Bontrager TRIP 2

Manuals and User Guides for Bontrager TRIP 2. We found 4 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

**Bontrager Trip** The Bontrager Trip bike computer is a versatile and easy-to-use device that can help you track your cycling progress and performance. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, the Trip is perfect for both recreational and serious cyclists alike. **Key Features:** * Tracks speed, distance, time, and temperature * Stores two different wheel sizes * Backlight for visibility in low-light conditions * Wireless sensor for easy installation * Automatic sleep mode to conserve battery life **Possible Use Cases:** * Tracking your progress on a daily commute * Monitoring your speed and distance during a long ride

Pages: 22 Bontrager TRIP 2 Owner's manual

Brand: Bontrager Category: Bicycle accessories Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

22 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Dutch

22 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Spanish

22 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: French

Questions & Answers



How do I replace the batteries?
1. Remove the computer from its base and rotate the battery cover about one-quarter turn counter-clockwise. 2. Lift the battery cover, being careful not to lose the rubber O-ring seal. 3. Remove the old battery. 4. Insert the new CR2032 lithium cell battery (3 volts) with the ‘cross’ and identifying label pointing up. 5. Replace the battery cover with the O-ring seal and rotate it clockwise one-quarter turn.
