Buchi KjelSampler K-376

Manuals and User Guides for Buchi KjelSampler K-376. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Operation manual, User's manual

Buchi KjelSampler K-376 is an automatic sampler which extends the capabilities of the KjelMaster K-375. This device supports a wide range of applications, including the determination of nitrogen and protein content in food, feed, soil, and waste. The sampler comes with a variety of features that make it easy to use and maintain. For example, the K-376 has a large sample capacity of 120 samples, which allows users to run multiple samples unattended. Additionally, the sampler is equipped with a barcode reader, which can be used to automatically identify samples. The K-376 also has a number of safety features, such as a spill tray and a fume hood, which help to protect users from hazardous chemicals.

Key Features

  • Automatic sampler for KjelMaster K-375
  • Supports a wide range of applications
  • Large sample capacity of 120 samples
  • Barcode reader for automatic sample identification
  • Spill tray and fume hood for user safety
  • Fully automated distillation and titration process
  • Intuitive user interface and easy-to-use software
  • High precision and accuracy
  • Compact design and easy to maintain

Pages: 162 Buchi KjelSampler K-376 Operation manual

Brand: Buchi Category: Industrial & lab equipment Size: 21 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

168 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of Buchi KjelSampler K-376?
The Buchi KjelSampler K-376 is an automatic sampler for the KjelMaster K-375. It is used to automate the distillation and titration process for the determination of nitrogen and protein content in food, feed, soil, and waste.
What are the benefits of using Buchi KjelSampler K-376?
The Buchi KjelSampler K-376 offers a number of benefits, including increased productivity, improved accuracy and precision, and reduced labor costs.
What are the key features of Buchi KjelSampler K-376?
The Buchi KjelSampler K-376 has a number of key features, including a large sample capacity of 120 samples, a barcode reader for automatic sample identification, and a spill tray and fume hood for user safety.
How easy is it to use Buchi KjelSampler K-376?
The Buchi KjelSampler K-376 is easy to use, with an intuitive user interface and easy-to-use software.
How accurate is Buchi KjelSampler K-376?
The Buchi KjelSampler K-376 is highly accurate and precise, providing reliable results.
