Allpro ScanX 14 IN-COUNTER

Manuals and User Guides for Allpro ScanX 14 IN-COUNTER. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

The ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER is a self-contained digital radiography imaging system designed for installation into a standard cabinet countertop. This system comprises a phosphor storage plate (PSP) scanner. The ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER produces a digital image by scanning PSPs, which have been exposed to X-ray emissions. It uses reusable PSPs in conjunction with compatible user-supplied Image Management Software in place of X-ray film to produce diagnostic quality digital radiographs.

Key Features

  • In-counter design
  • Phosphor storage plate (PSP) scanner
  • Reusable PSPs
  • Digital image capture
  • Compatible Image Management Software
  • Diagnostic quality digital radiographs

Pages: 20 Allpro ScanX 14 IN-COUNTER User manual

Brand: Allpro Category: Medical equipment Size: 254 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER?
The ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER is a self-contained digital radiography imaging system designed for installation into a standard cabinet countertop. It uses reusable PSPs in conjunction with compatible user-supplied Image Management Software in place of X-ray film to produce diagnostic quality digital radiographs.
What is a PSP?
A PSP is a phosphor storage plate. It is a reusable plate that is exposed to X-ray emissions. The ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER scans the PSP to produce a digital image.
What is Image Management Software?
Image Management Software is a computer program that is used to manage and process digital images. The ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER is compatible with a variety of Image Management Software programs.
How do I use the ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER?
You can find the complete instructions for using the ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER in the Operator's Manual. The general process involves taking an X-ray exposure of the patient using a PSP, then inserting the exposed PSP into the ScanX® 14 IN-COUNTER to produce a digital image. The image can then be viewed and saved using Image Management Software.
