Bard QW 4S1

Manuals and User Guides for Bard QW 4S1. We found 6 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

Below you will find brief information for QW QW2S1, QW QW3S1, QW QW4S1. These models offer a staged capacity packaged heat pump system that is designed for residential and commercial applications. They are equipped with a variable speed ECM motor to maintain rated airflow up to the maximum static allowed. The units are also equipped with an anti-short cycle/lockout timer with high and low pressure switch monitoring and alarm relay output.

Key Features

  • Staged Capacity
  • Variable Speed ECM Motor
  • Compressor Control Module
  • High & Low Pressure Switch Monitoring
  • Alarm Relay Output

Pages: 48 Bard QW 4S1 Installation instructions

Brand: Bard Category: Climate control Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

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47 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

48 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

46 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

46 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

47 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I install this geothermal heat pump?
Follow the installation instructions provided in the manual to install the unit correctly. Ensure that you consult with a qualified technician for guidance and assistance.
What are the acceptable operating voltage ranges for the 240 and 208V taps?
The acceptable operating voltage ranges are listed in Table 2. For 240V tap, the range is 253 - 216 volts. For 208V tap, the range is 220 - 187 volts.
What should I do if the high pressure switch opens?
When the high pressure switch opens, the compressor contactor will de-energize immediately. The lockout timer will go into a soft lockout and stay in soft lockout until the high pressure switch closes and the delay on break time has expired. If the high pressure switch opens again in the same operating cycle, the unit will go into manual lockout condition and the alarm relay circuit will energize. Recycling the wall thermostat resets the manual lockout.
