Allen-Bradley 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply

Manuals and User Guides for Allen-Bradley 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

The Allen-Bradley 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply is a DIN-rail mountable DC/DC converter providing a floating, stabilized, and galvanically separated SELV/PELV output voltage. Suitable for industrial control, process control, monitoring and measurement equipment. Its features include protection against overload, short circuit, and reverse polarity, making it reliable for various applications.

Key Features

  • DIN-rail mountable
  • DC/DC converter
  • Floating, stabilized output
  • Galvanically isolated
  • SELV/PELV output
  • Overload protection
  • Short circuit protection
  • Reverse polarity protection
  • Adjustable output voltage

Pages: 2 Allen-Bradley 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply Installation instructions

Brand: Allen-Bradley Size: 80 KB

Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum output current of the 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply?
The maximum output current depends on the ambient temperature. At 25°C, the maximum output current is 10A. At 60°C, it is 8.6A, and at 70°C it is 6.4A. The derating is linear between 45°C and 70°C.
Can I use the 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply with a battery?
Yes, the input can be powered from batteries or similar DC sources. The voltage between the input terminals and ground must not exceed 60Vdc continuously.
How do I adjust the output voltage of the 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply?
You can adjust the output voltage using a small flat-blade screwdriver on the front of the unit. The adjustment range is from 24V to 28V.
Is the 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply protected against reverse polarity?
Yes, the device is protected against reverse polarity. It will not operate when the voltage is reversed.
How do I connect multiple 1606-XLDD240E Power Supply units in parallel?
Devices can be paralleled to increase the output power. The ambient temperature is not allowed to exceed 45°C. The output voltage shall be adjusted to the same value (±100mV) with the same load conditions on all devices, or the devices can be left with the factory settings. If more than three devices are connected in parallel, a diode, fuse or circuit breaker with a rating of 15A or 16A is required on each output.
