Backyard Discovery MONTEREY 6012

Manuals and User Guides for Backyard Discovery MONTEREY 6012. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual, User's manual

Below you will find brief information for wooden swing set Monterey 6012. This swing set features a fort with a sundeck, ladder, slide, and swings. It is recommended for children ages 3-10 years old. The set is made of durable wood and comes with a one-year warranty on parts and a five-year warranty on rot and decay.

Key Features

  • Fort with sundeck
  • Ladder & slide
  • Swings
  • Durable wood construction
  • 1-year parts warranty
  • 5-year rot & decay warranty
  • Recommended for ages 3-10

Pages: 67 Backyard Discovery MONTEREY 6012 Owner's manual

Brand: Backyard Discovery Category: Toys & accessories Size: 13 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

88 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

Does the area for the playset need to be level?
Yes. Backyard Discovery recommends the playset be positioned on a flat level area for maximum safety and durability. The stakes provided should be used to secure it firmly to the ground.
What is the best way to get started assembling the playset?
Backyard Discovery recommends taking all the parts out of the boxes and arranging them by part number before you begin any assembly. This will not only allow faster assembly, but will also identify any parts that may be missing or damaged so they can be replaced before assembly.
The playset seems to rock or sway too much. What’s wrong?
Rocking is caused by uneven ground or obstructions such as rocks, roots, etc. under the ground rails. These should be removed and the ground underneath re-leveled to prevent rocking. Also ensure the playset is securely staked to the ground using the stakes provided.
