Cateye SL LD100

Manuals and User Guides for Cateye SL LD100. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for safety light SL-LD100. The SL-LD100 safety light is a compact and waterproof device designed to be used on a bicycle. This light features an adjustable band for mounting on the bicycle frame, and a magnet switch for easy on/off operation. It comes with two CR2032 batteries and can be operated in flashing, constant, or alternating modes. The light is also easy to attach and detach, making it perfect for everyday use.

Key Features

  • Compact and waterproof
  • Adjustable band for mounting
  • Magnet switch for easy on/off
  • Operates in flashing, constant, or alternating modes
  • Easy to attach and detach

Pages: 1 Cateye SL LD100 User manual

Brand: Cateye Category: Motor vehicle accessories & components Size: 224 KB

Languages: English, French

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I attach the safety light to my bicycle?
Pull the plastic tab and securely tighten the adjuster to properly fasten the light. Be sure to insert the band in the side notches.
How do I turn the light on and off?
To turn the light on/off, simply touch the marked area on the magnet switch to the marked area on the light.
What type of batteries does the light use?
The light uses two CR2032 batteries.
How do I replace the batteries?
Firmly press the light together with your hands and turn counter-clockwise to open. Insert the band in the top portion of the light, making sure the band is aligned inside the band guide. Close the light completely.
Is the light waterproof?
Yes, the light is waterproof up to 50m/165ft.
