Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Pin

Manuals and User Guides for Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Pin. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Pin is a component for electrical systems, designed for safety and reliability. It is used to disconnect power to a circuit or device. This unit can be used to disconnect various electrical loads, such as motors, heaters, and other equipment. It can be easily installed into an enclosure and is compatible with a wide range of amperage ratings. The device features a handle that provides a visual indication of the switch’s position and a cable-operated mechanism for smooth and reliable operation.

Key Features

  • Cable Operated Disconnect Pin
  • Allen-Bradley 1494C
  • Amperage Ratings (30A - 600A)
  • Safety Enclosure
  • Handle Position Indicator
  • Visual On/Off Indication

Pages: 1 Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Pin Installation instructions

Brand: Allen-Bradley Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I replace a disconnect pin on a 1494C?
You should follow the steps outlined in the Installation Instructions document. It includes detailed instructions for replacing the pin, including removing the defeater bracket, handle and mechanism bracket, retaining ring, and old pin and washer. Ensure to install the new pin and washer, retaining ring, handle and mechanism bracket, and defeater bracket in the correct order and torque specifications.
What amperage ratings are available for the 1494C Disconnect Pin?
The 1494C Disconnect Pin is available in a range of amperage ratings. For more information, please refer to the document.
Can I use this disconnect pin with other Allen-Bradley products?
The 1494C Disconnect Pin is compatible with various Allen-Bradley products, such as the 1494C-CM1 thru CM16 and CMX1 thru CMX16. You can refer to the Installation Instructions document to confirm compatibility with specific models.
