Buick Le Sabre

Manuals and User Guides for Buick Le Sabre. We found 15 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual, Manual

Below you will find brief information for car 1993 LeSabre. This manual tells you how keep your 1993 LeSabre running properly and looking good. It also provides information on vehicle maintenance, fluids and lubricants to use, and contact information for customer assistance. The manual also includes safety and vehicle damage warnings, and how to use the safety belts properly.

Key Features

  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Seat Adjustment
  • Safety Belts
  • Airbags
  • Comfort Controls
  • Audio Systems
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Customer Assistance

Pages: 388 Buick Le Sabre Owner's manual

Brand: Buick Category: Cars Size: 18 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How can I adjust the driver's seat?
Move the lever under the front seat to unlock it. Slide the seat to where you want it. Then release the lever and try to move the seat with your body to make sure the seat is locked into place.
Where is the airbag located in the vehicle?
The driver's airbag is in the middle of the steering wheel.
What should I do if the airbag readiness light does not come on when starting the vehicle?
If the airbag readiness light doesn't come on when you start your vehicle, or stays on, or comes on when you are driving, your airbag system may not work properly. Have your vehicle serviced right away.
What should I do if I need to have an anchor installed for a child restraint?
You can ask your Buick dealer to put it in for you. If you want to install an anchor yourself, your dealer can tell you how to do it.
What should I do if the latch plate will not go fully into the buckle when buckling the lap-shoulder belt?
See if you are using the buckle for the center passenger position.
