Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2

Manuals and User Guides for Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2. We found 9 manuals for free downloads installation Guide, User manual, Owner's manual, Manual, Service manual

Below you will find brief information for BeoLink Media, BeoVision TV BV 6 22, BeoVision TV BV 7 32, BeoLink PC 2. The BeoLink Media allows you to transfer and maintain media files in HomeCenter Media unit. It can be connected to all BeoVision products that have a SCART or DVI-I input. You can also distribute N.MUSIC and N.RADIO from BeoLink Media to audio and video link rooms.

Key Features

  • Distribute digital media to different sources
  • Access Net Radio and update software
  • Connect to a main room TV
  • Support for SCART and DVI-I input
  • Connect to audio and video link rooms
  • Automated software updates
  • Maintain media files in HomeCenter Media
  • Supports N.RADIO and N.MUSIC

Pages: 28 Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2 installation Guide

Brand: Bang & Olufsen Category: Digital media players Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

54 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

28 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

26 Pages


Languages: English

16 Pages


Languages: English

64 Pages

Service manual

Languages: English

44 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

44 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

23 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I connect BeoLink Media to my BeoVision TV?
There are two options, depending on whether your TV has a SCART or a DVI input. If the TV has a DVI input, this should be used, as this produces the best picture quality. You can find instructions on how to connect HomeCenter Media to the TV with a SCART or a DVI-I input in the installation guide.
What kind of network connection does BeoLink Media require?
BeoLink Media requires a standard Ethernet network with an Internet connection (ADSL or equivalent).
How often is BeoLink Media updated?
BeoLink Media is updated automatically via the Internet on a daily basis. The update is downloaded in the background and stored on the hard disk without disturbing the user.
How do I set up a wireless network for BeoLink Media?
To set up a wireless network, you need to fit a wireless PCMCIA network card in the HomeCenter Media unit. You then need to adjust the settings in the Control Panel, under Network Connections, by selecting the Wireless Network Connection and clicking Properties.
