Blackberry 9720

Manuals and User Guides for Blackberry 9720. We found 13 manuals for free downloads User manual, Manual, Owner's manual, Hard reset manual, User Guide

Below you will find brief information for smartphone 9720. The BlackBerry 9720 smartphone is a powerful and versatile device that allows you to stay connected, organized, and entertained. With its full QWERTY keyboard and a large, vibrant display, you can easily type messages, browse the web, and enjoy multimedia content. Easily connect to the Internet using a cellular network or Wi-Fi technology. The smartphone also lets you share your mobile internet connection with other devices using Mobile Hotspot mode. Use the built-in camera to capture photos and videos, or use the voice recording feature to capture notes and memos.

Key Features

  • Full QWERTY keyboard
  • Large, vibrant display
  • Cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Mobile Hotspot mode
  • Built-in camera
  • Voice recording

Pages: 412 Blackberry 9720 User manual

Brand: Blackberry Category: Smartphones Size: 14 MB

Languages: English

Table of contents

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

367 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

4 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

4 Pages


Languages: German

4 Pages

User manual

Languages: French

437 Pages

User manual

Languages: Italian

451 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German

443 Pages

User manual

Languages: French

4 Pages


Languages: Portuguese

423 Pages

User manual

Languages: Slovak

1 Pages

Hard reset manual

Languages: French

436 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Dutch

4 Pages

User Guide

Languages: Turkish

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I set up my BlackBerry 9720 smartphone?
The Setup application will guide you through the initial setup process. You can also find more detailed information in the User Guide, which is available online.
How do I connect to the internet?
You can connect to the internet using a cellular network or Wi-Fi technology. To connect to a Wi-Fi network, open the Manage Connections application and select Wi-Fi.
How do I use the camera?
To take a picture, open the Camera application and press the right convenience key.
How do I record a voice memo?
Open the Voice Notes Recorder application and press the record button. You can also create a new voice note from the Media application.
