Manuals and User Guides for CARVIN BX 1500. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual, Operating manual

Below you will find brief information for Bass Amplifier BX 1500. This manual details the features of the BX Series Bass Amplifier Heads, which offer classic natural bass tone with unprecedented tonal control and extended headroom. It begins with a boutique flat response, then we add extensive tone control allowing you to carve out your signature sound. The BX1500 is powerful and features a 9 band graphic EQ so you can fine tune your sound for specific songs or playing styles.

Key Features

  • Discrete Class A input stages
  • Bypassable 12AX7 preamp tube
  • 3 mid sweep semi-parametric EQ
  • 9-band Graphic EQ
  • Signal MUTE switch
  • EFFECT LOOP front panel bypass switch
  • DIRECT OUT balanced XLR
  • Single knob optical COMPRESSOR
  • High current SPEAKON® combo connectors
  • Lightweight design

Pages: 4 CARVIN BX 1500 User manual

Brand: CARVIN Category: Musical Equipment Size: 712 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

4 Pages

Operating manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I connect a speaker cabinet to the BX1500?
Connect the speaker cabinet to one of the rear SPEAKER OUTPUTs with the POWER off. Make sure the total impedance is not below 2 ohms for each SPK 1 or SPK 2 jack and 4 ohms for the BRIDGE ONLY jack. 1/4" speaker cables can be plugged into the center of the green SPEAKON® jacks. The SPEAKON® connector is highly recommended for BRIDGE mode.
What is the purpose of the DRIVE control on the BX1500?
The DRIVE control adjusts the input level to the class A preamps. It can also be used to change the harmonic content of your sound. Turning the knob closer to 10 will create a more overdriven tone
What is the purpose of the ACTIVE switch on the BX1500?
Flip the ACTIVE switch to the DOWN position for standard bass pickups. If your bass uses a battery with an onboard active preamp, put the switch in the UP position.
How do I use the BRIDGE mode on the BX1500?
The AMP BRIDGE switch enables the full power of both amps in the BX1500 to be sent to the single BRIDGE ONLY jack. DO NOT use SPK 1 or SPK 2 jacks in the BRIDGE mode. This mode is used to get the most power into one speaker enclosure, or several identical enclosures. Be sure your speaker(s) can handle 1500watts for 4ohm or 900watts for 8ohm enclosures. When using speakers of unequal impedance make sure they can handle the full wattage.
What is the purpose of the COMPRESSOR knob on the BX1500?
As the COMP knob is turned up (clockwise), the compressor lets a lower percentage of peak signals to pass through. This percentage is called the "compression ratio". When the knob is at the off position (full counter-clockwise) the ratio is 1:1, where all of the input signal passes through the compressor without being affected. At the MAX setting, the compression ratio is 3:1. The advantage of a compressor is to the reduce peaks and other sudden loud parts (transients) of your playing so you can increase your overall volume. For example, in slap bass playing, the plucked notes can put out peaks that would distort the amplifier at normal playing volumes. If the amp's volume was adjusted for these peaks, the rest of the notes would be too quiet to hear with the band.
