A Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director. Oracle 11g Release 1

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Oracle Traffic Director 11g Release 1 is a software solution designed for load balancing, content switching, and web acceleration. It helps distribute traffic across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and optimal performance for your web applications. With advanced features like origin server health checking and dynamic discovery, Oracle Traffic Director automatically manages server pools and ensures that user requests are directed to the most suitable server.


A Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director. Oracle 11g Release 1 | Manualzz


Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director

This appendix lists the metrics for which Oracle Traffic Director tracks and maintains statistics.

Instance Metrics

Process Metrics

Thread Pool Metrics

Connection Queue Metrics

Compression and Decompression Metrics

Virtual Server Metrics

CPU Metrics

Origin Server Metrics

Proxy Cache Metrics

DNS Cache Metrics

Instance Metrics

This section lists the metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks for individual instances. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided. Metrics that are not available through SNMP or in the stats-xml report are marked NA.

Table A-1 Instance Metrics


Number of seconds the instance has been running

Object Name in the



Number of requests processed

Number of octets received instanceRequests instanceInOctets

Number of octets transmitted

Number of 2xx (Successful) responses issued instanceOutOctets instanceCount2xx

stats-xml Element: Attribute

server: secondsRunning request-bucket: countRequests request-bucket: countBytesReceived request-bucket: countBytesTransmitted request-bucket: count2xx

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-1

Instance Metrics

Table A-1 (Cont.) Instance Metrics


Number of 3xx (Redirection) responses issued

Number of 4xx (Client Error) responses issued

Number of 5xx (Server Error) responses issued

Number of other (neither 2xx,

3xx, 4xx, nor 5xx) responses issued

Number of 200 (OK) responses issued

Number of 302 (Moved

Temporarily) responses issued

Number of 304 (Not Modified) responses issued

Number of 400 (Bad Request) responses issued

Number of 401 (Unauthorized) responses issued

Number of 403 (Forbidden) responses issued

Number of 404 (Not Found) responses issued

Number of 503 (Unavailable) responses issued

Average load in the last 1 minute

Average load in the last 5 minutes

Average load for in the last minutes

Number of octets transmitted on the network per second

Number of octets received on the network per second

Average number of requests served in the last 1 minute

Object Name in the


instanceCount3xx instanceCount4xx instanceCount5xx instanceCountOther instanceCount200 instanceCount302 instanceCount304 instanceCount400 instanceCount401 instanceCount403 instanceCount404 instanceCount503 instanceLoad1MinuteA verage instanceLoad5MinuteA verage

stats-xml Element: Attribute

request-bucket: count3xx request-bucket: count4xx request-bucket: count5xx request-bucket: countOther request-bucket: count200 request-bucket: count302 request-bucket: count304 request-bucket: count400 request-bucket: count401 request-bucket: count403 request-bucket: count404 request-bucket: count503 server: load1MinuteAverage server: load5MinuteAverage instanceLoad15MinuteA verage server: load15MinuteAverage instanceNetworkInOctet s server: rateBytesReceived instanceNetworkOutOct ets server: rateBytesTransmitted instanceRequests1Minut eAverage server: requests1MinuteAverage

A-2 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide

Instance Metrics

Table A-1 (Cont.) Instance Metrics


Average number of requests served in the last 5 minutes

Average number of requests served in the last 15 minutes

Average number of error responses in the last 1 minute

Average number of error responses in the last 5 minutes

Average number of error responses in the last 15 minutes

Average response time for the requests in the last 1 minute

Average response time for the requests in the last 5 minutes

Average response time for the requests in the last 15 minutes

Number of open connections at the time when statistics were gathered

Name of the TCP proxy for which this element holds statistics

State of the TCP proxy at the time of gathering the statistics

Object Name in the


instanceRequests5Minut eAverage

stats-xml Element: Attribute

server: requests5MinuteAverage instanceRequests15Min uteAverage server: requests15MinuteAverage instanceErrors1MinuteA verage server: errors1MinuteAverage instanceErrors5MinuteA verage server: errors5MinuteAverage server: errors15MinuteAverage instanceErrors15Minute

Average instanceResponseTime1

MinuteAverage server: responseTime1MinuteAverage instanceResponseTime5

MinuteAverage instanceResponseTime1


NA server: responseTime5MinuteAverage server: responseTime15MinuteAverage request-bucket: countOpenConnections tcpID tcpMode tcp-proxy:name tcp-proxy:mode

IP addresses (including port) where this TCP proxy listens for requests tcpInterfaces

Number of active TCP proxy connections

Total number of requests processed

Total number of requests that were aborted

Total number of requests that were closed because of timeout

Number of bytes received from the client tcpCountActiveConnect ions tcpCountRequests tcp-proxy:interfaces tcp-requestbucket:countActiveConnections tcp-requestbucket:countRequests tcpCountAbortedReque sts tcpCountTimeoutReque sts tcp-requestbucket:countRequestsAborted tcp-requestbucket:countRequestsTimedout tcpCountBytesReceived tcp-requestbucket:countBytesReceived

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-3

Process Metrics

Table A-1 (Cont.) Instance Metrics


Number of bytes transmitted to the clients

Object Name in the


tcpCountBytesTransmitt ed

stats-xml Element: Attribute


Average duration of active time in milliseconds tcpMilliSecondsConnect ionActiveAverage tcp-requestbucket:millisecondsConnection


Process Metrics

This section lists the metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks at the process level. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided. Metrics that are not available through SNMP or in the stats-xml report are marked NA.

Table A-2 Process Metrics


Number of request processing threads currently available

Number of request processing threads currently idle

Number of connections currently in keepalive queue

Maximum number of connections allowed in keepalive queue

Number of requests that were processed on connections in the

Keep Alive subsystem

Object Name in the



stats-xml Element: Attribute

processThreadIdle thread-pool-bucket: countIdleThreads processKeepaliveCount keepalive-bucket: countConnections processKeepaliveMax thread-pool-bucket: countThreads keepalive-bucket: maxConnections

NA keepalive-bucket: countHits keepalive-bucket: countFlushes Number of connections in the

Keep Alive subsystem that were flushed


NA Number of times the server could not hand off the connection to a keep-alive thread.

Number of connections that were closed due to Keep Alive subsystem being idle beyond the specified timeout period


Idle period after which the Keep

Alive subsystem should time out

NA keepalive-bucket: countRefusals keepalive-bucket: countTimeouts keepalive-bucket: secondsTimeout

A-4 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide

Thread Pool Metrics

Table A-2 (Cont.) Process Metrics


Process size in kbytes

Process resident size in kbytes

Fraction of process memory in system memory

Total number of active connections for which requests are getting processed

Object Name in the


processSizeVirtual processSizeResident processFractionSystem



stats-xml Element: Attribute

process: sizeVirtual process: sizeResident process: fractionSystemMemoryUsage tcpthread:countActiveConnections

Thread Pool Metrics

This section lists the metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks for server threads. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-3 Thread Pool Metrics

Metric Object Name in the


threadPoolCount Number of requests queued for processing by this thread pool.

Largest number of requests that have been queued simultaneously threadPoolPeak

Maximum number of requests allowed in the queue threadPoolMax

stats-xml Element:


thread-pool-bucket: countQueued thread-pool-bucket: peakQueued thread-pool-bucket: max-threads

Connection Queue Metrics

This section lists the connection-queue metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided. Metrics that are not available through SNMP or in the stats-xml report are marked NA.

Table A-4 Connection Queue Metrics


Number of connections currently in connection queue

Object Name in the SNMP



Total number of connections that have been added to this connection queue since startup


stats-xml Element: Attribute

connection-queue-bucket: countQueued connection-queue-bucket: countTotalQueued

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-5

Compression and Decompression Metrics

Table A-4 (Cont.) Connection Queue Metrics


Average length of the queue in the last one minute

Average length of the queue in the last one minutes

Object Name in the SNMP




NA Average length of the queue in the last fifteen minutes

Largest number of connections that have been queued simultaneously

Maximum number of connections allowed in connection queue

Total number of connections added to this connection queue since the instance started

Number of connections rejected due to connection queue overflow connectionQueuePeak connectionQueueMax connectionQueueTotal connectionQueueOverflows

stats-xml Element: Attribute

connection-queue-bucket: countQueued1MinuteAverage connection-queue-bucket: countQueued5MinuteAverage connection-queue-bucket: countQueued15MinuteAverage connection-queue-bucket: peakQueued connection-queue-bucket: maxQueued connection-queue-bucket: countTotalConnections connection-queue-bucket: countOverflows

Compression and Decompression Metrics

This section lists the metrics for response data that Oracle Traffic Director compresses and decompresses. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-5 Compression and Decompression Metrics


Total number of requests compressed

Total number of input bytes for compression

Total number of output bytes after compression

Object Name in the SNMP MIB stats-xml Element:


countRequestsCompressed compression-bucket: countRequests countBytesForCompression countBytesCompressed compression-bucket: bytesInput compression-bucket: bytesOutput

A-6 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide

Virtual Server Metrics

Table A-5 (Cont.) Compression and Decompression Metrics


Average compression per page

Overall compression ratio

Total number of requests decompressed

Total number of input bytes for decompression

Total number of output bytes after decompression

Object Name in the SNMP MIB stats-xml Element:


pageCompressionAverage compression-bucket: pageCompressionAverage compressionRatio countRequestsDecompressed compression-bucket: compressionRatio decompression-bucket: countRequests countBytesForDecompression countBytesDecompressed decompression-bucket: bytesInput decompression-bucket: bytesOutput

Virtual Server Metrics

This section lists the metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks for individual virtual servers. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-6 Virtual Server Metrics

Metric Object Name in the SNMP

MIB stats-xml Element: Attribute

vsRequests request-bucket: countRequests Number of requests processed

Number of octets received vsInOctets

Number of octets transmitted vsOutOctets request-bucket: countBytesReceived request-bucket: countBytesTransmitted request-bucket: count2xx Number of 2xx (Successful) responses issued

Number of 3xx (Redirection) responses issued

Number of 4xx (Client Error) responses issued

Number of 5xx (Server Error) responses issued

Number of other (neither 2xx,

3xx, 4xx, nor 5xx) responses issued

Number of 200 (OK) responses issued vsCount2xx vsCount3xx vsCount4xx vsCount5xx vsCountOther vsCount200 request-bucket: count3xx request-bucket: count4xx request-bucket: count5xx request-bucket: countOther request-bucket: count200

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-7

Virtual Server Metrics

Table A-6 (Cont.) Virtual Server Metrics


Number of 302 (Moved

Temporarily) responses issued

Number of 304 (Not

Modified) responses issued

Number of 400 (Bad Request) responses issued

Number of 401

(Unauthorized) responses issued

Object Name in the SNMP

MIB stats-xml Element: Attribute

vsCount302 request-bucket: count302 vsCount304 vsCount400 vsCount401 request-bucket: count304 request-bucket: count400 request-bucket: count401 vsCount403 request-bucket: count403 Number of 403 (Forbidden) responses issued

Number of 404 (Not Found) responses issued

Number of 503 (Unavailable) responses issued

The total number of upgrade requests processed

Number of WebSocket requests that were denied upgrade by origin server

Number of WebSocket requests that were denied upgrade by server

Number of active WebSocket connections

Total number of requests that were aborted

Total number of requests that were closed because of timeout

Number of bytes received from the clients

Number of bytes transmitted to the clients

Average duration of active time in millisecond vsCount404 vsCount503 websocketCountUpgrade dRequests websocketCountUpgrade

RejectedRequests websocketCountFailedStri ctRequests websocketCountActiveCo nnections websocketCountAbortedR equests websocketbucket:countActiveConnections websocketbucket:countRequestsAborted websocketCountTimeoutR equests websocketbucket:countRequestsTimedout websocketCountBytesRece ived websocketCountBytesTran smitted websocketMillisecondsCo nnectionActiveAverage request-bucket: count404 request-bucket: count503 websocketbucket:countUpgradeRequests websocketbucket:countUpgradeRequestsR ejected websocketbucket:countUpgradeRequestsF ailed websocketbucket:countBytesReceived websocketbucket:countBytesTransmitted websocketbucket:millisecondsConnection


A-8 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide

CPU Metrics

Table A-6 (Cont.) Virtual Server Metrics


Total number of requests intercepted by webapp firewall

Total number of requests allowed by webapp firewall

(allow action)

Total number of denied requests (deny action)

Total number of dropped requests (drop action)

Total number of redirected requests (redirect action)

Total number of detected denied requests (deny action)

Total number of detected dropped requests (drop action)

Total number of detected redirected requests (redirect action)

Object Name in the SNMP

MIB stats-xml Element: Attribute

wafCountInterceptedRequ ests wafCountAllowedRequest s webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsIntercepte d webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsAllowed wafCountDeniedRequests webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsDenied wafCountDroppedReques ts webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsDropped wafCountRedirectedRequ ests webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsRedirecte d wafCountDenyDetectedRe quests webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsDenyDete cted wafCountDropDetectedRe quests wafCountRedirectDetecte dRequests webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsDropDete cted webapp-firewallbucket:countRequestsRedirectD etected

CPU Metrics

This section lists the CPU-related metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-7 CPU Metrics


Percentage of the time that the CPU is idle

Percentage of the time the CPU is spending in user space

Percentage of the time the CPU is spending in kernel space

Object Name in the


cpuIdleTime cpuUserTime cpuKernelTime

stats-xml Element:


cpu-info: percentIdle cpu-info: percentUser cpu-info: percentKernel

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-9

Origin Server Metrics

Origin Server Metrics

This section lists the metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks for origin server pools and origin servers. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-8 Origin Server Metrics


Number of times a request was retried (to same or different origin server)

Object Name in the SNMP



Type of the server pool

Flag indicating whether the origin server is currently marked online

stats-xml Element:


server-pool: countRetries server-pool:type originServerRunningStatus origin-server-bucket: flagOnline

Flag indicating whether the node was dynamically discovered

Flag indicating whether the node is fully ramped up

Flag indicating whether the origin server is a backup node originServerDiscoveryStatus origin-server-bucket: flagDiscovered originServerRampedupStatu s origin-server-bucket: flagRampedUp originServerBackupStatus originServerRunningTime origin-server-bucket: flagBackup origin-server-bucket: secondsOnline

Total time, in seconds, since the origin server was marked online

Total number of times the origin server was marked offline originServerCountOffline origin-server-bucket: countDetectedOffline

Total number of bytes transmitted to the origin server

Total number of bytes received from the origin server originServerCountBytesTran smitted origin-server-bucket: countBytesTransmitted originServerCountBytesRece ived origin-server-bucket: countBytesReceived origin-server-bucket: countActiveConnections

Total number of open connections to the origin server for which requests are getting processed originServerCountActiveCo nnections

Total number of idle connections to the origin server originServerCountIdleConn ections origin-server-bucket: countIdleConnections

Total number of active connections belonging to sticky requests when time statistics were collected originServerCountActiveStic kyConnections origin-serverbucket:countActiveStickyCo nnections

A-10 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide

Origin Server Metrics

Table A-8 (Cont.) Origin Server Metrics


Total number of times a connection to the origin server was attempted

Object Name in the SNMP


originServerCountConnectA ttempts

Total number of times an attempt to connect to the origin server failed originServerCountConnectF ailures

stats-xml Element:


origin-server-bucket: countConnectAttempts origin-server-bucket: countConnectFailures

Total number of requests that were aborted when proxying requests with this origin server originServerCountRequests


Total number of times the request timed out when sending or receiving data from the origin server

Total number of requests served by the origin server

Total number of health check requests origin-server-bucket: countRequestsAborted originServerCountRequestsT imedout origin-server-bucket: countRequestsTimedout originServerCountRequests origin-server-bucket: originServerCountHealthCh eckRequests countRequests origin-serverbucket:countHealthCheckRe quests

Total number of connections closed

Total number of keep-alive connections closed by the origin server

Dynamically calculated keepalive timeout value for the origin server

Total number of sticky requests originServerCountConnectio nsClosed origin-serverbucket:countConnectionsClo sed originServerCountConnectio nsClosedByOriginServer origin-serverbucket:countConnectionsClo sedByOriginServer originServerSecondsKeepAli veTimeout origin-serverbucket:secondsKeepAliveTi meout originServerCountStickyReq uests origin-serverbucket:countStickyRequests origin-serverbucket:weightResponseTime

Dynamic weight detected based on response time

(applicable when algorithm is least-response-time)

Type of origin-server (generic/ weblogic/undetected)

Average duration of active time in milliseconds originServerWeightRespons eTime originServerType originServerMillisecondsCo nnectionActiveAverage origin-server-bucket:type origin-serverbucket:millisecondsConnecti onActiveAverage

Metrics Tracked by Oracle Traffic Director A-11

Proxy Cache Metrics

Proxy Cache Metrics

This section lists the caching-related metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks. For each metric, the object name in the SNMP MIB and the names of the corresponding element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-9 Proxy Cache Metrics


Total number of entries in the cache

Amount of heap space used by cache content

Total number of times a cache lookup succeeded

Total number of times a cache lookup failed

Total number of times an entry was served from cache

Total number of requests that were revalidated from the origin server

Total number of times the revalidation requests failed

Object Name in the SNMP



stats-xml Element:


cache-bucket: countEntries proxyCacheSizeHeap proxyCacheCountContent

Hits proxyCacheCountContent

Misses proxyCacheCountHits proxyCacheCountRevalidat ionRequests proxyCacheCountRevalidat ionFailures cache-bucket: sizeHeapCache cache-bucket: countContentHits cache-bucket: countContentMisses cache-bucket: countHits cache-bucket: countRevalidationRequests cache-bucket: countRevalidationFailures

DNS Cache Metrics

This section lists the DNS cache lookup metrics that Oracle Traffic Director tracks. For each metric, the element and attribute in the stats-xml report are provided.

Table A-10 DNS Cache Metrics


Total number of entries in the cache

Total number of times a cache lookup succeeded

Total number of times a cache lookup failed

Number of asynchronous lookups

Total number of asynchronous DNS address lookups performed

Number of asynchronous DNS lookups currently in progress

stats-xml Element: Attribute

dns-bucket: countCacheEntries dns-bucket: countCacheHits dns-bucket: countCacheMisses dns-bucket: countAsyncNameLookups dns-bucket: countAsyncAddrLookups dns-bucket: countAsyncLookupsInProgress

A-12 Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide


Key Features

  • Load balancing
  • Content switching
  • Web acceleration
  • Origin server health checking
  • Dynamic discovery
  • SSL/TLS termination
  • Web application firewall
  • High availability
  • Performance optimization
  • Flexible deployment options

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I reset the password for the administration server user?
The password for the administration server user can be reset using the tadm command-line utility.
What is a "configuration"?
A configuration in Oracle Traffic Director defines the behavior and settings of an Oracle Traffic Director instance, including virtual servers, origin server pools, and listeners.
How do I access the administration console?
The administration console can be accessed through a web browser by navigating to the URL of the administration server
Why am I unable to select TCP as the health-check protocol when dynamic discovery is enabled?
When dynamic discovery is enabled, Oracle Traffic Director automatically detects and manages the origin servers in a cluster. In this mode, the health-check protocol is automatically set to HTTP for discovery purposes.
After I changed the origin servers in a pool to Oracle WebLogic Servers, they are not discovered automatically, though dynamic discovery is enabled. Why?
Dynamic discovery relies on the origin servers responding to HTTP health checks. If the origin servers are configured as Oracle WebLogic Servers, you may need to ensure that the WebLogic Server is configured to respond to HTTP health checks.
How do I view the request and response headers sent and received by Oracle Traffic Director?
You can view the request and response headers using the server log. Enable the server log in the administration console and configure the logging level to include the request headers and response headers.
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