Cartft M2 ATX

Manuals and User Guides for Cartft M2 ATX. We found 2 manuals for free downloads installation Guide

Below you will find brief information for ATX Power Supply M2 ATX. The M2-ATX is a power sequencer/vehicle ATX power supply designed to work with a wide variety of main boards. It addresses power consumption while the computer is OFF by cutting off the 5VSB rail after a pre-defined amount of time. It can operate as low as 6V and as high as 28V while providing strict regulation on all rails along with input voltage clamping and reverse protection.

Key Features

  • Wide Input Voltage Range (6-24V)
  • Power Sequencing for Vehicle Applications
  • 5VSB Rail Shut-off for Reduced Power Consumption
  • Stable Power Output with Regulation
  • Anti-Thump Feature for Amplifiers
  • Deep-Discharge Protection
  • Reverse Polarity Protection
  • Over-Voltage Clamping

Pages: 4 Cartft M2 ATX installation Guide

Brand: Cartft Category: Computer components Size: 252 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

5 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: French

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of the M2-ATX power sequencer?
The M2-ATX is designed to provide stable and reliable power to a computer in a vehicle environment. It features power sequencing which allows the computer to start up safely and shut down gracefully while preventing excessive power consumption.
What is the function of the 5VSB rail shut-off?
The 5VSB rail shut-off feature is intended to minimize power consumption when the computer is off. By disabling the 5VSB rail after a set time, the M2-ATX helps to prevent battery drain.
What is the anti-thump function?
The anti-thump function prevents loud pops from the car audio amplifier when the computer starts up. This is achieved by delaying the amplifier's power-on until after the computer has started.
