Delta-T Irrigation Control

Manuals and User Guides for Delta-T Irrigation Control. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Quick start Guide

Delta-T Irrigation Control is a device designed to help you optimize the watering of your plants. It uses the SM300 soil moisture sensors to monitor the moisture content in your container-grown plants and automatically adjusts irrigation based on the readings. This allows you to reduce water use, improve plant growth, and save time and money on watering.

Key Features

  • Soil Moisture Sensing
  • Automated Irrigation
  • Reduced Water Use
  • Improved Plant Growth
  • Timer Integration

Pages: 12 Delta-T Irrigation Control Quick start Guide

Brand: Delta-T Size: 796 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I connect the SM300 soil moisture sensor to the GP1 irrigation monitor?
Refer to the GP1 Quick Start Guide for detailed instructions. Connect the cable from the SM300 through the cable gland and connect to Channel 1. Ensure the connectors are clean and fully pushed home. Tighten to maintain the seal.
What kind of plants can I use this irrigation system for?
This system is particularly suited for container-grown plants but can also be used for shallow-rooting crops in free-draining compost or soil.
What happens if the moisture level falls below the lower threshold?
The GP1 will trigger the irrigation system to turn on. It will then check the moisture levels periodically and turn off the irrigation once the moisture level rises above the upper threshold.
