to display the Qualifiers for secondary keyer events. The field indicates the enabled Modifier (Normal, Shadow, Drop Shadow, Border) and then the enabled
Source (Self, External, Chroma).
For example: If in the Key Event configuration the Modifier: Shadow is enabled and the Source:
Chroma is enabled, then the field will display SC.
The Qualifier "LOSE" appears on a PRIMARY event, when the "End Key Hold" is checked.
All keyers in HOLD mode, will be turned OFF.
For the IconMaster Master Control Switcher only: All keyers in HOLD mode, are turned OFF when the keyer number is "0". If the keyer number is not zero, but a number 1 to 254, then only that specific keyer number is turned off.
Media Client: Displays the video quality of a spot or program. The specific quality grades indicated in this field are OK, Marginal or Do Not Air. A, B, C or D quality are arbitrary grades to which the user may assign values. For example, A may represent to-air quality and D may represent draft quality. This field is for reference only and does not affect the automation system.
#: Displays the source input number used in Keyer or Audio Over secondary events.
%: Displays the audio over ratio value as a percentage and is used for audio over events only.
Compile ID: Displays the ID of the tape whose media has been compiled onto a compile reel.
Compile SOM: Displays the SOM of the compile ID on the compile reel. ABOX. The primary box ID of a multispot or Odetics tape.
ABOXSOM: The SOM of a spot on the ABOX.
BBOX: The backup box ID of a tape containing BSPOT (multispot) material IDs.
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BBOXSOM: The SOM of a spot on the BBOX.
sSP: The secondary switching parameter contains values depending on the event type. For primary and secondary Audio/Video events, the value is the audio modes, mono and stereo. By default, the audio mode is stereo. The value is initially set in a media prep product, such as Media Client, for the
Audio Format database field. It can be modified in Air Client by clicking an event and entering S or M in the sSP field in Revise mode (ALT + R).
For secondary key and secondary audio over events, the value ranges from 1 to 9. The number corresponds to a keyer or mixer channel number on the master control switcher.
If the Audio Mode selection for an existing ADC DB record is modified by the Media Client
Operator, then this update is sent to the event if it exists within an active playlist.
MONO: When mono is set on the playlist sSP column, it will send this command to the switcher, if the switcher is pre-configured for a mono setting it will switch the audio to mono.
Unique Event Data Fields
The following playlist columns are unique to a transmission window.
Device: The name of the device assigned to an event. For a switch-only event, the device is SWTCH.
Status: The status of a device, such as playing, cued or threaded.
Protect: The name of the protect device assigned to an event. This is an option for the Automation system.
PStatus: Identifies the Air/Protect status. The PStatus should mirror the Status to ensure protect device is ready in case of an on air emergency.
Bin: Displays the location of a tape in a cart machine.
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Key features
- On-Air Playback
- Playlist Management
- Event Management
- Device Control
- Error Management