2.3 System Messages. ABB MicroSCADA

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MicroSCADA Status Codes is a technical reference manual that lists all MicroSCADA status codes. It provides explanations of the codes and their possible causes, and divides them into groups based on their relation to the base system or communication and NET units.


2.3 System Messages. ABB MicroSCADA | Manualzz


2 Handling Errors



Status Codes

Technical Reference Manual


An immediate stop of the program execution (STOP, EVENT).

No action (IGNORE).

For more information on error handling policies see the #ERROR command in the

Programming Language SCIL manual.

An error handling program allows you to build procedures handling error messages. If the error handling policy is CONTINUE or STOP, a SCIL error generates a standard error message unless defined otherwise in an error handling program.

Errors in Visual SCIL dialogs are shown in the Error Viewer by default. The Error

Viewer shows the status code, the line in the program where the error occurred and the error state.

When the pictures are shown on the screen, the status codes are part of standard error messages written on the top line of the application window. This is done unless no other ways to handle error messages are defined in the named program called

ERROR_HANDLER. These error messages have the following format: code1 code2 SCIL STATEMENT OR EXPRESSION

The ’code1’ states roughly in which circumstances the error occurred. This code is always a picture handling code (801 . . 999). The ’code2’ specifies the error more accurately. The SCIL statement or expression that caused the error message is usually, but not always, shown and the error is marked to help to correct it.

A status code may also appear in a message shown in the MicroSCADA Notification

Windows. Usually the message refers to errors in command procedures or in system configuration. In some cases it is the result of errors in the report database, the process database, the file handling or the operating system interface.

Normally, the message in the Notification Window has the following format: time module: object name or message


STATUS = code

The message is displayed in all active MicroSCADA Notification Windows connected to the base system that generates the message. The message is also stored in a file in the base system computer. The file is located in the \SC\SYS\ACTIVE\SYS_ directory and has the name SYS_ERROR.LOG.

System Messages

System messages are internal MicroSCADA messages sent to one or several applications. Most system messages are status codes generated by NET. Some station types (STY objects) may also generate codes sent as system messages.

By means of certain communication system object attributes (SE, MS, MI, CA), the system messages can be directed to the chosen applications and process objects. By defining process objects for receiving the system messages, the programmer can define various consequential actions to be activated at certain system message codes.

This kind of action could be for example a request for a line switch when the status sent by the main communication line indicates a communication disturbance.

ABB Automation


Key Features

  • Lists all MicroSCADA status codes
  • Provides explanations of the codes
  • Divides codes into groups
  • Covers base system and NET units
  • Technical reference manual

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of the MicroSCADA Status Codes?
Status codes are used to indicate the reliability of data, inform about errors during SCIL program execution, and communicate events in the process communication system or communication units.
How are status codes grouped?
Status codes are grouped into categories: reliability of data, base system status codes, NET status codes, operating system status codes, data transfer status codes, and status codes transmitted by a NET unit to external devices.
What is the OK status code?
The OK status code is 0, indicating that no error has occurred.
What is the difference between almost OK status codes and error codes?
Almost OK status codes (1, 2, 3) indicate a warning or uncertain value that can be used in expressions but may result in a non-zero status. Error codes (10 .. 10 000) are used for errors in the system.