Allen-Bradley series b

Manuals and User Guides for Allen-Bradley series b. We found 15 manuals for free downloads installation Guide, User manual, Manual, Service manual, Reference guide, Installation instructions

**Allen-Bradley series b** is a versatile and powerful analog input module that can be used in a variety of industrial applications. With its 4-channel analog input, it can be used to measure voltage, current, or temperature. The module also features a built-in signal conditioner, which can be used to amplify or filter the input signal. Some of the potential use cases for the Allen-Bradley series b analog input module include: * Monitoring the temperature of a process. * Measuring the voltage of a power supply. * Reading the current draw of a motor. * Controlling the speed of a conveyor belt.

Key Features

  • Speed Reference Control
  • Fault Diagnostics
  • Adjustable Accel/Decel
  • Control Signal Options
  • Setup Switches
  • Terminal Blocks
  • Local Operator Controls

Pages: 20 Allen-Bradley series b installation Guide

Brand: Allen-Bradley Category: Electrical equipment & supplies Size: 1011 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

96 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

14 Pages


Languages: English

24 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: English

106 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

24 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: English

132 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

148 Pages

Service manual

Languages: English

2 Pages

Reference guide

Languages: English

16 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

12 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: English

12 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: English, Estonian

16 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How can I set the operating speed of the Allen-Bradley series b drive?
For standard units, you can use the speed potentiometer or an external speed reference device. For units with local operator controls, you can use the keypad to increase or decrease the speed reference.
What does the 'Speed Reference Select' switch do?
This switch, labeled SW2 in the manual, allows you to choose between using the analog input terminals for speed reference or using the keypad to set the speed. The ON position uses the analog input terminals.
How do I access the fault codes and what do they mean?
The manual provides a list of fault codes and their corresponding descriptions. You can access the fault codes by pressing the 'RESET' key on the device.
How do I change the acceleration and deceleration settings?
You can adjust the acceleration and deceleration times using the 'Accel/Decel Switch' (SW1). The manual provides a table showing the different settings and their corresponding acceleration and deceleration times.
