Getting Started. Imagine communications ADC v4.26.62
Below you will find brief information for Air Client ADC v4.26.62. The Air Client is a software application that allows users to control and manage the on-air playout of video and audio content. It offers a range of features for building playlists, running transmissions, previewing content, and managing events. It also provides tools for monitoring device status, searching for content, and managing errors.
ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Getting Started
Getting Started
To Launch Air Client
1. From the desktop double click on the Air Client Icon.
2. Only on initial startup of an installed Air Client:
If your system has only one active Network connection to the Air Client, skip to step 3.
If your system has two active Network connections to the Air Client, the Active Network
Interface dialog is displayed prompting the operator to select an interface.
Select the required LAN (for example, select the "Automation LAN"). If the LAN your require is not clearly indicated and you are uncertain which one to select, please contact your
Network Administrator for guidance.
Press OK. The system creates a Network.ini file in the system’s designated installation location. (Once correctly set, this dialog will not be displayed for any subsequent restarts.)
If the incorrect network connection was selected, Air Client will not connect.
To correct this delete the Network.ini file from the systems designated installation location, restart the Air Client, and then select the correct network connection from the Active
Network Interface dropdown.
3. The Login dialog is displayed.
4. Enter the following:
User Name: Admin
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Password: <No password. Leave blank>
5. Click OK, or press [Enter]
Getting Started
To Stop Air Client
Logout and In-Session Authentication
End Air Client sessions by clicking Change User on the File ribbon tab, then clicking the Logout button.
If a system administrator has setup multiple users to use the Air Client workstation, other users can login from the Change User dialog box.
Air Client User Authentication
When Air Client is launched, enter your username and password in the User Name: and User Password: fields in the Login dialog box. Usernames and passwords are created by the system administrator using the Windows Security Administration Tool.
Admin is not assigned a password because it is commonly used in broadcast facilities as the access name for multiple users. To prevent unauthorized access to the Air Client workstation, a system administrator should assign an administrator password for this account.
Note: If the username field contains the username Default, the privileges assigned to the Default account are used. At facilities where the security administration tool is used, this account may be configured to limit access to certain Air Client functions. The original settings for Default include no privileges.
Some Air Client features, such as configuration options for transmission list windows, will not be available to all users if security is used.
Assigning an Administrator Password
Use the following procedure to assign a new password to the Admin username.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Set Password icon ( is displayed.
Getting Started
). The Set Admin Password dialog
2. In the Set Admin Password dialog box, perform the following tasks:
Current Password: Enter your password in this field.
New Password: Enter a new password in this field.
Confirm Password: Verify your new password by entering it in this field.
If the password you entered in the New Password: and Confirm Password: fields do not match, reenter them.
Managing Server / MultiServer Connections
Use the following procedure to manage Device Server connections for the application.
IMPORTANT: To be able to select multiple servers, the file multiserver.bin must be present in the installation directory. Contact Automation Technical Support for details.
Multi-Server Note: In a multi server environment, up to 25 Device Servers can be configured as available in ADC, but only up to 12 can be connected to at one time.
Multi-Server Note: With multiple server login the backup server name is not needed on the shortcut command line.
Multi-Server Note: With Air Client v4.18 and higher in a multi-server environment it is possible to operate the playlists of the second (alive) Device Server (load list, start it, etc.) even if the first Device
Server is shut down and the message "Ignore/Retry" appears.
Ensure the MAIN and BACKUP Device Servers are configured identically in terms of devices and assignments. It is expected a Main/Backup configuration is to be used with a serial transfer switch to move devices from the MAIN Device Server to the BACKUP Device Server.
Do not configure both main/backup Device Servers in the shortcut and the multiserver login at the same time (on a per client basis) as it can cause issues with prep form displays during connection/reconnection.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
Configuring main/backup Device Servers in the client shortcut is not dependent on Multiserver login feature.
Device Server Connections (No MultiServer Logon)
If the multiserver login feature is not enabled, the "Servers" tab on the ribbon is absent, and it is impossible to edit the available Device Servers connections list.
The only connection available is the startup-defined connection. The Client tries to establish this connection as soon as it is started.
If connection attempt fails, and there no Backup Device Server was defined at the startup, only
"Retry" and "Abort" options are suggested to the operator.
If there is a Backup Device Server is defined, the system also suggests "switching to backup".
To Connect to a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)
With Air Client v4.16/ Media Client v4.16 and higher, ADC Device Server connections are implemented as follows:
Each "connection" is defined as a pair of servers (pair of server names) – "main" and "backup"
Servers in pair must be of the same generation (both ADCv12)
Each server may have its IP defined (this used to manage the "Connect by IP" feature)
Duplicate Device Server names are not allowed. If one server (with particular name) is used in any role (either as MAIN or as BACKUP) in some connection, it cannot be used for any other connection. Only one Device Server in the pair can be connected at the moment
The connection may have no Backup Device Server name defined.
If the connected Device Server fails…
And the Backup Device Server name is defined for this connection – the client initiates the
"server swap" procedure and shows the server reconnection dialog with retry/swap/ignore options.
After the "swap" all the client’s features stay completely available. If, for some reasons, the
Backup Device Server fails too, the client tries to connect back to the Main Device Server of the
Device Server pair.
And the Backup Device Server name is not defined for this connection, there is no "swap" option in the Device Server reconnection dialog.
Each configured Device Server has its own AsRun and Error Log configurations
Auto List Save and Auto Bin Save (used for main-backup swap) are related to the connection (Device
Server pair) as a whole.
Connecting to a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)
1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select the Connect.... icon ( displayed listing the device servers Air Client can connect to.
). The ‘Connect to server’ dialog box is
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
In this dialog each line in a list of available servers describes the connection, which, in its turn, has its server version (mandatory), main server name (mandatory) and backup server name
The first line in the list is always a startup-defined connection, which cannot be edited or removed. If no additional server connections are configured, it will be the only one in the list.
Note: Currently connected servers are displayed in green text and it is impossible to perform a
"connect" action to these servers (the OK button is grayed-out).
2. In the ‘Connect to server’ dialog box, select a server (or Main/Backup server pair) from the Available
Servers: pane and then click OK.
3. To connect to another server (or Main/Backup server pair), repeat Step 2. The Air Client can connect to a maximum number of eight (8) servers.
Disconnecting from a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)
To remove access to transmission lists and device storage and device status windows on a server connected to Air Client, disconnect from a server by the following procedure.
1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select the Disconnect... icon ( a Choose Server dialog is displayed.
). If multiple servers are connected,
2. Select the server to disconnect from and then click OK.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
3. The System prompts to confirm disconnect. Click OK to disconnect.
Getting Started
To Add/Edit/Remove/Scan Available Device Server Entries (w/
MultiServer Logon)
Use the following procedure for managing Device Server connections in a multi-server environment.
1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select Available Servers ( launched.
). The ‘Edit Available Servers’ dialog is
2. (Option) To Add or Edit a Device Server:
To add a server entry, Click Add… / To Edit an existing server entry, highlight an existing Server entry in the Available Servers pane and then click Edit…
The Configuration Connection popup dialog is displayed.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
Main Server: Enter the Server Name. Device Server names, which are already used in the configuration of any connection, are not listed in the drop-down, since it is prohibited to use the same Device Server name twice.
Server version: Select the version of the Device Server to connect to
If "v.11" is selected, only v.11 Device Servers are listed in and available for selection from the drop-down list.
If "v.12" version is selected, only v.12 Device Servers are listed in and available for selection from the drop-down list.
Backup Server: Enter the Server Name. A Device Server name entered in the alternate server name edit box is not listed in the drop-down, since it is prohibited to use the same Device Server as main and backup at the same time.
When finished click OK.
3. (Option) To Remove a Server: Highlight an existing Server entry in the Available Servers pane and then click Remove.
4. When finished, click OK
Viewing Resources
Use the following procedures to view / review device server resources.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
To View a Full Resource List
1. Select the Resources tab and then select the Resources List icon ( is displayed.
Getting Started
). The Resources list dialog
2. Available Device Servers are listed in a hierarchical tree (e.g. DS1, DS2, etc.)
3. Highlight a Device server and expand the list: The following resources are viewable for the selected
Device Server: Device Status, Lists, Storages, and Switchers.
4. Expand the entry from the resource you want to view.
5. Select a resource. The details of that selection are displayed in a separate dialog.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
For example, selecting Device Status from the list display the status of devices connected to that
Device Server.
To View Device Status of a Server
Select the Resources tab and then select the Device Status icon ( displayed for the currently active Device Server.
). The Device Status dialog is
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
To View Lists available on a Device Server
1. Select the Resources tab and then select the View Lists icon ( displayed for the currently active Device Server.
Getting Started
). The Choose List dialog is
2. Select a list to view and then click OK. The selected playlist is displayed.
To View Storage Devices available on a Device Server
1. Select the Resources tab and then select the Device Storage icon ( is displayed for the currently active Device Server.
). The Choose Device dialog
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
2. From the Choose Device dialog select the device that contains the spots you want to purge, and then click OK. The Device Storage window for that device is displayed showing all spots recorded on it.
Each row in the Device Storage display shows a different clip, which may be highlighted by clicking on its number in the Num column at the left of the display. Click on an individual cell to highlight it.
Each column in the display shows a different clip field. The order of these columns may be changed by clicking and holding down the mouse on the header of a column and dragging it to a new location. A selected clip may be dragged to the Purge Material window.
A status bar at the bottom of the window displays the status of the device, as well as the current server time.
To View Switchers available on a Device Server
1. Ensure a Device Server is selected and active.
2. Select the Resources tab and then select the Switcher icon ( ).
If only a single Device Server is connected, the Choose Switcher dialog is displayed for the currently active Device Server. (Go to Step 3.)
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
If multiple servers are connected, a Choose Server dialog is displayed for the currently active
Device Server. Select the target server and then click OK.
3. The Choose Switcher dialog is displayed for the currently active Device Server.
4. Select a switcher to view and then click OK. Details of the selected switcher are displayed.
Traffic-Generated Lists
Events entered in a traffic system by the traffic department are stored in an external file which can be translated into a playlist. Translating and importing this file, versus entering each event manually, avoids redundant data entry, saves time and allows the traffic file to be edited by an Air Client operator.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation Getting Started
Use the WinCmms tool to translate a log from traffic into a .LST file. For information on this application
To Save the Desktop
Use the following procedure to save all desktop settings, including which windows are open and how they are tiled in proportion to one another. This will determine which windows will be opened automatically each time the program is launched.
From the Air Client Properties ribbon tab select the Save Desktop... the icon ( ).
Help and About Information
To Launch the Help System
From the Help Ribbon bar select Help. The Air Client Help System is launched.
To View About Information
From the Help Ribbon bar select About... The About Air Client window displays legal notices, copyright information, and version information.
Note: When calling Automation Technical Support to report a problem, make sure you have the displayed version number handy.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Managing Window Layouts and Colors
Use the Window Ribbon Tab to manage window layouts and colors.
Getting Started
To Show/Hide the Ribbon Bar
By default, on startup the ribbon bar is expanded. If desired, operators can maximize display space by hiding the ribbon bar and only showing it when the operator needs to make a selection.
To hide the ribbon, double click on any tab name (File, Edit, Resources, Properties, Tools, Windows,
Help Quick Access).
In this state, when a tab is selected the ribbon information is displayed until the operator clicks off the ribbon, then it is hidden again.
To unhide the ribbon, double click on any tab name (File, Edit, Resources, Properties, Tools,
Windows, Help Quick Access). Now the ribbon bar remains expanded.
To Change Window Skin Color Schemes
Use this procedure to change the GUI skin color by selecting a different color for the list of available colors.
1. From the main ribbon tool bar select the Window tab.
2. From the ColorScheme group select a color from the palette. The window skins of the application change to the selected color.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
To Change Window Layouts
Use this procedure to change the layout of windows within the application.
1. From the main ribbon tool bar select the Window tab.
2. From the Windows group select windows layout or action:
Default Desktop: Changes desktop appearance back to the saved desktop settings
Cascade: Cascades all open windows [screens] so that title-bar lines will be visible
Tile: Allow viewing all open windows [screens] simultaneously in a tile view
Arrange Icons: Allows you to arrange icons on your desktop
Close All: Closes all open windows [or screens]. This does not close the program.
Getting Started
Aero WindowsTheme Issues
Do not change the Desktop Theme while Air Client is in operation. Please be aware that Air Client will fail if an operator switches between a Classic WindowsTheme and an Aero WindowsTheme on the Client workstation.
Also, connecting an Air Client workstation running an Aero WindowsTheme with another workstation via a Remote Desktop Connection (e.g. mstsc.exe) can interrupt Air Client functionality.
To Change the Windows Aero Effect Theme
If the Client computer is running Windows 7 Operating System, the operator can use standard Microsoft operations to change the Windows Aero Effect theme, the Display properties (color of windows, turn off transparency), or text color and style as desired. For example, use the following procedure to change the
Main Window Caption Text color and background in a Windows 7 environment.
1. From the desktop choose the Personalize option (Control Panel\Appearance and
2. The simple way (Don't use it if you prefer Windows Aero theme) to disable light shadow of text (no transparency) is to choose Windows 7 Basic theme.
3. For advanced settings it is possible to choose Windows Color.
4. Now it is possible to choose suitable color of a background and to choose Title Bar text (font, color, and size).
About Operator Control Panel (OCP) Functions
The OCP comes with 24, hi-res, remotely-relegendable 64 x 32 LCD buttons, 10 bank buttons, and 17 additional function and navigation switches. The hi-res LCD buttons can be programmed to provide a range of functions. Most commonly used when breakdowns or other failures occur, each button on the
OCP can call up actions needed in a hurry.
For example, a button can be configured to:
Cut back to Network, or even backup device with a ready content.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Display a full-screen apology slide or trigger a caption for missing audio.
Getting Started
To Force Reinitialize the OCP
When the OCP panel is used with Air Client, ensure it is connected and powered on before Air Client is started, otherwise Air Client will not recognize and initialize it.
If, for some reason, Air Client was started before the OCP panel was connected and turned on, it is recommended to re-start Air Client or to force panel initialization in the following way:
1. From the Properties ribbon menu select the Hardware Control Panel icon (
Control Panel dialog is displayed.
). The Hardware
2. Click OK to close this dialog. This action forces Air Client to re-initialize all configured control panels.
Locking the Operator Control Panel (OCP)
To avoid accidental action, Air Client allows the Operator Control Panel (OCP) to be locked when the panel is not in use.
Pressing Shift+F5 on the OCP Panel acts as a toggle to enable /disable panel lock:
Press Shift+F5 once. Panel buttons are changed to Red indicating panel operations are locked.
The LCD buttons labels remain, but the colors are changed to a low intensity red.
Pressing a bank button changes the mapping of the top row of LCD buttons (representing the lists) but causes no action.
No action occurs if any LCD button is pressed.
Press Shift+F5 again. Panel buttons are restored to normal operation mode.
Pressing any LCD buttons- either the top row representing lists or any of the actions- performs the appropriate action.
Pressing a bank button changes the definitions of the list buttons
The LCD buttons are labeled and illuminated as normal.
Note: The shift function can also be used to 'guard' a particular function, by making it less likely to be invoked.
Using the Shift Function
The Operator Control Panel (OCP) Shift function is mapped to the labeled Shift button (F4). The shift + action of another button can be invoked either by pressing and releasing the shift button- latching shift mode- or by holding the shift button while pressing the other button.
Shift + F4 is Release Shift and clears a latched shift mode. While in shift mode, the shift button is illuminated.
Note: The shift function can also be used to 'guard' a particular function, by making it less likely to be invoked.
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Keyboard Shortcuts
Getting Started
It is possible to access certain commands through Keyboard Shortcut Keys. Memorizing these shortcuts may save time in the future. The shortcut keys are displayed next to their corresponding function within the "Ribbon tab" or "pop-up menus". The following is a list of the primary shortcut keys.
A list of shortcut commands
Playlist Options
Ctrl+N = New Playlist
Ctrl+O = Open Playlist
Ctrl+S = Save
Ctrl+P = Print
Alt+X = Exit Program
Note: Alt+F4 is the Windows shortcut for closing an application.
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+C= Copy
Ctrl+V= Paste
CTRL+F= Find
CTRL+R= Replace
DEL = Clear / Delete
Alt+R = Toggle Revise
Alt+Q = Revise
INS = Insert New Primary
Shift+INS = Insert Secondary
Alt+O = Toggle Hard Start
Alt+M = Ripple Time
Alt+Hyphen/Alt+Spacebar =window sizing pull-down
Shift+F5 = Cascade
Shift+F4 = Tile
Ctrl+Tab = Select a window’s alternate entry field
Ctrl+F6 = Display next open window
Ctrl+F4 = Close active window
Shift+F10 = Display a window’s Right Click Menu
Ctrl+H = Hide All Secondaries
Ctrl+T = Hide Some Secondary Event Types
Ctrl+E = Expand/Contract an event
Alt+V = Device Control Panel
Alt+C = Recue a selected event
Alt+T = Thread a selected event
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ADC™ Air Client
Operations and Installation
Commands Shortcut(s)
Alt+U = Unthread selected event
Others / Misc. F1 = Help
Ctrl+Home = Top of List
Ctrl+End = End of List
Getting Started
Running Air Client Offline
If required, Air Client v4.18 and higher can be run offline (not connected to a Device Server) for list prep/validation purposes.
Note: Only "Admin" user, "Default" user and users with full access to all servers are able to login to the
Air Client, running in the "Offline Mode".
The offline Air Client can be set to run in NTSC or PAL by modifying the Air Client .ini file located in the client’s installation folder.
Possible values:
FrameRate: NTSC, PAL
DropFrame 1 (for Drop Frame type), 0 (for Non-Drop Frame type)
IMPORTANT: The DefaultTimecode section must be added at the top of the ini file for Air Client to apply it at next start.
Note: If the "DefaultTimecode" section does not exist in the Air Client INI file - NTSC Non-drop frame clocking is used.
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Key features
- On-Air Playback
- Playlist Management
- Event Management
- Device Control
- Error Management