Copystar CS-1650

Manuals and User Guides for Copystar CS-1650. We found 29 manuals for free downloads Operating instructions, Data Sheet, User's manual, User manual, Setup Guide, Quick start Guide, User Guide, User guide, installation Guide, Quick Installation Guide

Copystar CS-1650 is a versatile and efficient copier designed to meet your document reproduction needs. With a print speed of 16 ppm, it quickly produces high-quality copies, allowing you to handle your tasks efficiently. Its various features, such as zoom copying, duplex copying, and combine copying, provide added convenience and flexibility for your copying jobs.

Key Features

  • 16 ppm print speed for fast copying
  • Zoom copying for enlarging or reducing documents
  • Duplex copying for double-sided copies
  • Combine copying for creating booklets or combining multiple originals
  • Staple copying for easy document binding
  • Interrupt mode for pausing and resuming copy jobs
  • Borderline types for adding a professional touch to copies

Pages: 176 Copystar CS-1650 Operating instructions

Brand: Copystar Category: Copiers Size: 3 MB

Languages: English

Table of contents

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

1 Pages

Data Sheet

Languages: English

32 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

140 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

104 Pages

User's manual

Languages: English

49 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

33 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

47 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

22 Pages

Setup Guide

Languages: English

7 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

19 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

220 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: English

9 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum number of copies I can make with this copier?
You can make up to 99 copies with the Copystar CS-1650.
Can I adjust the image quality of my copies?
Yes, you can adjust the copy exposure to lighten or darken your copies, ensuring optimal image quality.
Is it possible to copy documents of different sizes?
Yes, the Copystar CS-1650 allows you to select the original size to ensure accurate and proportional copies.
Can I interrupt a copy job and resume it later?
Yes, the interrupt mode feature lets you pause a copy job and resume it whenever you're ready, providing added flexibility.
Is it possible to create booklets or combine multiple originals into a single copy?
Yes, the combine copying feature allows you to create booklets or combine multiple originals into a single copy, making it convenient for creating reports or presentations.
