ATD Tools Atd-5800

Manuals and User Guides for ATD Tools Atd-5800. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Manual

Below you will find brief information for hydraulic body repair kit Atd-5800, hydraulic body repair kit Atd-5810. The Atd Tools Hydraulic Body Repair Kits are designed to be used for pushing, spreading, and pressing vehicle body panels as well as various component parts and assemblies. A variety of attachments are included to meet a range of repair needs. You can use the kit to make adjustments to dents, push panels back into place, or to spread damaged areas without removing them from the vehicle. This manual includes information about the device's specifications, operation, safety instructions, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Key Features

  • 4 or 10 ton capacity
  • Variety of attachments
  • Push, Spread, Press
  • Easy to use
  • Durable construction
  • One year limited warranty

Pages: 12 ATD Tools Atd-5800 Manual

Brand: ATD Tools Category: Motor vehicle accessories & components Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the rated capacity of the hydraulic body repair kit?
The capacity of the kit varies depending on the specific model. The Atd-5800 has a 4-ton capacity, while the Atd-5810 has a 10-ton capacity. Remember that when extension tubes and/or offset attachments are used, the rated capacity is reduced by 50% for each tube or offset attachment connected.
What is the purpose of the oil filler screw?
The oil filler screw is used to add hydraulic fluid to the pump reservoir. It should be removed when adding fluid and tightened securely after filling the reservoir. You must never open the oil filler screw unless the ram is fully retracted.
How do I bleed air from the system?
To bleed air from the system, place the pump at a higher elevation than the hose and ram. Close the valve and extend the ram as far as possible. Open the valve fully allowing oil and air to return to the reservoir. Repeat this process 2-3 times.
How do I properly maintain the hydraulic body repair kit?
For best performance and increased system life, replace the complete fluid supply at least once per year. Use only a good grade hydraulic jack oil, avoid mixing different types of fluid, and never use brake fluid, turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Periodically check the pump piston and ram for signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with an oily cloth.
