Channel Vision IR-2400
Manuals and User Guides for Channel Vision IR-2400. We found 9 manuals for free downloads instruction manual, User Guide, User manual, User's Guide, Instructions
Channel Vision IR-2400 is a versatile IR receiver that can be used in various ways to enhance your home entertainment system. It is a plasma-proof IR receiver with status LEDs for IR signal indication. It comes with versatile mounting accessories, allowing you to install it as a very small receiver, an in-cabinet tube type receiver, or an unobtrusive desktop type receiver. The IR-2400's effective receive distance of up to 40 feet makes it ideal for use in larger rooms. It also features a wide IR frequency range of 30 kHz to 60 kHz, making it compatible with most IR remote controls.
Key Features
- Transmits audio, video, power, and IR over CAT5
- Adapts standard cameras to CAT5
- Compatible with P-6014 camera sequencer
- Cost-effective and easy to install
- Standalone and integrated applications
- Up to 250ft CAT5 cable length
Pages: 2 Channel Vision IR-2400 instruction manual
Brand: Channel Vision Category: Computer TV tuners Size: 270 KB
Languages: English
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Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the maximum CAT5 cable length?
What cameras are compatible with the 3112?
What is the P-6014?
What is the purpose of the IR-2400?