Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated 200A Disconnect Switch

Manuals and User Guides for Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated 200A Disconnect Switch. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

The Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated 200A Disconnect Switch is a robust and reliable device designed for use with Cat 1494F-D200 and 1494F-DX200 Series D equipment. It is a crucial component in electrical systems, providing a safe and efficient means of disconnecting power. This switch features a cable-operated mechanism, ensuring smooth and reliable operation. It is rated for 200A and requires proper installation and maintenance for optimal performance.

Key Features

  • Cable-operated mechanism
  • 200A rating
  • Right hand and left hand installation
  • Suitable for Cat 1494F-D200 and 1494F-DX200
  • Installation instructions included

Pages: 2 Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated 200A Disconnect Switch Installation instructions

Brand: Allen-Bradley Size: 1 MB

Languages: English, Portuguese

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of this disconnect switch?
This switch is designed to safely disconnect power to equipment. It is a key component in electrical systems, allowing for the isolation of circuits for maintenance, repair, or safety purposes.
How do I install the Allen-Bradley 1494C Disconnect Switch?
The installation process involves attaching the disconnect switch to the cable switch mechanism, attaching it to a mounting plate, and installing the handle mechanism. Detailed instructions, including diagrams, are provided in the product documentation.
Do I need any special tools for installation?
The installation process involves standard tools, such as screwdrivers and wrenches. Specific tools or fasteners may be included with the switch; please refer to the installation instructions for details.
