Delta-T WET-GP1 Logging
Manuals and User Guides for Delta-T WET-GP1 Logging. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Quick start Guide
Delta-T WET-GP1 Logging is a data logger that can monitor soil moisture and conductivity using a WET sensor. It features multiple channels, allowing you to monitor various parameters. The device can also be used to control irrigation systems, leveraging readings from WET sensors.
Key Features
- Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Conductivity Measurement
- Irrigation Control
- Multiple Sensor Channels
- Calibration Options
- Data Logging
- DeltaLINK Software Compatible
Pages: 8 Delta-T WET-GP1 Logging Quick start Guide
Brand: Delta-T Size: 675 KB
Languages: English
Open manualFrequently Answers and Questions
How do I calibrate the WET sensor?
The latest WET sensors have built-in calibrations, but you can also load them from a file. Consult the manual for details on calibration options and file downloads.
Can I control irrigation based on WET sensor readings?
Yes, the GP1 can trigger its alarm, control, and dual-rate logging functions based on the WET sensor readings.
What soil types can I use with the GP1?
The GP1 supports organic, mineral, clay, and sandy soils. You can also purchase special calibrations for artificial growing media like stonewool and horticultural substrates.