CPS Products FX3030 Dual Gas AC Machine

Manuals and User Guides for CPS Products FX3030 Dual Gas AC Machine. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual, Product Datasheet

CPS Products FX134A is a fully-featured refrigerant management system designed to recover, recycle, and recharge automotive A/C systems efficiently. Its user-friendly 7-inch color touchscreen control panel and patented oilless compressor make it effortless to operate and maintain. The FX134A's fast and complete refrigerant changeover system ensures efficient servicing, while its hybrid compatibility expands its versatility. With a recovery rate of up to 1 lb/min and a powerful 6 CFM vacuum pump, the FX134A ensures fast and effective refrigerant handling.

Pages: 14 CPS Products FX3030 Dual Gas AC Machine Owner's manual

Brand: CPS Products Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 578 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

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2 Pages

Product Datasheet

Languages: English
