Delta-T GP2 Data Logger

Manuals and User Guides for Delta-T GP2 Data Logger. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

The Delta-T GP2 Data Logger is a research-grade logger controller designed for complex calculated measurements and advanced feedback control. It boasts 12 differential analogue input channels, four event/digital counter channels, and a serial input channel for up to 62 SDI-12 sensors or a single WET sensor. The GP2 can hold about 2.5 million readings and allows for multiple recording rates and types, including average, minimum, maximum, total, integral, wind-rose, and conditional.

Key Features

  • 12 Analogue Inputs
  • 4 Event/Digital Channels
  • SDI-12 Interface
  • Relay Control
  • Complex Calculations
  • Large Data Storage
  • Multiple Recording Types
  • User-Defined Sensors
  • Simulator for Program Testing

Pages: 68 Delta-T GP2 Data Logger User manual

Brand: Delta-T Size: 4 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How many SDI-12 sensors can I connect to the GP2?
The GP2 can handle up to 62 SDI-12 sensors, but the actual number will depend on cable length, program measurements, and GP2 memory.
What type of sensors are compatible with the GP2?
The GP2 supports all Delta-T sensors, many third-party sensors, including SDI-12, and user-defined sensors based on voltage, current, resistance, bridge, potentiometer, counter, frequency, and digital state sensors.
Can I use the GP2 for irrigation control?
Yes, the GP2 provides relay channels for controlling irrigation systems based on sensor readings and programmed thresholds.
How do I create a simple program for the GP2?
DeltaLINK 3 software provides a user-friendly interface for creating programs. The manual outlines a step-by-step process for creating simple programs in 6 easy steps, including adding new measurements, selecting sensors, and configuring recording rates.
What is the GP2 Simulator used for?
The GP2 Simulator helps you test and understand how your logging and control programs will behave in real-world scenarios. It simulates weather patterns and their effects on various sensors.
