Becker SunWindControl SWC441A-II

Manuals and User Guides for Becker SunWindControl SWC441A-II. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Assembly And Operating Instructions

Below you will find brief information for Handheld transmitter SunWindControl SWC441A-II. The SunWindControl SWC441A-II is a handheld transmitter designed for controlling sun protection systems. It features automatic and manual modes of operation, allowing you to set threshold values for wind and sun protection. This enables the system to automatically retract when wind speeds or sunlight intensity exceeds the preset limits. The device also allows you to program multiple transmitters for controlling the system.

Key Features

  • Automatic and manual operation
  • Wind and sun protection thresholds
  • Multiple transmitter programming

Pages: 24 Becker SunWindControl SWC441A-II Assembly And Operating Instructions

Brand: Becker Category: Home security & automation Size: 1 MB

Languages: German, English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I set the wind threshold value?
The wind threshold value can be set using the wind threshold control switch. It has 11 different levels, and turning the control switch slowly will produce a clacking sound for each level. The left limit stop is level 1, while the right limit stop is level 11.
What happens when the wind speed exceeds the preset wind threshold?
The sun protection system will automatically retract and remain closed until the wind speed remains below the preset wind threshold for approximately 15 minutes.
How do I program additional transmitters to the system?
First, press the learn button of the master transmitter until the receiver acknowledges. Then, press the learn button of the new transmitter until acknowledgement is received. Finally, press the learn button of the new transmitter again. The receiver will indicate when the learn process is complete.
How do I change the battery?
The battery is located inside the handheld transmitter. You can change the battery by opening the back cover.
